Hello space friends!
Welcome to my playground where we dissecate the weak and praise the brave.
LJ's HoN
Force vs Spark 50-25
Game link: http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2033
First match of this week 2, was a complete pinãta pounding as Force scrapped the floor with their opponent. For Spark everyone was horrible, other than Flion, with a 7-10 who managed to hold his own. Iron and Revered lead with the push for Force on their balanced team effort.
Hot:Iron Survivor with "I got a internet modem made of wood" type of game with a fire 15-6.
Not:Fiora with an embarassing 2-10.
I suggest this to the entirety of Spark squadron.
Thunder vs Cobra 50-42
Game link: http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2021
Oopsie-doopsie this one's a doozy! In this week's hot game of the week we feature +infinite times TWLJ champions Thunder and...working class heroes in Cobra. Fits em well other than Rough, he's a class act dinossaur amassing TWL medals since the 90's. Much like last week's Dice vs Cobra, this game was a fierce close battle throughout the round as keyboard heroes traded blows were being trade until around the 40 mark. Again, Cobra 'chokes' killing the 9's (Shadowmere, Ro, Children) and eventually gets punished. End result, a +8 solid win for Thunder with multiple mans clinging for their lives on 9. Cobra looked better than week 1 and I expect Cobra to improve now with 4 time LJ champion Tiny support playstyle. Game also had the extra bonus having more Vys drama.
Hot: Children, Ro and Shadowmere staying alive and high kills with 13-9, 12-9 and 11-9 respectfully completing the team jerking.
Not: Skatarius with an obnoxious 2-9.
After that outstanding performance I have tried to contact with the elusive creature they call Skatarius. Claus was very kind to lend me his Pokedex. I almost loaded the Amnesti save, but thank god I stopped. After my search was complete an exciting pair of words were traded..
Stayon> hey man, allow comment on your stellar lj performance today!
Skatarius> Computer issues..I changed all my passwords to incorrect, so my computer just tells me when I forget them..
Stayon> uh..?
Dice vs Spark 50-21
Game link: http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2016
And we're back to another stomp. Spark was trounced today in both matches. This one everyone was being simply atrocious other than Fork who found some cojones to show up and play for his team with a reasonable 7-10. The only point of interest was knowing if I was gonna ace or not having multiple dookies trying to tk me inspired by non-other than hatefull persona Megaman89 himself. I survived and Cape once again putting another good game.
Hot: The Persian Menace, Cape with a bling bling 13-3 and Puta King with a 'you can't catch me 11-0.
Not:Cloth, Fais and Fiora combining for a marvellous 7-30.
To join Dicea 2 0 1 6 you need to know 2 things.
Cape> I reserve the right to axe anyone at any time.
Thunder vs Force 50-33
Game link: http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2015
In what could of been a hot battle between two top 4 teams, was an absolute borefest. Both teams in my opinion only fielded 3 starters but Thunder's larger E-cock showed Force's youngbloods that practising for TWLJ isn't by any means yapping about 4's and enjoying smacks on half lines with basers. Just looks bad when basers win, my two cents.
Hot:Shadowmere, aka Mr. Dotman rocking it with a 15-7 and now leading TWLJ in kills.
Not:Zizzo needs more vacations in the Iberic Peninsula. A bigger tan would save you from a 3-10.
Shadow's favourite hobby besides killing TWD.

Cobra vs Dynasty 50-41
Game link: http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2018
We jump to another seemingly close battle, as Dynasty apparantly was never really able to catch up to Cobra's superior veins. Regardless, A+ performance and I feel Dynasty is getting there slowly. #TeamDynasty might get the upset eventually. As for Cobra, another match to practise the ultimate goal.
Hot:Jones, finally gracing TW with his appearance dropping a commading 14-9 and Temujin with another strong 13-9 performance.
Not:Cobra's side, Turban staining the team's performance with a 6-10. At the moment this man is better at compilling excell sheets and throwing his god-like opinion status on TWL boards. One of the last Saiyajins on the game, though.
On Dynasty's side, Major Dookie with a I wanna puke 4-10. This guy is so obnoxious and easy to hate..check.
Major Crisis> yo we almost won LJ today, was 17-7 but we choked..
Stayon> sick! gonna write something positive about my main man. What was your score..?
Major Crisis> 4-10.......17-7 was the team score early on...
Stayon> ???????????? stop.
Major Crisis> LOLOLOLOL
Stayon> LOOOL I was so pumped I was gonna type good things and you cheesed me so hard...
Stayon> get out of here.
Dice vs Lego 50-19
Game link: http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2022
Terrible game. That's it.
Lego still has no clue who to add and Dice had a good team effort.
Hot: Four people were hot but the shinniest star was rap god Mythril with a 16-5.
Not: My man Henry Salami, dropping 2-6 on a +31 win. For Lego, Rab, Nokkonen, Axwell and Valker morphing together into a 7-26. Yuck.
An example of a Dice 2 0 1 6 lifetime contract.
image hosting 30 mb
Force vs Paladen 50-18
Game link:http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2020
We jump to another game as Force got away with murder blasting Paladen to Pluto.
Hot:Roiwerk with a slippery 11-0 ace.
Not:Dinossaur Jebass with a legendary 0-10 and Zizzo going 4-6 on a +32 win.
This match's true nature.

Dynasty vs Spark 50-33
Game link:http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2019
And our journey this week ends on a massacre on a supposedly close match. From what I seen, was mostly a balance team effort but Temujin (Jaguarus) clearly took over the game. Spark should re-think one or two people on that match and figuring out a better line. Fork was the sole light for Spark with a solid 11-10.
Hot:No one came close to Temujin's level with a swollen 16-8.
Not:Dookie playtime from Fais with a 3-10.
Another day in Major Crisis's Amsterdam Red Light District job.

Awards of the Week
Unlike last week, besides nominating people I'll also add a small reason he or she should feature here.
Legends of the week
Markmrw - Taking a man's call regressing the Pavement decision. All-star staff candidate.
Mr. Meeseeks/Delectable - Joining Spark and helping their wb division.
El Pedo - Joining Lego and being a potential spider starter.
Jerome - Joining Dynasty and helping their base division.
Shadowmere - Taking a man's call regressing the TWD roster decision. Then went coo-coo making it 60.
Vys and Ricko's phone conversation - We just love inside stories.
Bigmon/Best / Racketeer / Mutalisk / Ro / Turban - Hottest TWL performances this week 20-9, 21-9, 19-6, 19-6, 134-54+3teks.
Beautiful Soul of the Week: PPaska
I think I got him somewhere on my FB contacts, I miss my finnish man Mette. Probably has the biggest pair of balls out of anywhere on TW's Gallery.

Hall of Shame Week 2
Entry #1 - Paky Dude / Tower / Jebass / Fiora / Rab-Nokkonen-Axwell-Valker combo
Enjoying their Hall of Shame debut, Paky Dude, perennial wb squad leader going 2-10 in 2016. Tower acing a 0-6 all between that pub rambling, Jebass amassing a crazy 0-10, Fiora a good level jav going 4-20 on both his games and lastly the Lego combo, combining to a 7-36 between 4 people. Crazy bad.
Entry #2 - Lego's and Spark's Captains
Last week, it was Paladen's so of course other squads wanted to join on this little party I got here. Spark's for throwing LB out the window and producing a no-show, shoving TWLB back to 6 squads. If you say "Yes", it's a Yes. I wasn't so sure on adding Lego's on here, since afterall they did participate in 1 or 2 upsets during this TWL week but their 4 man combo and especially their total inaptitude to figure it out who to add, hence adding Murder and ruining another upset, puts em here.
Entry #3 - Force's Motivation
While it's a good thing for TWL...I think at this point everyone noticed the complete circle jerking going on. These mans lick their own bumholes all day and proceed to the next either by saying "Streak on the line" all day when sometimes it's non existant or caressing each other on forums.
Relax padawans.
We can see all the love they got for each other here on their profile on QueerStock.com. The tanned one surely is Iron Survivor.

Entry #4 - Ricko and Vys
The same way their phone conversation got Legend of the Week, they have to feature here due to my own reasons. These 2 goofballs made me rip my head hairs out when they said Martin Solveig. Being part of the electronic underground for more than a decade and seeing 2 brits talking about cheesy comercial electronics makes me wanna puke. Britain is the reason, House, Techno and originally Disco and so on survived after being super secluded in Chicago, New York and Detroit. Britain made possible electronic music blend in to the mainstream in form of Goldie, Prodigy, Carl Cox, Fat Boy Slim and so on, created the first (recieve a message type of secret parties), Ministry of Sound, the FABRIC might, showed Café del Mar to the world, inspired people like Moby and ultimately the usage of X.
Without never compromissing (except Euro-trance Tiesto, Armin van Buren and whatnot) too much, the true electronic music survived in England during the 90's and created a strong basis for the years to come. These days it's everywhere, when it comes to underground and when it comes to the commercial type it's influence is even bigger, as commercial electronic like Ghett'as, Solveig's, Swedish House Music's and Martin Garrix's look alikes are everywhere, eletronic rock or hip-hop's basis changing to more eletronic type beats such as Trap. Ends up being a huge irony seeing as commercial electronic replaced hip-hop as #1 in the USA, when the true basis of it's form came from legends in Chicago, Detroit and New York, after most of it's acceptance happend on the other side of the Atlantic. People like the now deceased legend Frankie Knuckles, Jeff Mills, Carl Craig, DJ Pierre, Kevin Saunderson, Derrick May, Kerri Chandler, it's endless.
I just felt like typing a bit of history, I'm sure you had great vacations in Ibiza Ricko! You boys can listen to whatever you feel like (I listen to virtually everything, except 'bad' music)!
Entry #5 - Kado
How can I put it? My man Kado in the end took a good decision stepping away but this adventure was a painfull one..
Rough> didn't even know this mans was TWL OP
Stayon> atm this man is better at writing TWL rules than actually playing
Rough> LOL stop he wrote no rules.
I apologize for being so late, I had time early this week and was lazy and when I actually wanted, things that required my attention have been taking my time day after day such as exams and preparations for this birthday-pool party im about to join soon. I'll be here in around 24h, so don't worry i'll be here to see if you deserve a Hot or a Not and promisse to make Week's 3 faster since apparantly there's insane hype to read my basicly big sack...of potatoes. Where's jeffpotatoe? Cya soon!
(edit button so poor today.)
Welcome to my playground where we dissecate the weak and praise the brave.
LJ's HoN
Force vs Spark 50-25
Game link: http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2033
First match of this week 2, was a complete pinãta pounding as Force scrapped the floor with their opponent. For Spark everyone was horrible, other than Flion, with a 7-10 who managed to hold his own. Iron and Revered lead with the push for Force on their balanced team effort.
Hot:Iron Survivor with "I got a internet modem made of wood" type of game with a fire 15-6.
Not:Fiora with an embarassing 2-10.
I suggest this to the entirety of Spark squadron.
Thunder vs Cobra 50-42
Game link: http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2021
Oopsie-doopsie this one's a doozy! In this week's hot game of the week we feature +infinite times TWLJ champions Thunder and...working class heroes in Cobra. Fits em well other than Rough, he's a class act dinossaur amassing TWL medals since the 90's. Much like last week's Dice vs Cobra, this game was a fierce close battle throughout the round as keyboard heroes traded blows were being trade until around the 40 mark. Again, Cobra 'chokes' killing the 9's (Shadowmere, Ro, Children) and eventually gets punished. End result, a +8 solid win for Thunder with multiple mans clinging for their lives on 9. Cobra looked better than week 1 and I expect Cobra to improve now with 4 time LJ champion Tiny support playstyle. Game also had the extra bonus having more Vys drama.
Hot: Children, Ro and Shadowmere staying alive and high kills with 13-9, 12-9 and 11-9 respectfully completing the team jerking.
Not: Skatarius with an obnoxious 2-9.
After that outstanding performance I have tried to contact with the elusive creature they call Skatarius. Claus was very kind to lend me his Pokedex. I almost loaded the Amnesti save, but thank god I stopped. After my search was complete an exciting pair of words were traded..
Stayon> hey man, allow comment on your stellar lj performance today!
Skatarius> Computer issues..I changed all my passwords to incorrect, so my computer just tells me when I forget them..
Stayon> uh..?
Dice vs Spark 50-21
Game link: http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2016
And we're back to another stomp. Spark was trounced today in both matches. This one everyone was being simply atrocious other than Fork who found some cojones to show up and play for his team with a reasonable 7-10. The only point of interest was knowing if I was gonna ace or not having multiple dookies trying to tk me inspired by non-other than hatefull persona Megaman89 himself. I survived and Cape once again putting another good game.
Hot: The Persian Menace, Cape with a bling bling 13-3 and Puta King with a 'you can't catch me 11-0.
Not:Cloth, Fais and Fiora combining for a marvellous 7-30.
To join Dicea 2 0 1 6 you need to know 2 things.
Cape> I reserve the right to axe anyone at any time.
Thunder vs Force 50-33
Game link: http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2015
In what could of been a hot battle between two top 4 teams, was an absolute borefest. Both teams in my opinion only fielded 3 starters but Thunder's larger E-cock showed Force's youngbloods that practising for TWLJ isn't by any means yapping about 4's and enjoying smacks on half lines with basers. Just looks bad when basers win, my two cents.
Hot:Shadowmere, aka Mr. Dotman rocking it with a 15-7 and now leading TWLJ in kills.
Not:Zizzo needs more vacations in the Iberic Peninsula. A bigger tan would save you from a 3-10.
Shadow's favourite hobby besides killing TWD.

Cobra vs Dynasty 50-41
Game link: http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2018
We jump to another seemingly close battle, as Dynasty apparantly was never really able to catch up to Cobra's superior veins. Regardless, A+ performance and I feel Dynasty is getting there slowly. #TeamDynasty might get the upset eventually. As for Cobra, another match to practise the ultimate goal.
Hot:Jones, finally gracing TW with his appearance dropping a commading 14-9 and Temujin with another strong 13-9 performance.
Not:Cobra's side, Turban staining the team's performance with a 6-10. At the moment this man is better at compilling excell sheets and throwing his god-like opinion status on TWL boards. One of the last Saiyajins on the game, though.
On Dynasty's side, Major Dookie with a I wanna puke 4-10. This guy is so obnoxious and easy to hate..check.
Major Crisis> yo we almost won LJ today, was 17-7 but we choked..
Stayon> sick! gonna write something positive about my main man. What was your score..?
Major Crisis> 4-10.......17-7 was the team score early on...
Stayon> ???????????? stop.
Major Crisis> LOLOLOLOL
Stayon> LOOOL I was so pumped I was gonna type good things and you cheesed me so hard...
Stayon> get out of here.
Dice vs Lego 50-19
Game link: http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2022
Terrible game. That's it.
Lego still has no clue who to add and Dice had a good team effort.
Hot: Four people were hot but the shinniest star was rap god Mythril with a 16-5.
Not: My man Henry Salami, dropping 2-6 on a +31 win. For Lego, Rab, Nokkonen, Axwell and Valker morphing together into a 7-26. Yuck.
An example of a Dice 2 0 1 6 lifetime contract.

Force vs Paladen 50-18
Game link:http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2020
We jump to another game as Force got away with murder blasting Paladen to Pluto.
Hot:Roiwerk with a slippery 11-0 ace.
Not:Dinossaur Jebass with a legendary 0-10 and Zizzo going 4-6 on a +32 win.
This match's true nature.

Dynasty vs Spark 50-33
Game link:http://twl.trenchwars.org/?x=showmatch&match=2019
And our journey this week ends on a massacre on a supposedly close match. From what I seen, was mostly a balance team effort but Temujin (Jaguarus) clearly took over the game. Spark should re-think one or two people on that match and figuring out a better line. Fork was the sole light for Spark with a solid 11-10.
Hot:No one came close to Temujin's level with a swollen 16-8.
Not:Dookie playtime from Fais with a 3-10.
Another day in Major Crisis's Amsterdam Red Light District job.

Awards of the Week
Unlike last week, besides nominating people I'll also add a small reason he or she should feature here.
Legends of the week
Markmrw - Taking a man's call regressing the Pavement decision. All-star staff candidate.
Mr. Meeseeks/Delectable - Joining Spark and helping their wb division.
El Pedo - Joining Lego and being a potential spider starter.
Jerome - Joining Dynasty and helping their base division.
Shadowmere - Taking a man's call regressing the TWD roster decision. Then went coo-coo making it 60.
Vys and Ricko's phone conversation - We just love inside stories.
Bigmon/Best / Racketeer / Mutalisk / Ro / Turban - Hottest TWL performances this week 20-9, 21-9, 19-6, 19-6, 134-54+3teks.
Beautiful Soul of the Week: PPaska
I think I got him somewhere on my FB contacts, I miss my finnish man Mette. Probably has the biggest pair of balls out of anywhere on TW's Gallery.

Hall of Shame Week 2
Entry #1 - Paky Dude / Tower / Jebass / Fiora / Rab-Nokkonen-Axwell-Valker combo
Enjoying their Hall of Shame debut, Paky Dude, perennial wb squad leader going 2-10 in 2016. Tower acing a 0-6 all between that pub rambling, Jebass amassing a crazy 0-10, Fiora a good level jav going 4-20 on both his games and lastly the Lego combo, combining to a 7-36 between 4 people. Crazy bad.
Entry #2 - Lego's and Spark's Captains
Last week, it was Paladen's so of course other squads wanted to join on this little party I got here. Spark's for throwing LB out the window and producing a no-show, shoving TWLB back to 6 squads. If you say "Yes", it's a Yes. I wasn't so sure on adding Lego's on here, since afterall they did participate in 1 or 2 upsets during this TWL week but their 4 man combo and especially their total inaptitude to figure it out who to add, hence adding Murder and ruining another upset, puts em here.
Entry #3 - Force's Motivation
While it's a good thing for TWL...I think at this point everyone noticed the complete circle jerking going on. These mans lick their own bumholes all day and proceed to the next either by saying "Streak on the line" all day when sometimes it's non existant or caressing each other on forums.
Relax padawans.
We can see all the love they got for each other here on their profile on QueerStock.com. The tanned one surely is Iron Survivor.

Entry #4 - Ricko and Vys
The same way their phone conversation got Legend of the Week, they have to feature here due to my own reasons. These 2 goofballs made me rip my head hairs out when they said Martin Solveig. Being part of the electronic underground for more than a decade and seeing 2 brits talking about cheesy comercial electronics makes me wanna puke. Britain is the reason, House, Techno and originally Disco and so on survived after being super secluded in Chicago, New York and Detroit. Britain made possible electronic music blend in to the mainstream in form of Goldie, Prodigy, Carl Cox, Fat Boy Slim and so on, created the first (recieve a message type of secret parties), Ministry of Sound, the FABRIC might, showed Café del Mar to the world, inspired people like Moby and ultimately the usage of X.
Without never compromissing (except Euro-trance Tiesto, Armin van Buren and whatnot) too much, the true electronic music survived in England during the 90's and created a strong basis for the years to come. These days it's everywhere, when it comes to underground and when it comes to the commercial type it's influence is even bigger, as commercial electronic like Ghett'as, Solveig's, Swedish House Music's and Martin Garrix's look alikes are everywhere, eletronic rock or hip-hop's basis changing to more eletronic type beats such as Trap. Ends up being a huge irony seeing as commercial electronic replaced hip-hop as #1 in the USA, when the true basis of it's form came from legends in Chicago, Detroit and New York, after most of it's acceptance happend on the other side of the Atlantic. People like the now deceased legend Frankie Knuckles, Jeff Mills, Carl Craig, DJ Pierre, Kevin Saunderson, Derrick May, Kerri Chandler, it's endless.
I just felt like typing a bit of history, I'm sure you had great vacations in Ibiza Ricko! You boys can listen to whatever you feel like (I listen to virtually everything, except 'bad' music)!
Entry #5 - Kado
How can I put it? My man Kado in the end took a good decision stepping away but this adventure was a painfull one..
Rough> didn't even know this mans was TWL OP
Stayon> atm this man is better at writing TWL rules than actually playing
Rough> LOL stop he wrote no rules.
I apologize for being so late, I had time early this week and was lazy and when I actually wanted, things that required my attention have been taking my time day after day such as exams and preparations for this birthday-pool party im about to join soon. I'll be here in around 24h, so don't worry i'll be here to see if you deserve a Hot or a Not and promisse to make Week's 3 faster since apparantly there's insane hype to read my basicly big sack...of potatoes. Where's jeffpotatoe? Cya soon!
(edit button so poor today.)