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next season plans and more about last season

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  • next season plans and more about last season


    The next TWL season is currently scheduled to be held sometime during the September-November period, and thus the season would last for about two months. There is not a set amount of team(s) as of yet due to the unpredictable nature of the zone activity during the qualification period which will be held during Summer. I'm currently looking for a new head of TWL as I would like to take more of a supportive role in the future and focus on other parts of the zone, but if it comes to it I will try to make some free time to run the league once again.

    We are trying to use a different qualifying format this coming season, and it is likely to involve a qualification tournament (seeding teams) along with bonuses for activity and such. There is also going to be talks about TWD activity during the league season and how to fix the issues with it. I would like to implement something nice for the squads to keep them active through the season, but haven't quite decided what that something nice would be at the moment. I would prefer to avoid forcing squads to be active as that has the chance of backfiring hard, but encouraging them is a different story.

    TWLJ and TWLB will have no resolution limits the next season, which was the case last season as well. I have created a poll regarding the TWLD resolution limits which will run for at least a couple of months until the final decision will be made. All player input will be appreciated, but I reserve the right to make the call unless the vote is lopsided.

    I will look into making some bot related changes to enhance the gaming experience in TWL. These changes would include things such as enemy and team death watches for the squads and displaying your current score. There is also a need for website related updates, such as better match statistics and player statistics, and ease of use with the scheduling feature. We will also upload the latest set of rules before the qualification period begins to the website and on the forums. There is also the option of can upgrading the graphics (such as scoreboard) of each arena, and even updating the maps with a higher quality tileset. However, the map layouts are not going to change from the classic style. We will give the squads an option to create and submit home arena(s) this coming season, with certain limitations and restrictions, but they will also have the option to use the standard arena for their matches.

    The TWL season is likely to be similar to the last one, which included things such as more regular season matches and a double elimination playoff format. I will look into making other change(s) to solve some of the few issues/complaints which we had last season, and if anyone has any good idea(s) or requested features, feel free to share them in this thread or with an in-game message.

    Undercut has updated the TWLJ, TWLD and TWLB arenas with the winners of the last season, and all players of the winning TWL squads have been rewarded a medal for their efforts. We have yet to get someone to update the site for us (as none of the TWL operators have appropriate site access) and we are looking to update the Hall of Fame section with new players and squads in the coming months.


    Below is the list of regular season hosts and their totals from last season. The playoffs were mostly handled by me, but when there was more than one game running others (such as Markmwr, Stargazer, WillBy, Spawnisen, Zreqdf) volunteered to help in a time of need.

    bwp 1 3 4 6 7 5 - 4 - 30
    Shadowmere 1 4 1 5 7 2 3 5 - 30
    9th! - - 2 4 5 7 3 1 1 23
    ffe 4 8 6 - - - - - - 18
    Turban - 2 2 1 1 - 5 3 3 17
    Undercut - 1 3 1 1 2 3 3 2 16
    Missa - - - - - 1 3 5 1 10
    Ricko - 2 - 2 2 1 - - 1 8
    Katc - 2 2 - - 1 2 - - 7
    Reckful - - 1 2 1 1 - - - 5
    Field 2 - - - - - 2 - - 4
    Lena 4 - - - - - - - - 4
    Markmwr - - - - - - 1 - 2 3
    zreqdf - - - - 1 - - - 1 2
    Fis - - - 1 - - - 1 - 2
    Kim - - 2 - - - - - - 2
    Haze 1 1 - - - - - - - 2
    M_M God - - - 1 - - - - - 1
    WillBy - 1 - - - - - - - 1

    I would like to also thank an anonymous staff member for helping with things such as website fixes (such as when bots were reporting incorrect match results on more than one occasion due to minor hosting mistakes) and for uploading the new TWLD, TWLJ and TWLB arenas with the last season winners. JabJabJab, Dezmond and M_M God helped a fair share as well during the earlier parts of the season with things such as quick fixes to the website (such as the clocks which were about 30 minutes off), uploading of the home arenas and other small improvements to the site for things that we wanted to be changed due to the new rules.

    Our TWL operator team at the end of the season consisted of myself, Shadowmere, Ricko, Undercut and 9th! -- ffe and Tsunami were also a part of the team for a short while. This TWL team is likely to change in the next season, depending who will be the head of TWL and who he wants to be in the team at that time. I would much rather help with the running process of the league instead of hosting it all by myself.

    Ephemeral, bwp and ffe were a huge help in the rewriting process of the rules. Thanks a bunch.