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Unofficial TWLB preseason hot or not

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  • Unofficial TWLB preseason hot or not

    This week's TWLB games were all fairly lopsided which illustrates just how wide the skill gaps (or as some would say, stacking) are currently in basing.

    I did not actually watch any of these games apart from my own so keep that in mind when reading my bullshit analysis.


    dice 15:00 vs 5:26 Force

    Lopsided game #1 featured past basing legends dice and the new kids on the block Force. Looking at the lineup Dice fielded in this game it looks almost nothing like the dice of the glory days, but they did take Force to school regardless.

    Stayon seemed to have a good game here in terrier going 30-1 with Mythril and 24 performing well in shark. Beanie, Henry Saari and dreamwin carried Holy Ship and nosydawg in spider. Or stole all their kills, whatever.

    On the losing side it seems everyone gave the same average and ultimately lackluster performance with no one standing out one way or the other. None of the spiders negged, sharks had good rpd's and okyo died only 4 times in terrier.

    HOT: Stayon (30-1) nice terring there puta
    HOT: Beanie (94-38) and Henry Saari (90-32) highest kills, good job
    NOT: no one

    Thunder 15:00 vs 3:57 Dynasty

    Lopsided game #2 pitted #1 favorite Thunder against the dueling underdogs of Dynasty and the score certainly shows that.

    Not much to say here, Thunder steamrolled over Dynasty. Hopefully Dynasty will not be such a pushover in the future.

    HOT: zidane (25-48, 3.0 rpd) and mcvicar (24-54, 2.9 rpd) Thunder's greatest strength is their shark department.
    HOT: ro (70-23) Nice game and mvp.
    HOT: AFRI (55-39) the only player to perform well on the losing side, well done.
    NOT: BlindTal (5-19 in terrier) Not the best start in TWL for BlindTal being put in terrier against a powerhouse squad, but one has to wonder if his nickname actually has a basis in reality.
    NOT: Guero (31-58) and feat (31-55) even in a match like this that is atrocious.

    Spark 15:00 vs 6:49 Paladen

    The closest match of the week had the bottom rated dueling teams Spark and Paladen duke it out and Spark came up on top with a wide margin.

    Looking at the lineups here it's easy to see why Spark won, they actually have some basers - plus apparently their duelers are also better at basing than Paladen's.

    HOT: Banks (93-21) most kills, least deaths, and 7 teks to boot! Very nice.
    HOT: Bonghits (24-65, 2.8 rpd) good shark performance on the losing side from their only actual baser.
    NOT: Fork (16-52, 2.2 rpd) come on, hopefully you either learn to shark a bit or don't shark for the rest of the season if this is how you perform vs Paladen.
    NOT: rest of Paladen

    Cobra 15:00 vs 1:39 LEGO

    The most lopsided match of the week had a strong showing from Cobra vs a sorely lacking LEGO.

    Cobra had seemingly no weak spots as everyone performed well, but it is hard to do badly in a complete rout like this match was.

    On paper I don't think LEGO should have lost this as badly as they did, but it apparently came down to lack of strength in spider with 4 of their 5 spiders negging. Mikkiz in terrier and porkjet/markmrw in shark could not carry the sinking ship.

    As with Dynasty, hopefully LEGO will do better in the future.

    HOT: turban (97-34) Didn't quite break 100 but whatever, well played.
    HOT: Commodo (9-55, 3.0 rpd) and cranium (6-59, 2.9 rpd) Good performance from Commodo and an inactive cranberry.
    HOT: Ricko (58-8) Whoa, who was playing on your name Dicko? Can we get someone to do an alias check?
    NOT: dsb (27-49), Jatt (22-45), tj hazuki (42-55), Pat (34-46) Pretty horrible, go shoot at some asteroids in a private arena or something.
    JAMAL> laggy no skill nebwie
    JuanJuan> you a fucking lagass cheater
    mAZe Of tOrM> try more faggot
    mAZe Of tOrM> u suck dick

    Shadowmere> Nice lag you fagf

  • #2
    Appreciate the write-up, thanks!
    top 100 basers list


    • #3
      Originally posted by Trasher View Post
      NOT: BlindTal (5-19 in terrier) Not the best start in TWL for BlindTal being put in terrier against a powerhouse squad, but one has to wonder if his nickname actually has a basis in reality.


      • #4
        Sweet write up! Fine job, keep um coming!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Trasher View Post
          HOT: Banks (93-21) most kills, least deaths, and 7 teks to boot! Very nice.
          HOT: Bonghits (24-65, 2.8 rpd) good shark performance on the losing side from their only actual baser.
          NOT: Fork (16-52, 2.2 rpd) come on, hopefully you either learn to shark a bit or don't shark for the rest of the season if this is how you perform vs Paladen.
          NOT: rest of Paladen.
          First time I've played shark and you're saying come on and I'm the Not? What did you expect? A good performance???? Was expecting to b spider, didn't even know what my key setup for shark was until a few mins into the game, I played like how any other complete newbie would play: a deer heading straight into the headlights. Would be nice to encourage players that don't play twlb to do so for the sake of keeping the league active?

          On a side note, ty for taking the time to make this heh.
          1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


          • #6
            it's all for entertainment purposes Fork don't take what Trisha says to heart, he's emotionless - plus he'd have no idea you've NEVER sharked before. Keep at it.
            TWL-J Season 11 Champion
            TWL-J Season 21 Champion
            TWL-B Season 21 Champion
            TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
            TWDT-D 2017 Champion
            TWDT-J 2017 Champion


            • #7
              Originally posted by Fork View Post
              First time I've played shark and you're saying come on and I'm the Not? What did you expect? A good performance???? Was expecting to b spider, didn't even know what my key setup for shark was until a few mins into the game, I played like how any other complete newbie would play: a deer heading straight into the headlights. Would be nice to encourage players that don't play twlb to do so for the sake of keeping the league active?
              It's called a hot or not. Someone has to be not, and this time that someone was you (among others). It's nothing personal.

              If you want to get back at me make a TWLJ hot or not, I went 2-10.
              JAMAL> laggy no skill nebwie
              JuanJuan> you a fucking lagass cheater
              mAZe Of tOrM> try more faggot
              mAZe Of tOrM> u suck dick

              Shadowmere> Nice lag you fagf


              • #8
                Originally posted by Trasher View Post
                It's called a hot or not. Someone has to be not, and this time that someone was you (among others). It's nothing personal.

                If you want to get back at me make a TWLJ hot or not, I went 2-10.

                I'm not taking it personally its just this: First time playing the ship and I get them harsh comments. I guess u thought I knew the ship well? o well heh
                1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far

