TWLD: Weak
TWLJ: Turbans lag
TWLB: Steadman in terr
5:LF> no the worst texts ever are having to explain to your gf why "megaman89" is demanding that I be somewhere at 3PM on a sunday
5:fiS> you're lying, my mom doesnt even know how to poke
pinkSTAR has been released from the kitchen long enough to serve you ?go elame3 -Reckful
1:Cig <er>> ROFL
1:fiS> LOL
1:MAGI KOZ> hey population just spiked in here</er>
TWLD: Tarnish(doubleMVPIR)
TWLJ: Zidane(caught a huge cum shot 2face from Ease b4 match)
TWLB: Steadman(in terr)
Even though I haven't checked, I'm 99% sure that olde has joined thunder.
Season 12 champion TWLD / TWLJ
Season 18 champion TWLJ / TWLB
Season 19 champion TWLB (C) Season 6 champion TWDT-J TWDT-B (C) Season 10 champion TWDT-J (C) Season 11 champion TWDT-B (C) Season 13 champion TWDT-B (C)
Season 17 TRIPLE CROWN TWDT (C) The winningest TWDT captain of all time