TWLD Official Hot or Not Week 6 - By: Exalt
Along with Scores/Commentary/Overall Acknowlegement of Good or Bad Games
Firstly, I'd like to say that I realize it is a bit unorthadox to post scores and things here, but it not only helps me with remember how the games went, but also reminds all of you as well. I will be letting everyone see how great they played and/or how horribly they played as well. Accountability is a great thing. For anyone that dislikes this, just look down at the Lightning Strike section and see my horrible record. I'm certainly not going to excuse myself from my own rules. Anyway, let's get down to it.
Pandora vs Enemy
Pandora Starters: Mythril, Best,, Weak. Obi, zidane SUBS: tanzu
Enemy Starters: cranium, skatarius, Kate Upton, Ayn, JURRASSIC SUBS: none
Pandora Scores:
Best 17 - 9
Mythril 12- 6
Obi 0 -7 Subbed out
Weak 12- 6
zidane 8 -7
Tanzu 1 - 0 Subbed In
Enemy Scores:
Ayn 7-10
cranium 5-10
Kate Upton 10-10
skatarius 6-10
Winner: Pandora 50-35 (I predicted correctly even down to the final score!) So far, 1-0 in TWLM Betting Predictions!
Okay, so this game was a blowout by any and all accounts, which Exaltradamus predicted earlier this week in my LD Week 6 Prediction Thread. There is not much to say here, because this was expected to happen by nearly everyone except maybe a few hopeful players on Enemy who prayed to whatever Diety they may believe in. Simply put, the skill level of these two squads do not match up very well, but I do give Enemy huge credit for trying their best. Beyond that, I simply do not have much commentary to add. This game was expected to be a blowout, and it was. The only question mark was who was going to start for Pandora due to Enemy being considered a "weak" squad on the schedule, and also who would show up and MVP/carry/play the best. I apologize for anyone who wanted more of a commentary on this game, but there isn't much of a storyline beyond one, which I will gladly mention:
Mythril had told me prior to the match that he literally had just woken up about 1 to 2 minutes before the start of the game. Due to this, he had a few disadvantages. One of them was probably morning wood, but that isn't what I'm going to comment about. His main disadvantage was having to pee. What did Myth do to eleviate these concerns? He pissed in a bottle! Yes Ladies (or fake subspace ladies anyway, fgts) and Gents, Mythril managed to go 12-6 while pissing in a bottle and playing at the same time. That definitely deserves some recognition!
HOT Player of the Game: would clearly be Best with an insane 17 kills, while also avoiding dying out (which many end up doing trying too hard to get an even higher score). A 17-9 record is definitely nothing to scoff at, and Best has made yet another case for why he should be in the ALL-STAR game at the end of the season. Best/Cho is probably one of the best warbirds of this new generation of warbirds, and he proves it week in/week out. This week was definitely no exception. He also did this with a fairly weak/joke line-up against an overachieving, yet skill-lacking squad Enemy. This was clearly not Pandora's best line-up by any stretch, yet Best proved that it didn't matter. So for tl;dr: BEST
HOT Honorable Mentions: Mythril and Weak definitely put in some work for Pandora's side, with very respectable 12-6 records. Also, to not forget about Enemy, I would like to put in a shout out to Kate Upton, a player who (as far as I know) comes from a completely different zone. He was the only one to even go even in this whole affair, and due to the beatdown that Pandora gave them, that is worth a mention in and of itself. Kate Upton, good job on trying to keep your squad respectable. For tl;dr Mythril, Weak, and Kate Upton
NOT Players of the Game: Obi gets this award for being absolutely useless, failing to get a single kill, and sucking it up vs one of the worst LD squads in TWL. Beyond that, nobody else is really worth mentioning, unless I said the entire Enemy roster, which I won't do because at least they got kills!
Quotes from spectators: There really weren't many, and I asked around, but this is the best one I could get. Judge it as you may, and for the future, if you'd like to get your quotes in a future section of LD HoN, either PM me or write me an Emai through TW Forums and you will most likely get a shout out/mention:
(Mighty)>As Best started the round off hungry and craving enemies blood he goes in and completely obliterates them,
not giving much care to his surroundings just going in and blatently destroying them in savage mode ending the game
off with a mighty 1
Wolf vs Juans
Wolf Starters: rasaq, Quart, Sphinktor, swim, Unabled SUBS: Paky Dude
Juans Starters: Fiora, Nowyoudie, Risk, Roiwek, DarkStrike SUBS:None
Wolf Scores:
rasaq 16 - 5
Quart 0- 4 Subbed out
Sphinktor 10 -1
swim 9- 10
Unabled 7 -9
Paky Dude 8 - 2 Subbed In
Juans Scores:
Fiora 8-10
Nowyoudie 7-10
Risk 1-10
Roiwek 7-10
DarkStrike 8-10
Winner: Wolf 50-31 (Exaltradamus is now 2-0 in TWLM Predictions! My only failure was Juans scoring 6 more kills than I predicted.)
Okay, so this game was ANOTHER blowout by any and all accounts, which came as no suprise to anyone. I have serious doubts that Juans will wina single game this year, but even still, everyone NEEDS to give them props and credit for not dissolving. They show up with 5 every week, they keep trying, and they keep losing with dignity. That alone is worth mentioning, so I for one will not be judging them too harshly. I respect that they keep showing up to play, despite the odds being almost insurmountably stacked against them.
That being said, nobody expected Wolf to lose. I suppose a few people might have thought the game to either be a much bigger blowout, or at least one or two Juans players to manage to go even or positive, but it was just not to be. Despite that, Wolf dominated, and they proved once again that against weaker competition, and with the right kind of teaming, they can dominate. This match was over fairly quickly by TWLD standards, but beyond that, I applied both sides for being good sports. It was entertaining for a few reasons, which I will give shortly.I have no interesting gossip or stories to give for this match like I had/have for the prior (and following) games, but despite that, this was a worthy TWLD game to watch.
HOT Player of the Game: To be completely honest, I am mixed with this, not because I think it is controversial or that certain players don't deserve the HOT that I am about to give. On the contrary, I am a bit mixed due to what we decide as being HOT/MVP and what we consider to just be a regular game. Is it better to go 20-10 and die out, or is it better to go 10-0 and stay alive? This has been debated for a while in TW. Either way, we came close to this debate (although no cigar) in two players, who both deserve Hot Player of the Game in my eyes. The FIRST and most obvious mention should be RASAQ for his insane 16-5 ownage of Juans. Now I know that this was against Juans, so due to competition, it isn't as glorious as it should be, but still, getting 16-5 in ANY TWL game is an accomplishment worth mentioning. Good game Rasaq. Another player I'd like to mention is Sphinktor. He ALMOST (and should have, if not for a last minute stray) aced the match with a 10-0 game. Instead, he scored 10-1. In my persional opinion, this also deserves a Hot Player of the Game award. So there are my two candidates. As for Juans, I am sorry, but none of you deserve to be in this section whatsoever with the games you guys had.
HOT Honorable Mentions: Paky Dude deserves an honorable mention due to his amazing 8-2 substitution of Quart. An 8-2 sub, vs any squad, is quite a good accomplishment. Good job Paky.
NOT Players of the Game: Risk is my #1 contender for this award with his 1-10 record, but not trailing far being is Quart with his 0-4. Quart maybe should be the #1 NOT simply because... it's JUANS... but a 1-10 record is hard to beat. You lucked out there Quart!
Quotes from spectators: I unfortunately have nothing to offer here. Nobody commented anything of worth. Absolutely nobody either watched and/or cared about this game whatsoever to even have a single quote to offer for it. I tried contacting both squads, but oh well. It is Juans afterall. Poor Juans
Value vs Fierce
Value Starters: B4sERmaN89_X, Burnt, delectable, Ricko, Sirius SUBS: ivf, WAR
Fierce Starters: Apok, Dak, DEEZ NUTS, LaSenza, Skepsis SUBS:None
Value Scores:
B4sERmaN89_X 6 - 10
Burnt6 - 10
delectable 0 -3 Subbed out
Ricko 13- 10
Sirius 3 -7 Subbed out
WAR 5 - 7 Subbed In
ivf 2 - 3 Subbed In
Fierce Scores:
Apok 8-8
Dak 8-6
LaSenza 13-6
Skepsis 10-7
Winner: Fierce 50-35 (I failed in my upset of the week here. I am not 2-1 so far in this thread. Oh well.)
This was the game that was SUPPOSED to be the game of the week, and it in turn more-or-less became the blowout of the week. Value, I am very disappointed in you, but I also know there were extrenuous circumstances that led to you not having your best line-up, not even with the people that DID show up to the match. Racka stated all week he had things to do, such as work out and/or get pussy. He would've helped, but he probably would've been benched due to the person who did the lineups in this game.
Who did the lineups for Value? Originally, it was Delectable, the overall captain and owner of Value. War didn't like this though, so he took it upon himself to change that lineup on his own whim. Anytime Delectable added someone, War removed them and put someone else in. I don't know what the internal struggle is inside the Value squad, but there is definitely some internal strife. War is an idiot in general, but we'll get to that point later in the quotes section. By the way, VYS quit subspace over this isntance might I add. Say what you will, but he was a great player, a good guy, and I called him a friend. He had given me his passwords to both IVF and VYS originally, but then he apparently decided to retire the names for his legacy. I told him that was probably for the best. Anyway, let's get back to the game at hand.
Fierce destroyed Value like Quicksand playing Thunder 4v5. It wasn't even a contest. The individual talent on Value didn't matter due to the teamwork and choke jobs of certain players, let alone the lineup was wrong. Anyways, Fierce proved clearly that unless they beat themselves, they will win LD with little trouble at this point. I don't see how anyone will beat them anymore. That is my personal opinion.
HOT Player of the Game: The HOT Player of the Game goes to Lasenza, for his 13-6 record vs a very good Value squad. I won't go into details about how he eats every shot possible and it takes about 5 shots to kill him one time. That isn't my job. That's the job of staff (namely, whoever the TWL Op who was refereeing the match). Either way, he beasted his way to MVP and to the Hot Player of the Game. Good Job.
HOT Honorable Mentions: Deez Nuts, Skepsis, and Ricko get Honorable Mentions. Deez and Skep for obvious reasons, and they probably didn't get more kills only because it is very hard to get kills when people on the other squad die faster than you can even shoot lol. Therefore, they did not MVP or get the Player of the Game award, but they deserve mention. Apok did his job as well. Ricko gets an Honorable Mention for being the only person to go positive on the entire Value squad. Good job Ricko!
NOT Players of the Game: War gets this award. The reason for this is explained in the Quotes section. Beyond him, Delectable went 0-3, and Sirius went 3-7.
Quotes from spectators: This part is going to be a bit long and drawn out. There is some good stuff here, and I had to make sure I could quote these players before I would post it. They said please do, so for your pleasure, I will:
:ivf:do u know who didnt let u start?
(ivf)>ye War
(ivf)>dele was doing line and he kept removing the players dele added
(ivf)>i added myself
(ivf)>and he removed me and added someone
(ivf)>1:ivf> war don't want to see you pm a twl bot in a twld arena, i don't see why someone who doesn't even play the ship and not even a starter pick the lineup
(Weak)>war a idiot
Lightning Strike vs Paladen
Lightning Strike Starters: Exalt, Flew, Chuckle, bwp, Toronto SUBS: Wicket666
Paladen Starters: FatRolls, Jessup, John_Adams, Ready for Anything, Sawyer SUBS: little buddhist, Jebass
Lightning Strike Scores:
Exalt 1 - 5 Subbed out
Flew 7 - 5
Chuckle 10 -3
bwp 17- 7
Toronto 8 -10
Wicket666 6 - 4 Subbed In
Paladen Scores:
FatRolls 9-10
Jessup 8-10
John_Adams 3-7
Ready for Anything 1-7
Sawyer 9-10
little buddhist 3-3
Jebass 2-3
Winner Lightning Strike 50-34 (As it stands, TWLM had LS as underdogs, but I once again picked right! I am now 3-1 in LD Predictions)
This was another game in which I don't know who picked which side, but I believe the line was in favor of Paladen winning. Lightning Strike has generally been considered a "newbie" squad ever since I came back to subspace, and it was rated around 800 in TWDD at the time of me joining. We regrouped, got our shit together, got our score above 1000, and we ended up making TWLD. Paladen on the other hand, has not fared very well in TWL, but they are not HORRIBLE by any stretch of the word. They are simply.... Paladen. I believe people expected Paladen to win pretty easily, but things happened, and they did not. I am biased, due to my squad winning, so I won't say much more than this.
HOT Player of the Game: The HOT Player of the Game goes to bwp without question. He simply destroyed Paladen. He also had the best overall record in all of TWLD of any game. I don't think there needs to be a bigger explanation than this. He went into beast mode and carried the fuck out of LS. I cannot give anyone a mention from Paladen, due to their scores and their failure as a squad
HOT Honorable Mentions: Chuckle deserves a mention with his solid 10-3 record, which shows he was in no hurry and didn't feel much pressure, due to having such low deaths. Also, due to my bias, I will give a shoutout to wicket666 for giving a solid effort in his substitution of me. I could not hit a shot for the life of me, and despite whether I believe I was going to come back or not, he performed admirably.
Ready for Anything saved my ass here, as his 1-7 record was absolutely horrible, and he didn't get subbed until it was far too late. I also deserve a mention here, due to my 1-5 record. I won't waste time giving excuses about strays, luck, spawns, or rust, so I will simply say that I sucked. I am just glad I didn't suck as bad as the
Quotes from spectators: (bwp)>i didnt even know i had 17 kills till the match had finished lol
Hot Player of the Week:
BWP from squad Lightning Strike. While you may all say bias, I point to his record of 17-6. Nobody had a better record on any squad. Therefore, he is my player of the week. He carried LS to the win hands down. A squad that you all considered newbie, and that was a replacement squad. Replacement squads never win, unless they are named Quicksand and play 4v5 vs Thunder (had to throw that in there). Thanks! See ya next weekend.
Along with Scores/Commentary/Overall Acknowlegement of Good or Bad Games
Firstly, I'd like to say that I realize it is a bit unorthadox to post scores and things here, but it not only helps me with remember how the games went, but also reminds all of you as well. I will be letting everyone see how great they played and/or how horribly they played as well. Accountability is a great thing. For anyone that dislikes this, just look down at the Lightning Strike section and see my horrible record. I'm certainly not going to excuse myself from my own rules. Anyway, let's get down to it.
Pandora vs Enemy
Pandora Starters: Mythril, Best,, Weak. Obi, zidane SUBS: tanzu
Enemy Starters: cranium, skatarius, Kate Upton, Ayn, JURRASSIC SUBS: none
Pandora Scores:
Best 17 - 9
Mythril 12- 6
Obi 0 -7 Subbed out
Weak 12- 6
zidane 8 -7
Tanzu 1 - 0 Subbed In
Enemy Scores:
Ayn 7-10
cranium 5-10
Kate Upton 10-10
skatarius 6-10
Winner: Pandora 50-35 (I predicted correctly even down to the final score!) So far, 1-0 in TWLM Betting Predictions!
Okay, so this game was a blowout by any and all accounts, which Exaltradamus predicted earlier this week in my LD Week 6 Prediction Thread. There is not much to say here, because this was expected to happen by nearly everyone except maybe a few hopeful players on Enemy who prayed to whatever Diety they may believe in. Simply put, the skill level of these two squads do not match up very well, but I do give Enemy huge credit for trying their best. Beyond that, I simply do not have much commentary to add. This game was expected to be a blowout, and it was. The only question mark was who was going to start for Pandora due to Enemy being considered a "weak" squad on the schedule, and also who would show up and MVP/carry/play the best. I apologize for anyone who wanted more of a commentary on this game, but there isn't much of a storyline beyond one, which I will gladly mention:
Mythril had told me prior to the match that he literally had just woken up about 1 to 2 minutes before the start of the game. Due to this, he had a few disadvantages. One of them was probably morning wood, but that isn't what I'm going to comment about. His main disadvantage was having to pee. What did Myth do to eleviate these concerns? He pissed in a bottle! Yes Ladies (or fake subspace ladies anyway, fgts) and Gents, Mythril managed to go 12-6 while pissing in a bottle and playing at the same time. That definitely deserves some recognition!
HOT Player of the Game: would clearly be Best with an insane 17 kills, while also avoiding dying out (which many end up doing trying too hard to get an even higher score). A 17-9 record is definitely nothing to scoff at, and Best has made yet another case for why he should be in the ALL-STAR game at the end of the season. Best/Cho is probably one of the best warbirds of this new generation of warbirds, and he proves it week in/week out. This week was definitely no exception. He also did this with a fairly weak/joke line-up against an overachieving, yet skill-lacking squad Enemy. This was clearly not Pandora's best line-up by any stretch, yet Best proved that it didn't matter. So for tl;dr: BEST
HOT Honorable Mentions: Mythril and Weak definitely put in some work for Pandora's side, with very respectable 12-6 records. Also, to not forget about Enemy, I would like to put in a shout out to Kate Upton, a player who (as far as I know) comes from a completely different zone. He was the only one to even go even in this whole affair, and due to the beatdown that Pandora gave them, that is worth a mention in and of itself. Kate Upton, good job on trying to keep your squad respectable. For tl;dr Mythril, Weak, and Kate Upton
NOT Players of the Game: Obi gets this award for being absolutely useless, failing to get a single kill, and sucking it up vs one of the worst LD squads in TWL. Beyond that, nobody else is really worth mentioning, unless I said the entire Enemy roster, which I won't do because at least they got kills!
Quotes from spectators: There really weren't many, and I asked around, but this is the best one I could get. Judge it as you may, and for the future, if you'd like to get your quotes in a future section of LD HoN, either PM me or write me an Emai through TW Forums and you will most likely get a shout out/mention:
(Mighty)>As Best started the round off hungry and craving enemies blood he goes in and completely obliterates them,
not giving much care to his surroundings just going in and blatently destroying them in savage mode ending the game
off with a mighty 1
Wolf vs Juans
Wolf Starters: rasaq, Quart, Sphinktor, swim, Unabled SUBS: Paky Dude
Juans Starters: Fiora, Nowyoudie, Risk, Roiwek, DarkStrike SUBS:None
Wolf Scores:
rasaq 16 - 5
Quart 0- 4 Subbed out
Sphinktor 10 -1
swim 9- 10
Unabled 7 -9
Paky Dude 8 - 2 Subbed In
Juans Scores:
Fiora 8-10
Nowyoudie 7-10
Risk 1-10
Roiwek 7-10
DarkStrike 8-10
Winner: Wolf 50-31 (Exaltradamus is now 2-0 in TWLM Predictions! My only failure was Juans scoring 6 more kills than I predicted.)
Okay, so this game was ANOTHER blowout by any and all accounts, which came as no suprise to anyone. I have serious doubts that Juans will wina single game this year, but even still, everyone NEEDS to give them props and credit for not dissolving. They show up with 5 every week, they keep trying, and they keep losing with dignity. That alone is worth mentioning, so I for one will not be judging them too harshly. I respect that they keep showing up to play, despite the odds being almost insurmountably stacked against them.
That being said, nobody expected Wolf to lose. I suppose a few people might have thought the game to either be a much bigger blowout, or at least one or two Juans players to manage to go even or positive, but it was just not to be. Despite that, Wolf dominated, and they proved once again that against weaker competition, and with the right kind of teaming, they can dominate. This match was over fairly quickly by TWLD standards, but beyond that, I applied both sides for being good sports. It was entertaining for a few reasons, which I will give shortly.I have no interesting gossip or stories to give for this match like I had/have for the prior (and following) games, but despite that, this was a worthy TWLD game to watch.
HOT Player of the Game: To be completely honest, I am mixed with this, not because I think it is controversial or that certain players don't deserve the HOT that I am about to give. On the contrary, I am a bit mixed due to what we decide as being HOT/MVP and what we consider to just be a regular game. Is it better to go 20-10 and die out, or is it better to go 10-0 and stay alive? This has been debated for a while in TW. Either way, we came close to this debate (although no cigar) in two players, who both deserve Hot Player of the Game in my eyes. The FIRST and most obvious mention should be RASAQ for his insane 16-5 ownage of Juans. Now I know that this was against Juans, so due to competition, it isn't as glorious as it should be, but still, getting 16-5 in ANY TWL game is an accomplishment worth mentioning. Good game Rasaq. Another player I'd like to mention is Sphinktor. He ALMOST (and should have, if not for a last minute stray) aced the match with a 10-0 game. Instead, he scored 10-1. In my persional opinion, this also deserves a Hot Player of the Game award. So there are my two candidates. As for Juans, I am sorry, but none of you deserve to be in this section whatsoever with the games you guys had.
HOT Honorable Mentions: Paky Dude deserves an honorable mention due to his amazing 8-2 substitution of Quart. An 8-2 sub, vs any squad, is quite a good accomplishment. Good job Paky.
NOT Players of the Game: Risk is my #1 contender for this award with his 1-10 record, but not trailing far being is Quart with his 0-4. Quart maybe should be the #1 NOT simply because... it's JUANS... but a 1-10 record is hard to beat. You lucked out there Quart!
Quotes from spectators: I unfortunately have nothing to offer here. Nobody commented anything of worth. Absolutely nobody either watched and/or cared about this game whatsoever to even have a single quote to offer for it. I tried contacting both squads, but oh well. It is Juans afterall. Poor Juans

Value vs Fierce
Value Starters: B4sERmaN89_X, Burnt, delectable, Ricko, Sirius SUBS: ivf, WAR
Fierce Starters: Apok, Dak, DEEZ NUTS, LaSenza, Skepsis SUBS:None
Value Scores:
B4sERmaN89_X 6 - 10
Burnt6 - 10
delectable 0 -3 Subbed out
Ricko 13- 10
Sirius 3 -7 Subbed out
WAR 5 - 7 Subbed In
ivf 2 - 3 Subbed In
Fierce Scores:
Apok 8-8
Dak 8-6
LaSenza 13-6
Skepsis 10-7
Winner: Fierce 50-35 (I failed in my upset of the week here. I am not 2-1 so far in this thread. Oh well.)
This was the game that was SUPPOSED to be the game of the week, and it in turn more-or-less became the blowout of the week. Value, I am very disappointed in you, but I also know there were extrenuous circumstances that led to you not having your best line-up, not even with the people that DID show up to the match. Racka stated all week he had things to do, such as work out and/or get pussy. He would've helped, but he probably would've been benched due to the person who did the lineups in this game.
Who did the lineups for Value? Originally, it was Delectable, the overall captain and owner of Value. War didn't like this though, so he took it upon himself to change that lineup on his own whim. Anytime Delectable added someone, War removed them and put someone else in. I don't know what the internal struggle is inside the Value squad, but there is definitely some internal strife. War is an idiot in general, but we'll get to that point later in the quotes section. By the way, VYS quit subspace over this isntance might I add. Say what you will, but he was a great player, a good guy, and I called him a friend. He had given me his passwords to both IVF and VYS originally, but then he apparently decided to retire the names for his legacy. I told him that was probably for the best. Anyway, let's get back to the game at hand.
Fierce destroyed Value like Quicksand playing Thunder 4v5. It wasn't even a contest. The individual talent on Value didn't matter due to the teamwork and choke jobs of certain players, let alone the lineup was wrong. Anyways, Fierce proved clearly that unless they beat themselves, they will win LD with little trouble at this point. I don't see how anyone will beat them anymore. That is my personal opinion.
HOT Player of the Game: The HOT Player of the Game goes to Lasenza, for his 13-6 record vs a very good Value squad. I won't go into details about how he eats every shot possible and it takes about 5 shots to kill him one time. That isn't my job. That's the job of staff (namely, whoever the TWL Op who was refereeing the match). Either way, he beasted his way to MVP and to the Hot Player of the Game. Good Job.
HOT Honorable Mentions: Deez Nuts, Skepsis, and Ricko get Honorable Mentions. Deez and Skep for obvious reasons, and they probably didn't get more kills only because it is very hard to get kills when people on the other squad die faster than you can even shoot lol. Therefore, they did not MVP or get the Player of the Game award, but they deserve mention. Apok did his job as well. Ricko gets an Honorable Mention for being the only person to go positive on the entire Value squad. Good job Ricko!
NOT Players of the Game: War gets this award. The reason for this is explained in the Quotes section. Beyond him, Delectable went 0-3, and Sirius went 3-7.
Quotes from spectators: This part is going to be a bit long and drawn out. There is some good stuff here, and I had to make sure I could quote these players before I would post it. They said please do, so for your pleasure, I will:
:ivf:do u know who didnt let u start?
(ivf)>ye War
(ivf)>dele was doing line and he kept removing the players dele added
(ivf)>i added myself
(ivf)>and he removed me and added someone
(ivf)>1:ivf> war don't want to see you pm a twl bot in a twld arena, i don't see why someone who doesn't even play the ship and not even a starter pick the lineup
(Weak)>war a idiot
Lightning Strike vs Paladen
Lightning Strike Starters: Exalt, Flew, Chuckle, bwp, Toronto SUBS: Wicket666
Paladen Starters: FatRolls, Jessup, John_Adams, Ready for Anything, Sawyer SUBS: little buddhist, Jebass
Lightning Strike Scores:
Exalt 1 - 5 Subbed out
Flew 7 - 5
Chuckle 10 -3
bwp 17- 7
Toronto 8 -10
Wicket666 6 - 4 Subbed In
Paladen Scores:
FatRolls 9-10
Jessup 8-10
John_Adams 3-7
Ready for Anything 1-7
Sawyer 9-10
little buddhist 3-3
Jebass 2-3
Winner Lightning Strike 50-34 (As it stands, TWLM had LS as underdogs, but I once again picked right! I am now 3-1 in LD Predictions)
This was another game in which I don't know who picked which side, but I believe the line was in favor of Paladen winning. Lightning Strike has generally been considered a "newbie" squad ever since I came back to subspace, and it was rated around 800 in TWDD at the time of me joining. We regrouped, got our shit together, got our score above 1000, and we ended up making TWLD. Paladen on the other hand, has not fared very well in TWL, but they are not HORRIBLE by any stretch of the word. They are simply.... Paladen. I believe people expected Paladen to win pretty easily, but things happened, and they did not. I am biased, due to my squad winning, so I won't say much more than this.
HOT Player of the Game: The HOT Player of the Game goes to bwp without question. He simply destroyed Paladen. He also had the best overall record in all of TWLD of any game. I don't think there needs to be a bigger explanation than this. He went into beast mode and carried the fuck out of LS. I cannot give anyone a mention from Paladen, due to their scores and their failure as a squad
HOT Honorable Mentions: Chuckle deserves a mention with his solid 10-3 record, which shows he was in no hurry and didn't feel much pressure, due to having such low deaths. Also, due to my bias, I will give a shoutout to wicket666 for giving a solid effort in his substitution of me. I could not hit a shot for the life of me, and despite whether I believe I was going to come back or not, he performed admirably.
Ready for Anything saved my ass here, as his 1-7 record was absolutely horrible, and he didn't get subbed until it was far too late. I also deserve a mention here, due to my 1-5 record. I won't waste time giving excuses about strays, luck, spawns, or rust, so I will simply say that I sucked. I am just glad I didn't suck as bad as the
Quotes from spectators: (bwp)>i didnt even know i had 17 kills till the match had finished lol
Hot Player of the Week:
BWP from squad Lightning Strike. While you may all say bias, I point to his record of 17-6. Nobody had a better record on any squad. Therefore, he is my player of the week. He carried LS to the win hands down. A squad that you all considered newbie, and that was a replacement squad. Replacement squads never win, unless they are named Quicksand and play 4v5 vs Thunder (had to throw that in there). Thanks! See ya next weekend.