TWLD Hot or Not Week 5 -Cobras on a plane
Welcome to Hot or Not week 5
Apoligies for lateness especially when I won a award from Stayon for being so prompt with my writeups, I typed this entire article on forums, as it took a while it logged me out, so I proceeded to copy it then paste it, however I typed paste first instead of copy and lost half as autosave was saved back a hour ago where I was writing. Or it might be simpler to say my dog chewed up my homework.
Anyway enough of my sorrows!
This week we have some upsets, Spark finally winning a game, and another glum week of lagouts for Force.
Spark 50-29 Lego
Never thought I would see Spark this season show up with more Warbirds than Lego but maybe my trashing of them got them thinking or maybe they didn't need anyone to tell them the obvious. I think Lego were hoping for a no show again from Spark or thought they would breeze thought it, as Joemoma and Axwell were only the solid warbirds present in there entire line. Rival turned up shortly after with a lagout and a really poor start putting Lego on the back foot. For Spark big sean came out of nowhere and started playing a Warbird style i'd expect from someone like Ease or Mythril, shot after shot not missing a player. Fais also solid with a good kill deaths ratio, and the rest of spark holding their own even Rampage. Gurliver really struggling for lego and getting subbed out 1-6, while afghaN finished his legacy with a 0-4. No way back for Lego as Big Sean was merciless to secure Sparks first win this season. Their was a bit of lag present during the game so I understand Lego will be appealing this, as Tj Hazuki was furious about it, however I don't think a lagless game would have saved him from another poor result with 3-10.
Big Sean 17-6 Great play
Fais 10-5
Joemoma 10-10 Started off well was at 7-2 at one point then his team died
Guliver 1-6
afghaN 0-4
Rival 5-10
Tj Hazuki 3-10 Never disappoints
Paladen 50-35 Dice
I think dice have realized now that the days where you could put all javs and basers in vs Paladen and still win are past as they got a Holy Smiting. This is shock of the week as Paladen bulldozed Dice not just beating them but also beating them by a good margin. Not U contender for most improved player of the season had a kill frenzy almost hitting 20 with a 19-8 score. Racketeer with a cute 9-4 also, money shot not recreating last weeks magic with a 6-9 but that hardly mattered. As for Dice well Kado has been able to Warbird in the past in TWDD's but TWLD he was out of his element and only put up a 2-6 before being yanked out by 24 who couldn't recreate his javs skills into warbird kills this week with a 0-4. Stayon also shooting walls and hoping they would bounce like the other javs got a lacking 4-10 . Racka will feel no shame with a 16-10 however.
Not u 19-8 Fantastic play
Racketeer 9-4
Jebass 9-7 and did it with a pacemaker
Racka 16-10 (best? where are you bro? best best? aww shucks i'm gonna have to try doing this myself)
Holy ship 4-10
Kado 2-6
24 0-4
Stayon 4-10
Force 50-31 Spark
Not a suprising result, however Spark did put up a fight here and are showing Lego style fight this week. A overpowering Siaxis and Iron Survivor being the difference here as other Force players failed to produce much more than the status quo but it was however nice for Healt to make his debute in Warbird. For spark Big Sean and Cloth holding their own but no magic like vs Lego.
Iron Survivor 16-9
Siaxis 13-5
Attacks 8-5
Bugger 0-5
Rampage 5-10
Rn 5-10
Dice 50-38 Thunder
A big matchup Thunder hoping to cleave through Dice with the momentum they picked up vs Force, and Dice sporting a top line.
Best was up for this one and was out killing Ease in the early start of the game as this was really going to be what decided the game early on, could Ease kill faster than Best?. Unfortunatly he couldn't...
Best was dominating as we have seen so much in the past and went into God mode and didn't look back. Zidane was outmatched in this contest and only pulled a 5-10, and a bad result from Weak another 3-10 this season from him. Weak is the second powerhouse for Thunder behind Ease and without as much depth as Dice he is somewhat relied upon to get better results than this and had he performed average or better we would be seeing quite a difference score from this tie especially when Racka and Mythril were far from their best. Ogron pulling a 10-10 which is a solid score vs stiff opposition. (see I don't trash you Ogron). So undoubtedly Best winning this game and proving he is just as formidable as he has been in any season.
Best 20-9 Hitting the Big 20 is hard when Ease and Weak are in the line opposite so credit to him.
24 9-4 Less said about the Paladen game the better, but solid here
Ease 12-10 Still producing a positive score even when not playing the greatest, a mark of a true warbird great.
Dynasty 50-38 Paladen
Dynasty like Spark aren't quite down and out yet and still have fight left in them.
I couldn't watch this game as it tied with the Thunder vs Dice game, however from the scoring looks like Paky Dude pulled off a shock result after doing nothing in warbird for quite some time netting a 15-8, meanwhile the rest of Dynasty team holding a even score so Paky Dude could bring home the bacon. After beating Dice you would expect Paladen to go on and win this tie and with a on form not u producing 1-5 it just wasn't going to happen, Money Shot again proving last week was a fluke and going out with 5-10, and Rtallen in deep water also with a 5-10. Racketeer fought hard and got 15 kills and still couldn't turn the tide from his evaporating Paladen side.
15-8 Paky Dude
15-10 Racketeer
Not u 1-5 Shame you could have been eyeing up Hot of the Week if it wasn't for this Catastrophe
RtAllen 5-10
Lego 50-35 Dynasty
From what this season has showed me there isn't much between Dynasty, Paladen and Lego as they all seem capable of beating each other, much like the upper Ladder with Cobra, Thunder, Force and Dice.
This game went to Lego as Rival finally found his feet after the Spark incident with a decent 12-8, and Solemn being solid and a little extra like hes been all season with a fancy 13-6, and Joemoma anouther candidate for most improved player this season hitting a 9-5. We also see the debut of Legionofboom which must have been a bit of a kick in the tuds to Dynasty as he hasn't played any other games for Lego than this one, however he didn't embarrass Dynasty and only managed a slightly better score than average here.
As for Dynasty hard to point a finger at one particular person apart from Temujins 5-10 but at least Dynasty are now putting their back into things again.
Cobra 50-47 Force
From actually playing in this match its hard to figure out what went wrong, Okyo and Attacks began the early game rockinh with kills, Cobra even sank below -10 score to Force at one point. Then things went drastically wrong when Siaxis mysteriously lagged out and was forced to be subbed for Zizzo then later Healt. Siaxis generally lags out at least once most games, however it seems the combination of his lag + server lag which was rather prominent that night led to him having to retire to the bench. This gave Cobra some momentum as they clawed back the -10 deficit, kept their players on 9 alive and started popping off Force players on 9. Attacks failed to continue his run as he went out 10-10 from a 7-3 score starting block, Okyo also died after starting well after having a great start, however he had a few more kills to his name with a 14-10, Finally Cres strays weren't connecting yet at least he was still surviving but in the end was taken down with very little to his name indeed.
Cobras stars were undoubtedly a dominating Ricko who was strong throughout and showing trench wars he isn't just a solid teamer but a game winner also, and a truly a historic come back from Kentaro who was 3-8 at one point to go on and make a come back to 14-10 which is exceptionally hard to do, perhaps all things considered it might have been better that Vys left Cobra, because subbing Kentaro would have been a bad move in this instance.
Its no secret that Force are missing Skepsis at the moment, that combined with the lagouts is killing us.
Ricko 15-9 Great play from the ginger warrior
Kentaro 14-10 Mighty ducks style come back
Okyo 14-10 Good to see Okyo finally get a decent result vs a good team on the board, pleased for him
Cres 3-10 Oh dear.....
Absent 5-8
Cobra 50-41 Thunder
Cobra with the momentum from beating Force up against a tired Thunder who would have felt the loss vs Dice deeply.
Cobra once again played the wounded animal trick as they yet again fell behind by -10 and looked beyond redemption, However once again Warbird captain Ricko 11-8 and his right hand man Kentaro 14-9 and under performing Absent had other ideas as they rallied the Cobra line and struck back at Thunder to win the game. Ease's lack of playing perhaps starting to kick in now the honeymoon period of coming back and being fresh is over, or perhaps i'm being harsh on the man as 11-10 by any other player than Ease is still a good score. Perspective I guess. Weak hit a 11-10 also himself which saved some pride from the earlier disaster. However the bogeyman was Zidane here for Thunder where he got 4-10, Zidane can actually fly a Warbird pretty well for someone who has lived and breathed Javelin but does seem to be struggling vs the tough ties at the moment.
Kentaro 14-9
Ricko 11-8
Absent 13-8
Zidane 4-10
Interview with Hots of the Week Kentaro and Ricko
Attacks> So two fantastic wins, and two great results for both of you, Cobra lost a few big matches a few weeks ago, here you have won two big matches, what has changed?
Ricko> well
Kentaro> we teamed better and our 9's stayed alive
Ricko> the week we lost to both dice and force we lost both games the same way
Ricko> didnt close out games or target the high deaths
Ricko> and we just addressed that
Attacks> So keeping 9s alive? and killing 9s was the difference?
Ricko> never had any doubt we can win games, winning both from huge -10 comebacks was good
Kentaro> momentum is huge in this game
Ricko> yeah pretty much, in both those losses we took our foot off mid game when they were both close and got rekt
Ricko> lost momentum and then got smashed
Attacks> So how do you feel about facing Dice now? you up for it?
Ricko> we're like kentaro's mom
Ricko> up for anything
Kentaro> LOL
Kentaro> honestly, im up for more pokemon go
Kentaro> will be a fun match vs dice
Ricko> although we've got really inactive lately so i doubt we can beat dice if we dont vs some effort mid week
Attacks> Well played guys, Ill put you both as hots of the weeks due to grit and ggs vs top players, any shout outs to anyone?
Ricko> shout out to pokemon go servers
Attacks> oh god not you also
Ricko> if they were up we'd prob have missed more guys
Attacks> and Ricko what is the most powerful pokemon you have collected so far?
Ricko> o fk let me chedck
Ricko> i suck atm, server is down 95% of the time
Ricko> I have a decent fearow
Ricko> but that's not even rare
Ricko> fk i suck
Ricko> delete this bit
Attacks> kentaro anything else from you?
Ricko> wait i meant i have mewtoo Too late you look feeble infront of your pokemon friends with no redemption
Kentaro> pokemon dont like gingers
Kentaro> that is all from me
Attacks> ok................ please let interview be over this is worse than Bests interview
Attacks> well congratulations guys you are Hots of the Week!
Ricko> fml this was such a nerdy interview
Attacks> go and relax and collect pokemon when servers are back up
Kentaro> ty
Ricko> why didnt youask me why im so hungover
Attacks> and why are you so hungover?
Attacks> been in the sun again?
Ricko> im red as fk
Ricko> o wait dont add this too
Ricko> im golden as fk
Attacks> too late
Attacks> ok guys i gotta type a load of shit up
Attacks> ggs
Ricko> cheers mate
Welcome to Hot or Not week 5
Apoligies for lateness especially when I won a award from Stayon for being so prompt with my writeups, I typed this entire article on forums, as it took a while it logged me out, so I proceeded to copy it then paste it, however I typed paste first instead of copy and lost half as autosave was saved back a hour ago where I was writing. Or it might be simpler to say my dog chewed up my homework.
Anyway enough of my sorrows!
This week we have some upsets, Spark finally winning a game, and another glum week of lagouts for Force.
Spark 50-29 Lego
Never thought I would see Spark this season show up with more Warbirds than Lego but maybe my trashing of them got them thinking or maybe they didn't need anyone to tell them the obvious. I think Lego were hoping for a no show again from Spark or thought they would breeze thought it, as Joemoma and Axwell were only the solid warbirds present in there entire line. Rival turned up shortly after with a lagout and a really poor start putting Lego on the back foot. For Spark big sean came out of nowhere and started playing a Warbird style i'd expect from someone like Ease or Mythril, shot after shot not missing a player. Fais also solid with a good kill deaths ratio, and the rest of spark holding their own even Rampage. Gurliver really struggling for lego and getting subbed out 1-6, while afghaN finished his legacy with a 0-4. No way back for Lego as Big Sean was merciless to secure Sparks first win this season. Their was a bit of lag present during the game so I understand Lego will be appealing this, as Tj Hazuki was furious about it, however I don't think a lagless game would have saved him from another poor result with 3-10.
Big Sean 17-6 Great play
Fais 10-5
Joemoma 10-10 Started off well was at 7-2 at one point then his team died
Guliver 1-6
afghaN 0-4
Rival 5-10
Tj Hazuki 3-10 Never disappoints
Paladen 50-35 Dice
I think dice have realized now that the days where you could put all javs and basers in vs Paladen and still win are past as they got a Holy Smiting. This is shock of the week as Paladen bulldozed Dice not just beating them but also beating them by a good margin. Not U contender for most improved player of the season had a kill frenzy almost hitting 20 with a 19-8 score. Racketeer with a cute 9-4 also, money shot not recreating last weeks magic with a 6-9 but that hardly mattered. As for Dice well Kado has been able to Warbird in the past in TWDD's but TWLD he was out of his element and only put up a 2-6 before being yanked out by 24 who couldn't recreate his javs skills into warbird kills this week with a 0-4. Stayon also shooting walls and hoping they would bounce like the other javs got a lacking 4-10 . Racka will feel no shame with a 16-10 however.
Not u 19-8 Fantastic play
Racketeer 9-4
Jebass 9-7 and did it with a pacemaker
Racka 16-10 (best? where are you bro? best best? aww shucks i'm gonna have to try doing this myself)
Holy ship 4-10
Kado 2-6
24 0-4
Stayon 4-10
Force 50-31 Spark
Not a suprising result, however Spark did put up a fight here and are showing Lego style fight this week. A overpowering Siaxis and Iron Survivor being the difference here as other Force players failed to produce much more than the status quo but it was however nice for Healt to make his debute in Warbird. For spark Big Sean and Cloth holding their own but no magic like vs Lego.
Iron Survivor 16-9
Siaxis 13-5
Attacks 8-5
Bugger 0-5
Rampage 5-10
Rn 5-10
Dice 50-38 Thunder
A big matchup Thunder hoping to cleave through Dice with the momentum they picked up vs Force, and Dice sporting a top line.
Best was up for this one and was out killing Ease in the early start of the game as this was really going to be what decided the game early on, could Ease kill faster than Best?. Unfortunatly he couldn't...
Best was dominating as we have seen so much in the past and went into God mode and didn't look back. Zidane was outmatched in this contest and only pulled a 5-10, and a bad result from Weak another 3-10 this season from him. Weak is the second powerhouse for Thunder behind Ease and without as much depth as Dice he is somewhat relied upon to get better results than this and had he performed average or better we would be seeing quite a difference score from this tie especially when Racka and Mythril were far from their best. Ogron pulling a 10-10 which is a solid score vs stiff opposition. (see I don't trash you Ogron). So undoubtedly Best winning this game and proving he is just as formidable as he has been in any season.
Best 20-9 Hitting the Big 20 is hard when Ease and Weak are in the line opposite so credit to him.
24 9-4 Less said about the Paladen game the better, but solid here
Ease 12-10 Still producing a positive score even when not playing the greatest, a mark of a true warbird great.
Dynasty 50-38 Paladen
Dynasty like Spark aren't quite down and out yet and still have fight left in them.
I couldn't watch this game as it tied with the Thunder vs Dice game, however from the scoring looks like Paky Dude pulled off a shock result after doing nothing in warbird for quite some time netting a 15-8, meanwhile the rest of Dynasty team holding a even score so Paky Dude could bring home the bacon. After beating Dice you would expect Paladen to go on and win this tie and with a on form not u producing 1-5 it just wasn't going to happen, Money Shot again proving last week was a fluke and going out with 5-10, and Rtallen in deep water also with a 5-10. Racketeer fought hard and got 15 kills and still couldn't turn the tide from his evaporating Paladen side.
15-8 Paky Dude
15-10 Racketeer
Not u 1-5 Shame you could have been eyeing up Hot of the Week if it wasn't for this Catastrophe
RtAllen 5-10
Lego 50-35 Dynasty
From what this season has showed me there isn't much between Dynasty, Paladen and Lego as they all seem capable of beating each other, much like the upper Ladder with Cobra, Thunder, Force and Dice.
This game went to Lego as Rival finally found his feet after the Spark incident with a decent 12-8, and Solemn being solid and a little extra like hes been all season with a fancy 13-6, and Joemoma anouther candidate for most improved player this season hitting a 9-5. We also see the debut of Legionofboom which must have been a bit of a kick in the tuds to Dynasty as he hasn't played any other games for Lego than this one, however he didn't embarrass Dynasty and only managed a slightly better score than average here.
As for Dynasty hard to point a finger at one particular person apart from Temujins 5-10 but at least Dynasty are now putting their back into things again.
Cobra 50-47 Force
From actually playing in this match its hard to figure out what went wrong, Okyo and Attacks began the early game rockinh with kills, Cobra even sank below -10 score to Force at one point. Then things went drastically wrong when Siaxis mysteriously lagged out and was forced to be subbed for Zizzo then later Healt. Siaxis generally lags out at least once most games, however it seems the combination of his lag + server lag which was rather prominent that night led to him having to retire to the bench. This gave Cobra some momentum as they clawed back the -10 deficit, kept their players on 9 alive and started popping off Force players on 9. Attacks failed to continue his run as he went out 10-10 from a 7-3 score starting block, Okyo also died after starting well after having a great start, however he had a few more kills to his name with a 14-10, Finally Cres strays weren't connecting yet at least he was still surviving but in the end was taken down with very little to his name indeed.
Cobras stars were undoubtedly a dominating Ricko who was strong throughout and showing trench wars he isn't just a solid teamer but a game winner also, and a truly a historic come back from Kentaro who was 3-8 at one point to go on and make a come back to 14-10 which is exceptionally hard to do, perhaps all things considered it might have been better that Vys left Cobra, because subbing Kentaro would have been a bad move in this instance.
Its no secret that Force are missing Skepsis at the moment, that combined with the lagouts is killing us.
Ricko 15-9 Great play from the ginger warrior
Kentaro 14-10 Mighty ducks style come back
Okyo 14-10 Good to see Okyo finally get a decent result vs a good team on the board, pleased for him
Cres 3-10 Oh dear.....
Absent 5-8
Cobra 50-41 Thunder
Cobra with the momentum from beating Force up against a tired Thunder who would have felt the loss vs Dice deeply.
Cobra once again played the wounded animal trick as they yet again fell behind by -10 and looked beyond redemption, However once again Warbird captain Ricko 11-8 and his right hand man Kentaro 14-9 and under performing Absent had other ideas as they rallied the Cobra line and struck back at Thunder to win the game. Ease's lack of playing perhaps starting to kick in now the honeymoon period of coming back and being fresh is over, or perhaps i'm being harsh on the man as 11-10 by any other player than Ease is still a good score. Perspective I guess. Weak hit a 11-10 also himself which saved some pride from the earlier disaster. However the bogeyman was Zidane here for Thunder where he got 4-10, Zidane can actually fly a Warbird pretty well for someone who has lived and breathed Javelin but does seem to be struggling vs the tough ties at the moment.
Kentaro 14-9
Ricko 11-8
Absent 13-8
Zidane 4-10
Interview with Hots of the Week Kentaro and Ricko
Attacks> So two fantastic wins, and two great results for both of you, Cobra lost a few big matches a few weeks ago, here you have won two big matches, what has changed?
Ricko> well
Kentaro> we teamed better and our 9's stayed alive
Ricko> the week we lost to both dice and force we lost both games the same way
Ricko> didnt close out games or target the high deaths
Ricko> and we just addressed that
Attacks> So keeping 9s alive? and killing 9s was the difference?
Ricko> never had any doubt we can win games, winning both from huge -10 comebacks was good
Kentaro> momentum is huge in this game
Ricko> yeah pretty much, in both those losses we took our foot off mid game when they were both close and got rekt
Ricko> lost momentum and then got smashed
Attacks> So how do you feel about facing Dice now? you up for it?
Ricko> we're like kentaro's mom
Ricko> up for anything
Kentaro> LOL
Kentaro> honestly, im up for more pokemon go
Kentaro> will be a fun match vs dice
Ricko> although we've got really inactive lately so i doubt we can beat dice if we dont vs some effort mid week
Attacks> Well played guys, Ill put you both as hots of the weeks due to grit and ggs vs top players, any shout outs to anyone?
Ricko> shout out to pokemon go servers
Attacks> oh god not you also
Ricko> if they were up we'd prob have missed more guys
Attacks> and Ricko what is the most powerful pokemon you have collected so far?
Ricko> o fk let me chedck
Ricko> i suck atm, server is down 95% of the time
Ricko> I have a decent fearow
Ricko> but that's not even rare
Ricko> fk i suck
Ricko> delete this bit
Attacks> kentaro anything else from you?
Ricko> wait i meant i have mewtoo Too late you look feeble infront of your pokemon friends with no redemption
Kentaro> pokemon dont like gingers
Kentaro> that is all from me
Attacks> ok................ please let interview be over this is worse than Bests interview
Attacks> well congratulations guys you are Hots of the Week!
Ricko> fml this was such a nerdy interview
Attacks> go and relax and collect pokemon when servers are back up

Kentaro> ty
Ricko> why didnt youask me why im so hungover
Attacks> and why are you so hungover?
Attacks> been in the sun again?
Ricko> im red as fk
Ricko> o wait dont add this too
Ricko> im golden as fk
Attacks> too late
Attacks> ok guys i gotta type a load of shit up

Attacks> ggs
Ricko> cheers mate