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TWLD Week 3 Hot or Not

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  • TWLD Week 3 Hot or Not

    Value vs Juans
    Winner:Value 50-31
    Juans turned up for this game facing yet another twld heavyweight expecting to get beat but just wondering by how much.
    Value played a different line this week, Ivf, Ricko, Racka and Delectable all not playing, Old boys Plob#f and Burnt making a appearance for the first time this season.

    Game started out very slow, Juans even had a early lead and then kept it evens till 10-10, Burnt unexpectedly starting off with a 0-3 and was really struggling to get back into the twl groove from such a long absence and Nowyoudie actually pushing Value back, however as was expected the Juans line Crumbled after a few silly mistakes and was a landslide agaist Juans never tilted back in Juans favor.

    From that point Sirius and Guero having a field day with the off balance and uncoordinated Juans wrecking them like it was a elim race till 20.
    Hot of the Match: Sirius 14-6, Guero 12-6
    Not of the match: Sulla 2-10

    Enemy Vs Savanger
    Winner:Enemy 50-35
    This result isn't a absolute shock, but rather a upset, Savanger dispite being on bad form are a Warbird squad, and for them to lose this they ought to be kicking themselfs. From the word Go, Enemy a basing squad pushed them, beat them and quite frankly humiliated them. No disrespect to Mitb and Olde who both had decent scores when all other 3 warbirds died and this reflects that savanger have not had a deep enough roster.

    Enemy played brilliantly and dueling man Biet rushing up to Savanger players 1 by 1 and slapping them with a dueling glove and dispatching them shortly after, and Kate Upton being a solid rock in the enemy line. Skatarius really struggled in this one, but with almost every Enemy player playing well it mattered not.

    Hot of the match:Biet 15-7
    Nots of the Match: Pterodactyl 1-4, Rigorous 0-4 and Collossus 5-10

    Fierce Vs Wolf
    Winner:Fierce 50-29
    This was predicted as being a close match and really from the offset it wasn't, Fierce dominated from start to go and are looking a bit frightening for its opponents. The fact of the matter was that Fierce won 50-29 and had Skepsis not had a 3-10 score I'd hate to see how one sided the scoreline would have looked. Apok was pushing and Dak, Welt and Lasenza all playing ranged games just cut the 4 legged mongrels to pieces, (Not sure what Skepsis was doing I guess he was the Cannon Fodder in this match on rotation). Only person who went positive for Wolf was Rasaq, no one else in wolf could even put their fists up and give a decent fight, Sir spider was subbed at 1-4 by Star Fox, and Sir Spider left the arena immediately, from the chants of the spectators Sir rage quit, and Star fox didn't do much better when he entered the game.This was supposedly game of the week I think we all were expecting wolf to reach the 40 kill mark.

    Hots of the match: Welt 9-1, Apok 14-7, Dak 11-4
    Nots of the match:Sir spider 1-4, Stylez 5-10, Flew 4-10, and Quartz 5-10 (more or less all of wolf apart from Rasaq) and Skepsis with a unexpected 3-10 for Fierce.

    Pandora vs Paladen
    Winner: Pandora 50-31, and then Paladen, so now no one
    Pandora smashed Paladen, Paladen appealed stating their best two players, who no one has ever heard of, were banned resulting in making Jessup add an even more terrible line, as if that was possible. No point in explaining this game anymore since it's going to be replayed and the outcome will still be the same.

    OVERALL HOT OF THE WEEK: Apok 14-7 (vs a stronger opponent) , Biet 15-7, Sirius 14-6

    NOT OF THE WEEK: Sulla 2-10 followed by Flew 4-10

    Cheers everyone.
    Thanks yet again to Attacks for helping watch all the games/writing the HoN with me.
    help: (Violence) (twjd): dice hacking the serve every1 on thundir lag out and noone on dice lagout @ same junctire
    help: (Violence) (twjd): main suspicts in this act of terrorism is mr weak cuz shis the only pikistini online 4 dice @ this instint

  • #2
    Sensationalist media at its best. I asked to be subbed due to technical issues and it happened basically immediately. I restarted Continuum and was back in the arena after about 30 seconds of being gone.

    also i didn't play very well and deserved to be subbed, issues or not
    Last edited by Ganon-Knight; 01-27-2014, 11:45 PM.


    • #3
      y sir spider rage hard after being subbed out
      1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

      1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

      Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

      Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

      Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


      • #4
        I was at Sir Spider's house; he did rage quit and I saw him break his hand while punching the wall in anger.
        It was me logging back in within 30 secs for him --> he went 2 hospital.

