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TWLB Season 21 Week 1 HoN

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  • TWLB Season 21 Week 1 HoN

    The first thing I wanna say is that the difference between top squads and #3 and lower is huuggggggggge. Besides that, on all squads there are so many people benching who never/rarely will play, while they can play every game on other squads. Why do u do this to yourself?

    Thunder vs Dynasty 15:00 - 2:07

    2:LegionOfBoom> Soon as I saw guero ask if basing is 8's 2:LegionOfBoom> I knew we have 0 chance
    Should I say more? I don't think so.

    LEGO vs Force 15:00 - 5:07
    LEGO: Mikkiz (5), Markmrw (8), Porkjet (8), Gurliver, Jatt, Riksa, Pat, tj hazuki
    Force: Olde (5), milosh (8), nanto (8), Zizzo, omega red, siaxis, okyo, Bram

    Hmm what to say about this game? At first I thought this would be a close game, the start looked like that. Mikkiz was the first terr to die. The rape machine of LEGO got turned on. Olde managed to pull an awesome 8-8 rec, well done getting even! But then, Bram did even worse, hi 1-3. The shark and terr advantage of LEGO helped their game.

    Hot: Mikkiz (MVP)
    Not: Terr's of Force. And basers like Zizzo & Omega getting outkilled by Siaxis and okyo.

    Spark vs dicE 1:26 - 15:00
    No Fork to trash on... Let's take it on Cloth then! First 4-12 in terr?! Then a 2.1 rpd in shark.. I expect more of someone who knows how to base.

    Hot: bugger (39-31) while his team got raped
    Not: Stayon, how was the bench?

    Cobra vs Dynasty 15:00 - 3:31
    All I know of this game is that I saw a lot of bitching on squadchat. Don't think we can expect warbirds to shine in TWLB out of nowhere.

    Hot: Tripin (83-21)
    Not: Dynasty spids.

    Force vs Spark
    Well done Fork, u managed to break ur 2.2 rpd record! U improved it to 2.5!! Nicely done. But Ephemeral, whats up bro? How come u got 2.5 too? Flion with a 5-10 in terr.. Spark surely isnt ready for TWLB.

    LEGO vs Paladen 0:01 - 0:00
    Forfeited by Paladen. Why even accept the offer to play then?

    dicE vs Thunder 14:41 - 15:00
    I came late in this match, cuz I had to play TWLJ. All I can say is that this would be a reason to start basing for me if I didnt already play base. This game had everything. Oderus his PC died at start, which cost them the first FR fight. This might have cost them the game. Dumb deaths of terrs (hi Ogron). Like how the fuck do u manage to die when Cape is cornered in bottom? But then again, in the end u saved ur team with a great port on flag. Dreamwin had a great solo entrance where the spec got crazy, did u get some shields there? I didn't expect Tinkles to be in spec, well actually the guy deserves it. People who leave their own squad like that should be benched all day. Yes, u too M_M God #WewillneverforgetVikings

    Hot: Ogron to save the win.
    Not: Stayon, where were u with ur mind? Portugal vs Iceland? Thats like Thunder vs Dynasty in LB dude. Iceland players will be like "how many players can we field?"

    Paladen vs Cobra 0:00 - 0:01
    Bye bye Paladen.
    Major Crisis

  • #2
    LOL @ stayon getting not. Dis writer seems to have it out for him!


    • #3
      Rip m_m god + vikings
      1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


      • #4
        Great writeup, thanks! And props to porkjet recording the matches, much appreciated.

        Wanna also thank Thix for another stellar outing in yellow chat -- not the virtuoso performance of him during the TWLB Finals last year, but close. Look forward to another great year from him in spec.
        top 100 basers list


        • #5
          Good writeup, I like how this season is very organized in terms of the "media" side of TWL

          Originally posted by Claushouse View Post
          Great writeup, thanks! And props to porkjet recording the matches, much appreciated.

          Wanna also thank Thix for another stellar outing in yellow chat -- not the virtuoso performance of him during the TWLB Finals last year, but close. Look forward to another great year from him in spec.
          You were bad for the majority of the game, but you pulled it together at the end and despite how lucky you got (double greened port + 1-2 FC's, you even look surprised to be alive in the replay lol), your move on flag at the end was pretty good. I felt Cape had the better day (great entry at the end when it was really tight and Thunder cram was looking like they were going to close the game out), but still gg.

          An initial -2 deficit in such a tight game makes you wonder if it would have been that close with a clean start from dice (ie without oder computer problems so JAMAL could have spidered, etc). Fun game to watch nonetheless, especially among a sea of shitty blowouts!


          • #6
            I had port on flag and 2nd one in my pocket during our cram about 2 minutes before I initially warped, I didn't green them in the moment and planned to double warp well in advance given how close Dice was to 15:00. I ran through like three greens over flag don't think it's particularly lucky that one was an FC.

            I definitely could have died during the sequence, but there was no other play to make given that our under broke and got pincered top bar, was the right move either way.

            Was a fun game, though, and very close. I thought the LEGO vs. Force match would be tight as well, but Mikkiz was too strong. Looking forward to Cobra vs. Dice in Week 2, hopefully it's just as exciting a match. Hopefully Porkjet records it, because we have an LB match vs. Spark at the same time.
            top 100 basers list


            • #7
              Originally posted by Claushouse View Post
              I had port on flag and 2nd one in my pocket during our cram about 2 minutes before I initially warped, I didn't green them in the moment and planned to double warp well in advance given how close Dice was to 15:00. I ran through like three greens over flag don't think it's particularly lucky that one was an FC.

              I definitely could have died during the sequence, but there was no other play to make given that our under broke and got pincered top bar, was the right move either way.

              Was a fun game, though, and very close. I thought the LEGO vs. Force match would be tight as well, but Mikkiz was too strong. Looking forward to Cobra vs. Dice in Week 2, hopefully it's just as exciting a match. Hopefully Porkjet records it, because we have an LB match vs. Spark at the same time.
              U writing your HoN?
              TWLD Champion 2014
              TWDTB Champion 2013
              TWDTB Champion 2016
              TWDTB Champion 2017
              TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
              -tj hazuki/hazuki :wub:


              • #8
                Originally posted by PrOnEsSim View Post
                U writing your HoN?
                I think Trasher and Major Crisis have TWLB well in hand? I wrote HoN for TWDT 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, then TWL S15, S17, and S20, and ran TWDT from 2014-2016 -- so I'd rather not.

                I really, really did not want to run TWDT this year, I just did it to help the zone. TWL tends to kill the zone and activity every year as the season progresses, and TWDT acts as a defibrillator to keep it alive.

                Also, many players can't handle receiving NOTs, and then spend the next several years messaging and attacking me in-game or on forums. Someone destroyed my fantasy hockey team 4 months into the season because they got a NOT. I could use a break from that.

                Maybe I'll write a special edition for the finals to cap the season off, but I really just want to play.
                top 100 basers list


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KneX View Post
                  Besides that, on all squads there are so many people benching who never/rarely will play, while they can play every game on other squads. Why do u do this to yourself?
                  Spot on!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Stayon View Post
                    Spot on!

                    I personally would not be willing to sit out on any important games on a squad, and I would like to believe that most good players feel this way. Unfortunately it does look like the game still has far too many players who are content at benching while never displaying their worth in the league on other teams. I do kind of understand the players who wish to stay on a squad which has the highest amount of friends, but then again I do feel like the players should be more selfish and willing to improve on other squads. It's not like you will never meet your friends again once you leave squads .. heck, in most cases you share chats anyway to keep touch.

