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#TWLB arena fun

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  • #TWLB arena fun

    Hey space friends!

    Who had a blast yesterday on that arena??? It was better than the actual game. AY LMAO!!

    In the meanwhile I forgot that if you have good morals in life and do something positive (even for the ones preying on you) or someone will do something positive for you, you get other side of the coin, mans will prey on you out of desperation for their goals. And even more ironicly, is when you asked for nothing in return. If you're a bafoon and somehow feel frustrated at anything TWL related, discussed on that arena, then this is your thread.

    I'll guide you into the light.

    * I'm finnishing a book called, Papito, the hyspanic and his friend Easelius Virginius Greedious.
    Last edited by Stayon; 08-29-2016, 06:51 AM.

  • #2
    TWLD 2016 Champion
    TWDTD champion x 3
    Potenza 4 LIFE


    • #3
      s t f u
      1:waven> u challenge
      1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

      Originally posted by MHz
      Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


      • #4
        I would but my bullshit meter filled up, sorry bud for not complying to a muppet silence for calling things how I see.

        Shut the fuck up?

        Damn, sounds rude when I say it. Always learning more about good attitudes, but you're a recurrent case on these boards.

        Edit: Solid reply by Iron, brazillian schools now teaching 3 letters.
        Last edited by Stayon; 08-29-2016, 11:04 AM.


        • #5
          Cobra are class act people from what I saw in the #TWLB areana

          Also, quote of the night: ph> I just heard zidane throw his mountain dew can at the wall after hearing the verdict
          1:Ogron> i can officially say that i am quitting tinder dude fuck that i met the most amazing girl ever
          1:Zidane> congrats man
          1:Ogron> yeah she is into star wars movies and plays little bit of LoL
          1:Ogron> AND we had a 10 minute make out session in my car
          1:Rough> AND this guy wonders why he is a loser


          • #6
            Originally posted by Stayon View Post
            I would but my bullshit meter filled up, sorry bud for not complying to a muppet silence for calling things how I see.

            Shut the fuck up?

            Damn, sounds rude when I say it. Always learning more about good attitudes, but you're a recurrent case on these boards.

            Edit: Solid reply by Iron, brazillian schools now teaching 3 letters.
            2 letters.
            Last edited by Shadowmere; 08-29-2016, 11:24 AM.
            3:Wax> ard and i snapchat all the time
            3:Wax> we play virtually tummysticks
            3:i.d.> da fk is that?
            3:Ardour> we basically are each others personal psychologist
            3:Shadowmere> i.d., Wax breaks keyboards playing SubSpace. Best not ask him what anything is.
            3:Wax> Tummy sticks is the situation, commonly referred to as a game, in which two erect men cuddle closely and face-to-face causing their two erect penises, or sticks, to push upwards between their stomachs, or tummys.
            3:Wax> Sticks combine with tummys, hence the name "tummy sticks."
            3:Shadowmere> LOL
            3:i.d.> Oddly, that's close to what I thought it was...

            Best> I never cooked a day in my life

            Deft> beat by a guy who plays ss on his cellphone
            Shadowmere> Rofl
            Up in ya !> With his feet
            Deft> no kidding, redefining l44t
            Up in ya !> l44t feet
            Deft> l44t f44t*
            Up in ya !> Twinkle toes
            Deft> he had l33t f33t but he practiced


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rough View Post
              Cobra are class act people from what I saw in the #TWLB areana

              Also, quote of the night: ph> I just heard zidane throw a mountain dew soda at the wall after hearing the verdict
              Confirmed. Especially Pressure and Turban who insisted so much on a replay after we forfeited by our own choise. Was fair game. Now let's sit here and hope others follow suit, might take a while though...maybe 2020.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Shadowmere View Post
                2 letters
                You forgot your dot in the end.

                Are you sick in the mind? Don't fail the fucking dot.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Stayon View Post
                  I would but my bullshit meter filled up, sorry bud for not complying to a muppet silence for calling things how I see.

                  Shut the fuck up?

                  Damn, sounds rude when I say it. Always learning more about good attitudes, but you're a recurrent case on these boards.

                  Edit: Solid reply by Iron, brazillian schools now teaching 3 letters.
                  Acho que pode ser o reflexo de um pais colonizado por um bando de idiotas (sim portugueses, vc ja estudou isso?).
                  TWLD 2016 Champion
                  TWDTD champion x 3
                  Potenza 4 LIFE


                  • #10
                    Iron was quick to change to portuguese due to natural mental gaps.

                    Yep, nunca estudei isso, nunca na vida. Não percebo o tom das respostas ambas as vezes mas eu posso jogar isto. Se achas que o meu país é composto por idiotas e que define o ridiculo que é o teu país onde macacos só pensam em samba, foder, praia, corpo e ser inútil em geral..por favor pensa duas vezes. Passaram centenas de anos desde a colonização. Não vês as notícias dos últimos anos do teu país? A quantidade de lixo e merda. Sem dúvida alguma, tudo culpa nossa, sabe bem ter um bode expiatório. Patético.

                    Lógica hilariante mas mal construída não surpreendentemente por alguém com poucas capacidades mentais.

                    Curtiste? É assim que escrevo sem respeito nenhum por idiotas bipolares que bebem um sumo de laranja com vodka e fritam de vez, passando de um gajo normal para um atrasado mental a atacar verbalmente só porque sim.

                    Vais longe na vida.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Stayon View Post
                      Iron was quick to change to portuguese due to natural mental gaps.

                      Yep, nunca estudei isso, nunca na vida. Não percebo o tom das respostas ambas as vezes mas eu posso jogar isto. Se achas que o meu país é composto por idiotas e que define o ridiculo que é o teu país onde macacos só pensam em samba, foder, praia, corpo e ser inútil em geral..por favor pensa duas vezes. Passaram centenas de anos desde a colonização. Não vês as notícias dos últimos anos do teu país? A quantidade de lixo e merda. Sem dúvida alguma, tudo culpa nossa, sabe bem ter um bode expiatório. Patético.

                      Lógica hilariante mas mal construída não surpreendentemente por alguém com poucas capacidades mentais.

                      Curtiste? É assim que escrevo sem respeito nenhum por idiotas bipolares que bebem um sumo de laranja com vodka e fritam de vez, passando de um gajo normal para um atrasado mental a atacar verbalmente só porque sim.

                      Vais longe na vida.
                      Idiotas bipolarez que bebem sumo de laranja?? Haahha acho que o unico bipolar aqui eh voce.. que infelizmente se acha o cara mais foda por estar numa squad com um bando de idiotas, nerds,que jogam esse jogo por mais de 10 anos e quando matam alguem numa pub escrevem "ez". Alias, ser inutil eh oq vc sabe fazer de melhor, nao tem capacidade pra comecar uma squad do nada e contribuir para o jogo como eu fiz, esta sempre cercado de "grandes jogadores" que comem o seu rabo dia e noite e fica puxando o saco uns dos outros pq nao conseguem competir em times mais fracos.

                      Alem de bipolar , inutil tambem eh burro.. a economia do brasil eh gigante comparada a do seu lixo de pais, que so se recuperou financeiramentd gracas a uniao europeia.. acho que as pessoas de um pais sao apenas o seu reflexo nao? Ou seja alem de depender de pessoas no jogo , o seu pais de bosta depende de outros paises pra tentarser alguma coisa.

                      Ps - pede pras mulheres do seu pais depilarem o bigode, nao sei se vcs estao acostumados com isso mas eh nojento.

                      Se fodei ai otario.
                      TWLD 2016 Champion
                      TWDTD champion x 3
                      Potenza 4 LIFE


                      • #12
                        iron, don't be exactly half of an 11 pound Black Forest ham
                        TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                        • #13
                          when stayon look to his teammates dicks while dice warming up

                          TWLD 2016 Champion
                          TWDTD champion x 3
                          Potenza 4 LIFE


                          • #14
                            Lol you make it sound like I care whether we play dice or cobra. The issue is that dice has 3 chances to win while thunder has 1. Losers bracket is a joke and if you want to forfeit lb games cause your team is garbage at jav then go for it. This game is dead af if cobra want to give u a 3rd chance then that's their choice. I'm not surprised at all to see this thread from an emo like u, surprised u didn't dissolve yet tbh


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by zidane View Post
                              Lol you make it sound like I care whether we play dice or cobra. The issue is that dice has 3 chances to win while thunder has 1. Losers bracket is a joke and if you want to forfeit lb games cause your team is garbage at jav then go for it. This game is dead af if cobra want to give u a 3rd chance then that's their choice. I'm not surprised at all to see this thread from an emo like u, surprised u didn't dissolve yet tbh

                              Lets go papi, dissolve! We know you can do it!
                              Major Crisis

