Uh.. wrong forum but thats ok.
PJ is getting settled into a new living situation that corresponds with his switching colleges this semester. He might not have internet for a few months. He will return though.
Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey
The simplest explanation Awesome would be that I'm a female or a male impersonating a female but I wouldn't go that low.
I was made a mod when Bluedandy either 1- left and got axed from staff 2-got axed then left tw, about a years and a half ago (according to PL i'm an idiot for suggesting situation 2, I don't really care).
The simplest explanation Awesome would be that I'm a female or a male impersonating a female but I wouldn't go that low.
True, being a female is hella low.
Jacklyn> i'm not here right now, leave ur phone number address and directions to your house, where you keep your money and what time youre not home and i will get Right back to you