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TWLD Season 16 Week 9 Hot or Not

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  • TWLD Season 16 Week 9 Hot or Not

    The final 5 games of the TWLD season went down today. Here's a look at them.

    dice vs. Fierce
    37 - 50
    MVP: Dak!

    The first of three games that really mattered today proves to be a letdown for dice, as they stumble and fall to Fierce by 13. Congratulations to Fierce on their undefeated season! And Fierce did it today without anybody really taking over to carry, as everyone on their line had at least 9 kills, with Dak (9-3) staying back and letting everyone else take deaths to nab the MVP. Not too shabby at all. Delectable (10-10) led a respectable effort for dice, but they had a mountain to overcome to guarantee themselves a playoff spot. They'll need help from Thunder now, though.

    TL;DR Dak dodges heavy fire and gets a clutch kill.

    LEGO vs. Spastic
    50 - 0
    Spastic forfeits

    Nothing really to write about this. LEGO gets their 2nd win via forfeit. Don't even need a TL;DR gif for this. But here's one, anyhow.

    TL;DR When LEGO wasn't looking, Spastic ran away!

    Penetrate vs. Real
    37 - 50
    MVP: avaruus alus!

    A game for positioning and nothing else, really. Penetrate, with a win, had a chance to secure the #2 seed had Thunder also lost. Instead, Real bumps them down to the #4 seed with a 13 point win. Leading the charge was avaruus alus (14-6), a name that most of you would know better as Sika. Also, I'd like to note that Jones (11-8) had a solid game against a potential future playoff opponent, so that's a bit of good news for Real to see him perhaps get back on track. Penetrate was led by Bacon (11-10), someone who hasn't seen a huge amount of play but will probably be relied on more with the recent departures of Rasaq, Raazi and Guero. Shame about that, really.

    TL;DR Despite Penetrate's best efforts, Real didn't have to try very hard to win at all.

    Potenza vs. Quicksand
    50 - 28
    MVP: Izor!

    Perhaps it was an attempt to bring back some old magic. Perhaps Quicksand merely couldn't field enough players. Whatever it was, they went old school and tried to 4v5 their way past Potenza. It didn't exactly work, as instead, they got steamrolled as Potenza picks up a win and a playoff berth. Izor (14-10) played a good, albeit selfish game to grab the MVP while his team (14-30 combined) managed to match his individual kill total. okyo (12-6) led Potenza in scoring, although, let's face it, they didn't really have to do -that- much to win it. Congrats to them, anyhow!

    TL;DR okyo ruins Kyou's day.

    hit vs. Thunder (Game of the Week)
    50 - 47
    MVP: Lasenza!

    This was an awesome game until the ending came and made it all hilarious. A tight battle for the first quarter highlighted by a strong start by Ease (13-9, subbed out) and LaSenza (18-9) when hit pulled out to an 8 point lead, lost it, and didn't pull a LEGO, although we may never be entirely sure about how it could have went down. The moment everyone is going to remember from this, of course, is CrimsonX's untimely sub, where he subbed himself in right as Ease escaped danger, instantly lagged out, and cost Thunder the match. Amazing, isn't it? That lagout alone may have cost Dice the playoffs. You can thank him at your leisure. And I forgot to say Congratulations to hit for making the playoffs as well! GJ

    TL;DR This is probably how CrimsonX feels now

    Hot of the Week: LaSenza! (18-9 MVP)
    Honorable Mentions: Fierce (for a solid spread of scores this week and going undefeated), Sika (14-6)

    After the game ended, there was no doubt in my mind who Hot of the Week was going to be. The LaSenza-led hit made Thunder work for a win and they didn't even get it. Ridiculous game, and a great season for LaSenza, leading every WB in total kills.

    Not of the Week: CrimsonX! (For one of the most untimely subs in TWLD history)
    Dishonorable mentions: Spastic (for not showing up), Kyou and wicket666 (5-20 combined)

    After the game ended, there was no doubt in my mind who Not of the Week was going to be. While I'm sure it was meant well, CrimsonX cost Thunder, at the very least, an entertaining finish to the match, and at the most, a win. At least it was hilarious, though.

    Time to talk playoffs.

    1) Fierce
    2) Thunder

    have byes next week due to seeding.

    Which means next week, we'll see

    #3 Real vs #6 Potenza
    #4 Penetrate vs #5 hit

    Good luck in your best of 3's, guys. Welcome to the playoffs.
    Last edited by Ganon-Knight; 04-15-2012, 06:42 PM.

  • #2
    good read.


    • #3
      fierce vs thunder finals
      1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

      1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

      Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

      Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

      Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


      • #4
        good read but -1 cuz u have "lasenza" in ur post


        • #5
          solid read, funny .gifs (especially homer haha). izor labeling quicksand a serious contender in pre-season prediction thread he made then this is icing on the cake.
          top 100 basers list


          • #6
            need to give shutouts to muh boi Murder tho -- Lasenza "winning" scoring race is bullshit. He had 105 in 9 games, Murder had 102 in 8 (Spastics bullshit forfeit), and played 37 minutes less, and on a worse team with less wins, and is a team player and not a selfish reccing running solo'ing bitch like Lasenza.

            Murder def. had the best year, guy plays on Paladen then Lego in LD, teams that only win 2 games a season, and he plays in all 3 leagues, unlike Lasenza.

            Murder > Lasenza.
            top 100 basers list


            • #7
              Gotta agree with that. Had Spastic actually shown up to play, Murder would have had to sit in order to not get 4 kills. But them's the brakes, unfortunately. Definitely wasn't trying to negate his accomplishments, though. In fact, quite the opposite, as I've been singing his praises all season. Just couldn't do it today
              GOD DAMMIT NAPPA


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ganon-Knight View Post
                Gotta agree with that. Had Spastic actually shown up to play, Murder would have had to sit in order to not get 4 kills. But them's the brakes, unfortunately. Definitely wasn't trying to negate his accomplishments, though. In fact, quite the opposite, as I've been singing his praises all season. Just couldn't do it today
                yeah i know you have wasn't criticizing you, just giving him shout out. shudnt feed murders ego tho, guy already gud in every league but murder think she gr8 terr and is awful, dis shoutout i give her not helping me get thru 2 her hehe
                top 100 basers list


                • #9
                  good read why dah fuk potenza playing double header vs real in lj and ld halp

                  and it's easier to get more skills if your team is bad and can't get kills, simple math your statistics are flawed i say. lool


                  • #10
                    Nice read, and I like the little funny video clips to describe the feel of the game. lol
                    RaCka> how can i get you here
                    death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
                    RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
                    death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN

