Welcome to Week 4 TWLD of Hot or Not
The Thunderer Strikes back
This week lets see which heroes emerge, which heroes stumble and which heroes keep doing....well........just keep killing stuff in 2d spaceship games.
A few of these games due to work I couldn't watch or get someone to watch however I can go through the scores and judge and shame people accordingly.
So here we go...!
Cobra 50-25 Lego
Can only judge the score here, but I would say their is lots of pain, especially when Joemoma, Doughtnut, Tj Hazuki and Pat between them managed a 5-30. Poor Rival and Murder once again solid to lose so massively.
Lego were missing a few warbirds, and the ones they present did poorly, yes im looking at you Joemoma and Doughnut.
Ricko and Absent were having fun at the fairground with great performances each and was nice to see Tiny having a whirl in warbird (someone obviously didn't tell Cobra they didn't need to add a 6* star like in TWDTD). Ricko please tell me who killed you with your 1 death? was it Joemoma? Pat?
Ricko 13-1
Absent 13-4
Murder and Rival for 10-10's on a team (so I hear) so quickly imploding it made that planet that got sucked up by a black hole in Star Trek seem rather slow.
Joemoma 1-10 (slap)
Doughnut 3-10 (slap)
Pat 1-5 literally a cows pat could have done better
Tj Hazuki 1-10 (slap)
Thunder 50-31 Paladen
Attacks> how did the game vs thunder go?
Attacks> I need to write it up
little bud> I got raped to 1-9 and then finished 4-10 Still a better love story than J-b-Inc and Goddess
little bud> similar story for my teammates
Well I didn't see this game but from what I understand Thunder dominated it by a good team rush. Ease was back and warming up on Paladen to sharpen his skills for Force. Ogron putting in a good performance also and seems at home in a offensive lineup. Money shot put in a fairly decent performance with 13-10 for Paladen and should feel no shame about it, from hearing a Paladens perspective of the game it seems he has risen as a local hero in Paladens ranks and they have Racketeer rotating on a spit at we speak.
Ease 14-6
Ogron 9-4 (hail the slayer of Paladen)
Space god 9-6
Little Buddha <ZH> 4-10
Jebass 4-9
Racketeer 3-10
Dice 50-26 Spark
And Sparks random 5 people logging on for todays TWLD comprises of.............................5 Dead Warbirds. I couldn't watch this game but I could gather that Dice put in a 70% performance and still didn't break a sweat. Racka warming up on Spark like Ease did on Paladen and putting in a solid game. Racka has been using a laptop for sometime i'm unaware if he still is, but hopefully this might be a sign that he will be returning to his best, which would be great for the competitiveness of TWLD. Wbm and Cripple having a strong performances also.
Spark well i'm sick of trashing you for sucking, you have put 0% effort in this TWLD unlike Paladen or Lego, you have added players illegally and still lost and in my opinion you shouldn't even auto qualify for playoffs.
Racka 14-3
Wbm 10-5
Cripple 12-8
Rampage 0-10
Bugger 4-10
Dice 50-24 Dynasty
Dice smashed their way to victory with another easy game this week. Mythri, Racka, Wbm and Cripple putting in a good team effort and bagging themselves some juicy TWLD stats. For Dynasty my first thoughts were to slag them off for losing worse than Spark to Dice, but I do somewhat feel sorry for them as most of their top warbirds got up and left for Lego overnight last week so i'm going to be somewhat reserved. The problem with hard lock is this, if your players get up and all decide to leave 10 minutes before Lock, there is absolutely nothing you can do to replace them besides spamming people in public and asking them to join Dynasty to quickly to plug the hole. I'm not sure if Ravage had any idea if any of this was going to happen, or simply he didn't care.
Thunder 50-40 Force
Force came into this game as the only undefeated squad in TWLD. Without Skepsis, we were going to see how their freshly added depth, which has plagued them in past seasons, would fare against another TWLD title contender. I call them contenders for the first time this season because, well, Thunder has Ease back. That’s all you really need to know, but here’s a recap of what I saw.
Iron Survivor had a slow start - 1-4 compounded with 2 +1 lagouts that forced (get it?) Shaun to sub in for him early on. Let me stop here though, because there’s no way Force’s best player gets subbed out at only 1-4. WHY DO BOTS GIVE +1s FOR GENUINE LAGOUTS STILL? The +1 was implemented to stop players from abusing speccing to avoid deaths. Too many games have been affected by this garbage and this game was just another example.
Anyway, with Iron out of the game, his running mate, Okyo, struggled to find his rhythm and caught some quick deaths which didn’t allow him to play to his strengths: constant pressuring and causing chaos. However, Cres was in the zone, carrying the MVP (8-5) emblem to the midway point of the game at a 25-25 standstill. TWBC Champion and Triple Crown Champion, Siaxis, then went on a run of his own, climbing to a record of 12-5 and single handedly keeping his team in the game while down 38-42.
Force’s issue remained the same the entire second half of the game though: Ease was still in. Once he entered the all too familiar serial killer mode, the game was over. From 5-4 to 13-5, Ease showed the poise and dominance that won him 5 TWLD championships, hunting out 9 after 9 while being impossible to kill when it mattered most. Force's undefeated season is no more.
HOT: Ease (13-5), 8-1 run to end the game in clutch time
HOT: Siaxis (13-10) - according to sources, was talking shit to Thunder players with each kill with words like ‘slammed’ ‘u ok’ and ‘slapped’
HOT: Cres (11-10) - kept his team in the game early and ended the game running from Ease/Weak for 3 minutes straight while his teammates watched and laughed
NOT: Iron Survivor 1-6 (2 bs +1 lagouts), but still it’s your job as the leader to set the tone early
NOT: Okyo 6-10 - Force’s midrange, high bpm players rely on the pressure and movement he creates and he wasn’t able to pick up the slack with Iron out
A Special thank you to Mythril who write this piece, as it was a game I felt bitter about losing and I felt a neutral perpective was needed.

Force 50-17 Lego
Biggest blitz of the week, I'm not sure if Lego had all the fight beaten out of them by Cobra or simply Force were angry at their loss to Thunder and wished to take it out on someone. Lego were all over the place and even I could vulch and rush them and my close range play is about as good as J-b-Incs Radar shooting or size perspective when handling women. All force players left with a exceptional score apart from Iron who is having a bad week in TWLD to put it mildly. Lego well like the previous game were missing some warbirds and yet again had to call TJ hazuki which is like calling the 100th emergency service.
Attacks 9-1
Siaxis 14-5
Okyo 10-2
Cres 13-4
Doughtnut 5-10 & Murder The only lego players who got equal to 5 kills. Sad times
The whole lego team.
Cobra 50 24 Dynasty
Another easy win for Cobra as they blew through Dynastys 4 man defensive line with minimal breeze. Absent doing some good damage here and Tripin having some space to practice his weird ass rush that I never know how to predict.
At the start of the season with aliased Fierce players knocking around Dynasty, and a solid B line to fill the gaps I really thought Dynasty would be a top tier contender. Funny how things pan out as Paladen or Lego now looks in a stronger position. I just get the feeling Dynasty might fall down the pit of not giving the fuck like Spark which would be a real shame. Maito remains loyal and decent but could do little in this encounter with less numbers and a less strong Dynasty team besides him and I think its official and clear to see now that temujin isn't Apok which was popular theory a few weeks ago and he had a catastrophic performance. Mad Jack the Pirate used his free roaming pub skills to bag a 11-10 score in a 4 man team outclassed, which is worth mentioning ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Absent 9-3
Tripin 8-4
Mad Jack the Pirate 11-10 Yarr
temujin 3-10 GG Apok
Paladen 50-0 Spark
No show from Spark, Kick them out of TWLD already.
Whoever did ?squadcreate Spark
Interview with Hot of the Week - Ease
Attacks> So Ease its great to have you back in a warbird from a long absence, Two great performances especially Force, what do you think worked well vs them?
Ease> nothing was working too well, okyo not even attempting to stay alive as usual cost the game
Attacks> Yeah a big survival problem on Force at the moment
Ease> it also helped having claus on the bench
Ease> would have been closer if iron wasn't lagging out though, as soon as shaun entered the game force fell apart
Attacks> Some people have been picking holes in the Thunder line this year, saying its not as strong as other Thunder teams, and Burn, Pandora etc you have been on, you have proved them wrong today perhaps, who would you say are your key players this season?
Ease> we have a lot of scarecrows out there
Ease> hard to pick any key players, it's most likely going to be an even season
Ease> mvps seem to be spread out from what i've seen so far
Ease> but i think LD is pretty wide open, more so than it's ever been before
Ease> not really any super team out there
Attacks> So you think the quality has lessoned this season?
Ease> definitely
Attacks> ok, and anything else you would like to say? a shout out to anyone? or perhaps something else you would like to add?
Ease> i guess a shoutout to my team for tking me 3x in lj, and claus for doaing me 30x to steal mvp
Attacks> and for what its worth, thunder were the clear winners today in our game gg
Ease> gg, was close though until you had to put in shaun
Ease> so it didn't really reveal anything
Attacks> Well Ease, thank you for the interview, and congratulations you are this Weeks TWLD hot of the week!
Ease> no problem, thanks
Once again Apologies for the lack of in match detail this week due to not seeing 60% of the matches.
The Thunderer Strikes back
This week lets see which heroes emerge, which heroes stumble and which heroes keep doing....well........just keep killing stuff in 2d spaceship games.
A few of these games due to work I couldn't watch or get someone to watch however I can go through the scores and judge and shame people accordingly.
So here we go...!
Cobra 50-25 Lego
Can only judge the score here, but I would say their is lots of pain, especially when Joemoma, Doughtnut, Tj Hazuki and Pat between them managed a 5-30. Poor Rival and Murder once again solid to lose so massively.
Lego were missing a few warbirds, and the ones they present did poorly, yes im looking at you Joemoma and Doughnut.
Ricko and Absent were having fun at the fairground with great performances each and was nice to see Tiny having a whirl in warbird (someone obviously didn't tell Cobra they didn't need to add a 6* star like in TWDTD). Ricko please tell me who killed you with your 1 death? was it Joemoma? Pat?
Ricko 13-1
Absent 13-4
Murder and Rival for 10-10's on a team (so I hear) so quickly imploding it made that planet that got sucked up by a black hole in Star Trek seem rather slow.
Joemoma 1-10 (slap)
Doughnut 3-10 (slap)
Pat 1-5 literally a cows pat could have done better
Tj Hazuki 1-10 (slap)
Thunder 50-31 Paladen
Attacks> how did the game vs thunder go?
Attacks> I need to write it up
little bud> I got raped to 1-9 and then finished 4-10 Still a better love story than J-b-Inc and Goddess
little bud> similar story for my teammates
Well I didn't see this game but from what I understand Thunder dominated it by a good team rush. Ease was back and warming up on Paladen to sharpen his skills for Force. Ogron putting in a good performance also and seems at home in a offensive lineup. Money shot put in a fairly decent performance with 13-10 for Paladen and should feel no shame about it, from hearing a Paladens perspective of the game it seems he has risen as a local hero in Paladens ranks and they have Racketeer rotating on a spit at we speak.
Ease 14-6
Ogron 9-4 (hail the slayer of Paladen)
Space god 9-6
Little Buddha <ZH> 4-10
Jebass 4-9
Racketeer 3-10
Dice 50-26 Spark
And Sparks random 5 people logging on for todays TWLD comprises of.............................5 Dead Warbirds. I couldn't watch this game but I could gather that Dice put in a 70% performance and still didn't break a sweat. Racka warming up on Spark like Ease did on Paladen and putting in a solid game. Racka has been using a laptop for sometime i'm unaware if he still is, but hopefully this might be a sign that he will be returning to his best, which would be great for the competitiveness of TWLD. Wbm and Cripple having a strong performances also.
Spark well i'm sick of trashing you for sucking, you have put 0% effort in this TWLD unlike Paladen or Lego, you have added players illegally and still lost and in my opinion you shouldn't even auto qualify for playoffs.
Racka 14-3
Wbm 10-5
Cripple 12-8
Rampage 0-10
Bugger 4-10
Dice 50-24 Dynasty
Dice smashed their way to victory with another easy game this week. Mythri, Racka, Wbm and Cripple putting in a good team effort and bagging themselves some juicy TWLD stats. For Dynasty my first thoughts were to slag them off for losing worse than Spark to Dice, but I do somewhat feel sorry for them as most of their top warbirds got up and left for Lego overnight last week so i'm going to be somewhat reserved. The problem with hard lock is this, if your players get up and all decide to leave 10 minutes before Lock, there is absolutely nothing you can do to replace them besides spamming people in public and asking them to join Dynasty to quickly to plug the hole. I'm not sure if Ravage had any idea if any of this was going to happen, or simply he didn't care.
Thunder 50-40 Force
Force came into this game as the only undefeated squad in TWLD. Without Skepsis, we were going to see how their freshly added depth, which has plagued them in past seasons, would fare against another TWLD title contender. I call them contenders for the first time this season because, well, Thunder has Ease back. That’s all you really need to know, but here’s a recap of what I saw.
Iron Survivor had a slow start - 1-4 compounded with 2 +1 lagouts that forced (get it?) Shaun to sub in for him early on. Let me stop here though, because there’s no way Force’s best player gets subbed out at only 1-4. WHY DO BOTS GIVE +1s FOR GENUINE LAGOUTS STILL? The +1 was implemented to stop players from abusing speccing to avoid deaths. Too many games have been affected by this garbage and this game was just another example.
Anyway, with Iron out of the game, his running mate, Okyo, struggled to find his rhythm and caught some quick deaths which didn’t allow him to play to his strengths: constant pressuring and causing chaos. However, Cres was in the zone, carrying the MVP (8-5) emblem to the midway point of the game at a 25-25 standstill. TWBC Champion and Triple Crown Champion, Siaxis, then went on a run of his own, climbing to a record of 12-5 and single handedly keeping his team in the game while down 38-42.
Force’s issue remained the same the entire second half of the game though: Ease was still in. Once he entered the all too familiar serial killer mode, the game was over. From 5-4 to 13-5, Ease showed the poise and dominance that won him 5 TWLD championships, hunting out 9 after 9 while being impossible to kill when it mattered most. Force's undefeated season is no more.
HOT: Ease (13-5), 8-1 run to end the game in clutch time
HOT: Siaxis (13-10) - according to sources, was talking shit to Thunder players with each kill with words like ‘slammed’ ‘u ok’ and ‘slapped’
HOT: Cres (11-10) - kept his team in the game early and ended the game running from Ease/Weak for 3 minutes straight while his teammates watched and laughed
NOT: Iron Survivor 1-6 (2 bs +1 lagouts), but still it’s your job as the leader to set the tone early
NOT: Okyo 6-10 - Force’s midrange, high bpm players rely on the pressure and movement he creates and he wasn’t able to pick up the slack with Iron out
A Special thank you to Mythril who write this piece, as it was a game I felt bitter about losing and I felt a neutral perpective was needed.
Force 50-17 Lego
Biggest blitz of the week, I'm not sure if Lego had all the fight beaten out of them by Cobra or simply Force were angry at their loss to Thunder and wished to take it out on someone. Lego were all over the place and even I could vulch and rush them and my close range play is about as good as J-b-Incs Radar shooting or size perspective when handling women. All force players left with a exceptional score apart from Iron who is having a bad week in TWLD to put it mildly. Lego well like the previous game were missing some warbirds and yet again had to call TJ hazuki which is like calling the 100th emergency service.
Attacks 9-1
Siaxis 14-5
Okyo 10-2
Cres 13-4
Doughtnut 5-10 & Murder The only lego players who got equal to 5 kills. Sad times
The whole lego team.
Cobra 50 24 Dynasty
Another easy win for Cobra as they blew through Dynastys 4 man defensive line with minimal breeze. Absent doing some good damage here and Tripin having some space to practice his weird ass rush that I never know how to predict.
At the start of the season with aliased Fierce players knocking around Dynasty, and a solid B line to fill the gaps I really thought Dynasty would be a top tier contender. Funny how things pan out as Paladen or Lego now looks in a stronger position. I just get the feeling Dynasty might fall down the pit of not giving the fuck like Spark which would be a real shame. Maito remains loyal and decent but could do little in this encounter with less numbers and a less strong Dynasty team besides him and I think its official and clear to see now that temujin isn't Apok which was popular theory a few weeks ago and he had a catastrophic performance. Mad Jack the Pirate used his free roaming pub skills to bag a 11-10 score in a 4 man team outclassed, which is worth mentioning ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Absent 9-3
Tripin 8-4
Mad Jack the Pirate 11-10 Yarr
temujin 3-10 GG Apok
Paladen 50-0 Spark
No show from Spark, Kick them out of TWLD already.
Whoever did ?squadcreate Spark
Interview with Hot of the Week - Ease
Attacks> So Ease its great to have you back in a warbird from a long absence, Two great performances especially Force, what do you think worked well vs them?
Ease> nothing was working too well, okyo not even attempting to stay alive as usual cost the game
Attacks> Yeah a big survival problem on Force at the moment
Ease> it also helped having claus on the bench
Ease> would have been closer if iron wasn't lagging out though, as soon as shaun entered the game force fell apart
Attacks> Some people have been picking holes in the Thunder line this year, saying its not as strong as other Thunder teams, and Burn, Pandora etc you have been on, you have proved them wrong today perhaps, who would you say are your key players this season?
Ease> we have a lot of scarecrows out there
Ease> hard to pick any key players, it's most likely going to be an even season
Ease> mvps seem to be spread out from what i've seen so far
Ease> but i think LD is pretty wide open, more so than it's ever been before
Ease> not really any super team out there
Attacks> So you think the quality has lessoned this season?
Ease> definitely
Attacks> ok, and anything else you would like to say? a shout out to anyone? or perhaps something else you would like to add?
Ease> i guess a shoutout to my team for tking me 3x in lj, and claus for doaing me 30x to steal mvp
Attacks> and for what its worth, thunder were the clear winners today in our game gg
Ease> gg, was close though until you had to put in shaun
Ease> so it didn't really reveal anything
Attacks> Well Ease, thank you for the interview, and congratulations you are this Weeks TWLD hot of the week!
Ease> no problem, thanks
Once again Apologies for the lack of in match detail this week due to not seeing 60% of the matches.