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TWLD Week 3 Hot or Not

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  • TWLD Week 3 Hot or Not

    Welcome to week 3 of hot or not

    Sorry about later than usual Hot or Not. But my country is falling to pieces if you don't watch world news (something about leaving Europe) and our national team can't beat Iceland in a soccer game (something about europe also) But at least I didn't lose two Twld games on top of this like Ricko. Anyone seen Ricko since? im worried hes committed suicide, or Vys has him ball gagged in a basement somewhere, with Ogron in a gimps outfit. (wierd ass academy of TWL winners if you ask me)

    Lego 50- 36 Spark

    If I was asked at the start of the season who I favoured for this, I would say 50:50 however Lego have been determined and strong which Spark have lacked in every game. It was 5v4 to lego so as you could imagine Lego pushed spark around with little effort, spark added Rampage illegally which didn't really help at all apart from extending the game. Rival and Solemn were strong and had little effort dispatching spark with a easy win.

    Rival 14-8
    Solemn 13-8
    Big Sean 2-10
    Rampage (wtf you doing in?)

    Attacks> Talk to me, so whats happening, rampage not eligeble?
    Lena> no he isnt (well why the cocking hell is he still playing?)
    Attacks> Should Spark forfeit if they win this (not gonna happen)
    Lena> it should be a forfeit win, mark will make the decision (oh that twl assistant that did more than the twl head, and is infact now the twl head)
    Attacks> is their a possibility they will be disqualified for twld for this? (hope so)
    Lena> they (will) receive a warning for this, i think its the first time (so I can do whatever the hell I like long as I do it just once?)

    Thunder 50-16 Spark

    A Exercise in extermination

    5v4 and no chance for Spark to even put up a token of resistance, its felt like one of those wbduels where a cap picks all his stacked friends and the other team can't put in 5 and hoping someone will come into the arena they can put in and someone gets 0-5 for the stacked team because they couldn't give a toss because its wbduel. Credit to ro 18-3 who quite enjoyed himself.

    Ro 18-3
    Ogron 9-3 all hail ogron the slayer of spark
    Mr tinkles 0-5 Were you afk?
    Space god 6-1

    Bugger 3-10
    Cloth 3-10

    Ty to Lena for watching this game

    Lego 50-43 Paladen

    This was a tight game, I called before the match 50-43 to Paladen, Kthx called 50-43 to lego and he wins this wager. Lego were strong to start. Little buddhist struggling to get a single kill, Joemoma racking up kills on the radar looked like a full gone conclusion. Paladen hit back, and so did little Buddhist and quickly retook the lead. Rival was struggling and TJ Hazuki did something hes never done all season and became useful and subbed Rival out for Murder. Murder gave Lego their missing brick and got a very tidy 5-1 from sub, while Joemoma continued with his impressive radar game, while Axwell pushed for the Lego win.

    Joemoma 12-7
    Murder 5-1
    Axwell 11-9
    Attack mode 13-10
    Tj Hazuki for a good timed sub

    Nobody really did disastrous. All about heroes in this one

    Dice 50-34 Cobra

    Wasn't sure which way this was going to go, this was the strongest i've seen Dice so far Mythril, Best, Racka it was close to their top line. Cobra always have shown a strong line, the question was going to be in this game, Could Dice kill a player out early to dominate with a player advantage like we normally see from them.
    The answer was yes, Absent was subbed out early with 3-9 and Jones got 0-1, giving them space to do their favorite rushing stance. Ricko started off well but unfortunately all his team were breaking evens or worse, and when a few of his team died, he was mercilessly bullied rammed out by Dice.

    Best 14-5 First great performance against a competitive squad, Welcome back
    Raazi 10-6
    Ricko 11-10 (not your fault...............For being ginger)

    Absent 3-9

    Force 50-32 Dynasty

    Could the Dynasty that beat Thunder do it again? This was the weakest Dynasty lineup ive seen in a while, its almost like Dynasty are showing even less enthusiasm than Spark if thats possible. Force led by Iron survivor yet again smashing a lineup, we have seen this often this season. Playing this I was expecting a tough game, but only Guero provided any sort of friction. Cres was trying to ace the game but ended up with a respectable 8-3 in the end. Credit to Guero with a very respectable 16-10 vs the odds and started to play like he did in quake those many years ago. At the present moment i'm wondering if Dynasty will dissolve before playoffs.

    Iron Survivor 14-8
    Attacks 9-4
    Cres 8-3
    Guero 16-10

    Legion of Boom 2-7 from mvp at start of the season to lvp) time to mix up your style and figure out whats going wrong all of a sudden.

    Dice 50-30 Thunder

    Thunder kept trying to add random dice players at the start of this game before realising they deserted to Dice. Was hoping this would be tighter than it was, but Dice smashed the thunder line, 2pacz finally making good and following best's example of elimination though keeping a somewhat more distance approach. Dice have really missed Best in the line and it shows how much Best makes a difference. Im not a 100% sure if Dice didn't have Best if they would beat either Cobra or Thunder. Thunder really need a game winning player like a Best, Iron Survivor, Mythril or Ricko. Mr Tinkles (aka Spezza) is always solid but not a game winner, Shadowmere is only great on unlimited res, Flew was supposed to be it but that is not working out obviously. Vys well if he bothers showing up might add something but its looking bleak at the moment for Thunder. Ease was seen during the week but again doesn't show for a twld. Thunder at the moment are showing much less likely to make Finals than Force.

    Best 15-9
    2pacz 12-4 His confidence seems to growing from game to game
    Racka 10-7

    Shadowmere 4-10 Try changing your resolution to a super high setting or use res resizer, so you can't see your 4-10 score.

    Paladen 50-46 Dynasty

    Actually a very enjoyable game, Paladen started off all guns blazing and built up a early lead on Dynasty. Not in game really struggling with a 2-7 in almost no time at all. A very late Legion of Boom subbed in to get really good 9-3 another good sub this week. Thanks to the super sub it went down to the wire with Racketeer and Server fighting it out. Racketeer had 4 more lives to live than server unfortunately and in the end hacked him up to bring home the bacon for a Paladen win.

    LegionofBoom 9-3
    Guero 13-10

    Not in game 2-7

    Force 50-42 Cobra

    This game was a close run thing for 80% of the game and infact Cobra were in a stronger position for quite a few points during the game.
    Siaxis and Cres had bad starts for Force however Cobra couldn't capitalise on this and finish them off, they did eventually finish off Siaxis, but they allowed to him to get a few kills before going out, and Tripin died shortly after so Cobra couldn't capitalise on any advantage.
    Skepsis and Iron were strong throughout and this perhaps the first time where their fantastic scores tipped the balance for a Force win.

    Iron Survivor 12-7
    Skepsis 13-8

    Mutalisk 5-10 Seems to be struggling a bit on the hard games, but generally a quality player and will bounce back.

    Hot of the week
    Best - Two strong performances vs good teams 14-5 vs Cobra and 15-9 vs Thunder. Best is ultimatly back and Dice has never been stronger with his presence, he and they are undoubtably the biggest fear and challenge for Force.

    Attacks> yo
    Attacks> interview?
    (two hours later...........)
    Attacks> faggot
    Attacks> answer
    Best> lol fk an interview bro
    Best> i'm not built for that stuff lol
    Attacks> ill put that in at least
    Best> what kinda questions?
    Attacks> Well do you feel your best game is back?
    Best> ATTACKS
    Best> chill man lol
    Best> seriously, lol
    Best> Might not seem like it, but I like to keep things humble.. (this is the first time ive seen best humble)
    Attacks> I like humble pie too
    Best> Dice 2016 (very accurately stating the squad he is on and date this year)
    Best> can u not put anything in lol (opps)
    Best> Except "Bigmon is always at his best" (no idea wtf hes talking about, Pokemon? wonder if metalkid back from 15 years ago reads this, he might know)
    Best> lol
    Best> k start interview now (wtf do you think we been doing, think I actually like talking to you?)
    Best> start over
    Best> ill do it
    Best> go
    Attacks> so best, strong performance, do you feel you are at your best from a long break yet?
    (Best)>Well knowing that I'm Bigmon, your favorite players favorite player, a long break, a short break, Bigmon will finish neatly. (more pokemon?)
    Attacks> Oh god interview terminated

    3 hours later best tried pming me with some more responces which were a little more rehearsed. (ZZZZZZZ)

    Good job hes a good warbird he fucking sucks at interviews.
    Last edited by Attacks; 06-30-2016, 12:05 AM.
    British> my 18th tomoz $$
    Sol ^> 18 and scouse, so that two kids you have by now, brit? :)

    i.d.> I just farted and shit myself alittle bit

  • #2
    Thank you for doing this. Really enjoyable!
    "Action is the real measure of intelligence. "
    Napoleon Hill

    wiibimbo>I'm gonna take u out next week for a beer and pizza at Leonardo' homo tho! I prefer big boobs
    Dral>I can get implants


    • #3
      lol, it's great being constantly insulted by someone who has started 2 TWLD games combined the past 10 seasons, because I said I didn't think Force was going to win TWLD in a prediction thread and went 9-3 in a match.

      I'm surprised you only waited for Fierce to quit and Ease to disappear to Costa Rica to begin playing TWLD again -- If you'd waited til Season 30 you'd only have to beat olde and wiibimbo. I play like two dd's a month because squaddies need a 3rd. You have like 170 games played since reset and you're still going 3-7 against Spark.

      You were a garbage wb on British Squad when I was starting on Heavy with Apok and Annoyance and actually cared about wb, and you're still garbage now.
      top 100 basers list


      • #4
        Lol touchy, Ogron you have insulted people in hot or not for seasons, I insulted Ricko and Best far more than you. Best and Ricko have not taken it personally. Because they know its just reporting.

        I remember the first time I ever talked to you in this game,
        Was like 2001 and I asked you a question and your response was simply "fuck off" which was unprovoked and for no reason.

        The point is you are acting like the victim when you are a Arse to 99% of the population, and have been since 2001-2002 since I started playing the game. You are especially nasty to new basers in go base, and I know numerous new terrs who have complained that you have told them they are trash and not to bother practicing nor playing.

        I have stated your work in twl/twdt has been good and you have breathed fresh life into them. But as a result you have used them as a personal playground where you think its perfectly acceptable to abuse anyone and everyone. Taste of your own medicine sucks doesn't it?
        British> my 18th tomoz $$
        Sol ^> 18 and scouse, so that two kids you have by now, brit? :)

        i.d.> I just farted and shit myself alittle bit


        • #5
          1 bad game where everyone did bad and it's the reason of a specific thing I happened to be involved in.
          3:Wax> ard and i snapchat all the time
          3:Wax> we play virtually tummysticks
          3:i.d.> da fk is that?
          3:Ardour> we basically are each others personal psychologist
          3:Shadowmere> i.d., Wax breaks keyboards playing SubSpace. Best not ask him what anything is.
          3:Wax> Tummy sticks is the situation, commonly referred to as a game, in which two erect men cuddle closely and face-to-face causing their two erect penises, or sticks, to push upwards between their stomachs, or tummys.
          3:Wax> Sticks combine with tummys, hence the name "tummy sticks."
          3:Shadowmere> LOL
          3:i.d.> Oddly, that's close to what I thought it was...

          Best> I never cooked a day in my life

          Deft> beat by a guy who plays ss on his cellphone
          Shadowmere> Rofl
          Up in ya !> With his feet
          Deft> no kidding, redefining l44t
          Up in ya !> l44t feet
          Deft> l44t f44t*
          Up in ya !> Twinkle toes
          Deft> he had l33t f33t but he practiced


          • #6
            Yo claus, if u haven't figured it out by now, WE actually do play warbird all the time on shitty squads and do good while YOUR PRECIOUS HIGHNESS (that's you btw, if u didn't figure that out too) just gets carried every LD by 4 pro warbirds.
            Oh, and btw: me and olde are much much better than you will ever be in this game.

            Tnx again Attacks! Keep 'em coming!
            "Action is the real measure of intelligence. "
            Napoleon Hill

            wiibimbo>I'm gonna take u out next week for a beer and pizza at Leonardo' homo tho! I prefer big boobs
            Dral>I can get implants


            • #7
              I actually wrote incredibly positive Hot or Nots years ago only highlighting good play and bringing a really positive atmosphere to the game. The majority of players complained, and a poll I ran showed something like 90% of the zone wanted it to be significantly more negative, so I obliged.

              You've never stepped foot in ?go base, your entire worldview is constructed around bitter, Charmin soft Force players and forum trolls. That I have told new terrs they should not bother practicing or playing is a complete lie. I like talking shit in go base. I do it to friends and teammates, too. You're conflating the occasional offhand remark of telling someone "holy fk ur bad" "ez newbie" "wow this team is terrible" with actively discouraging new players with learning. I'm rather mercurial, but can be quite positive and supportive as well. No one has spent more time trying to balance teams and ensure good games for everyone than me. I add newbies all the time.

              I promise you the environment I came up with trying to learn basing was significantly more toxic, and people were significantly meaner to me, than I have ever been to anyone. The very nature of learning terrier specifically is an absolutely brutal experience for everyone on your team, and suffering insults is part of getting better. Constantly DOAing your team, being in bad positions, dying to things most average players would avoid, etc. affects the other 7 people in a way that being a poor spider simply will never come close to doing. It is definitely not the faint of heart. The new terr is learning at the expense of everyone else on their team's basing experience. Being verbally berated from time-to-time is a fair trade off. It is part of becoming a good terr, and a gauntlet the rest of us have gone through.

              I've spent tons of hours helping new basers in private arenas, and anyone who pms me for advice I'm more than happy to oblige. I've also posted terring videos for new players showing them burst spots, and made graphics showing ideal terr placement, as well as complete basing guides for new players. I more than doubled new player slots in TWDT.

              I give myself NOTs all the time, read any of my work. If you gave me a NOT every week for the entire season you wouldn't approach the amount I've given myself, so it's not really a taste of my own medicine. And I praised your work when I received a NOT Week 1 because I played poorly and deserved it. I agree that I am an asshole sometimes and could be kinder, and contributions to TWL/TWDT do not excuse that kind of behavior. I'm working on it. Yet I open this and you're including me in your weird sex fantasies and trashing me for going 9-3.
              top 100 basers list


              • #8
                Well Ogron it didn't set me in a overly good mood when you said i've done nothing in this game repeatably first when I was in Pandora years ago and you were constantly given me shit to go along side it. You then again trash me and say I haven't achieved anything in the game .You have to realise people have contributed other things to the game than just twl, I understand we in hots etc are talking about twl, but when you say x x x has achieved nothing it comes across like you are saying they have achieved nothing in the game in general. I have spent great amount of time playing the game, been staff, hey I even helped Apok out with warbird when he was new, I wouldn't say I shaped him into the warbird he become ( he did that himself) ive been on some of the best squads this game has produced and played with the greatest players and just because i have rarely been able to make weekends or not play for a few years due to real life circumstances I really don't feel any shame or at a disadvantage because of that.
                I hardly call 9-3 spark and saying hail destroyer of spark as really trashing you, it was ment as a complement or teasing joke nothing more.
                But ultimately I think this is to do with your comments about Force in twl and that they have back fired massively.
                I know not the feud you have with my squad, Nor do I care I dont want involved.
                Last edited by Attacks; 06-29-2016, 07:47 AM.
                British> my 18th tomoz $$
                Sol ^> 18 and scouse, so that two kids you have by now, brit? :)

                i.d.> I just farted and shit myself alittle bit


                • #9
                  TWLD 2016 Champion
                  TWDTD champion x 3
                  Potenza 4 LIFE


                  • #10
                    Thumbs up attacks on the LD write ups! Just make sure u go extra hard on Ogron next week when he dodges the LD match or when they just get destroyed, which ever happens one of them will be the outcome.

                    Originally posted by Claushouse View Post
                    If you'd waited til Season 30 you'd only have to beat olde
                    ??? bitch a** N***a square up....


                    • #11
                      thanks as always.


                      • #12
                        It's people like Claus that make me feel bad about being part of this community. I've seen people change a lot lately, like for example Best, Geio, heck, even beam isn't trolling anymore like he used to which is an achievement in itself. But this guy...this guy always comes here, trashes someone, then says it's just a joke, goes to base, yells at new people for being "UTTERLY USELESS" instead of encouraging them to do this or that to improve in areas they lack experience. I mean come on man, it's 2016. We are all grown up now, we behave differently than we did a decade ago, yet you are still trapped in a body of a 12-year old. Sadly, I don't even wanna know what the hell is wrong with you, but you are not mentally stable. And I think it would be a BIG plus if you left the game for good. And while you're at it, take Shadownewb with you. Then, and only then, can we save this zone from corrupt and unintelligent individuals like yourself.

                        And please, for the last fking time, stop trashtalking Force, Iron, olde and lastly Attacks. They are one of the nicest people I know in this game. Which sadly can't be said for you.
                        "Action is the real measure of intelligence. "
                        Napoleon Hill

                        wiibimbo>I'm gonna take u out next week for a beer and pizza at Leonardo' homo tho! I prefer big boobs
                        Dral>I can get implants


                        • #13
                          Lol, yo let me write the next HoN for ogrons games, this is fun to read.
                          Rabble Rabble Rabble


                          • #14
                            Best> i'm not built for that stuff lol


                            And good stuff Attacks.


                            • #15
                              Thanks. Unfortunate for absent with spawn locations. dice played great!
                              TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019

