First and foremost, nothing beats the eye test when evaluating players, this is simply who's done well statistically. From last year's post (http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthr...4-%28TWLB%29):
Originally posted by Claushouse
There are some issues with TWLB stats on the website that aren't found in TWLD or TWLJ, which is why I've been more hesitant to post this list. Turban can't find the problem as of yet, but it seems ship changes in games can affect the stats. I terred last year and my KP30M was incorrect, and I didn't notice it until a year later where I manually added up my time played -- the website listed me having an extra 30 minutes of time in spider, which resulted from a ship change to terr before the game even started -- so I lost something like 25 KP30M total. Also, during a game this year 11 kills vanished into thin air during a game with tons of ship changes. I'm listed at 384 kills and I have 395. So it's very likely a few other players have also had some funky things happen to their stats.
I've manually looked at a few other players but haven't found any errors, but obviously I can't do it for 100 people. Turban is still looking into it.
I've also included Strength of Schedule as I have in all other leagues. There's only 1 game a week in LB so I looked at all of them, and removed Games Played as a Confidence metric. For example, Henry Saari is listed as having played 6 games, so a confidence of 100% would usually be attributed. However, going through the games manually, he got subbed out vs. Dudgeon and only played 2 minutes, so I did not count his or any other 0-0 or 10-9 or 7-6 scores where players had played almost none of the game towards their SOS. I would have made Royal worth 3 points since they have a great roster but they showed half lines all year.
I weighed SpK30M last year, and I've increased it's weight over KP30M. I think it brings underspiders who don't get shark kills more in line statistically, and continues to favor pushers over campers/reccers. Trasher and JAMAL have 121 KP30M but Trasher has 20 more spider kills a game and is 6-0, and I think that's more valuable. Ease has 104 and Saari 129, but Ease averages 10 more spider kills a game, has played a tougher schedule (played vs. both Enemy and Dudgeon) and I feel like it's more in line with the eye test. And that's not to pick on Henry, he's had a great season and 129/58 stat line is nothing to scoff at. That said, the formula is subjective, and I'm valuing what I feel is important, so you can reinterpret the rest of the raw statistics any way you want.
I'll do the same thing as last year with leaders in every category and a comparison to 2012 and 2013 next week.