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TWL 7 squads

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  • I didn't exactly forget about syndicate, I just don't know shit about them or who is on it.

    sleepy.. oh. It seemed like yesterday we cared about our place for some reason, so I just assumed it was reset. - Gallileo's racist thread

    "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


    • RB will surprise most ... ending up with a playoff spot I think. A lot depends on which teams end up in which conference.


      • I don't think the conferences will be as unbalanced as they were last year.

        Assuming we'll still stick with the "get all caps to rate all squads in division and then formulate seedings based on those and stick every other squad in dif coference" (which is the best way to do it) It should be fine simply because the caps will know more about each squad this time around.
        The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

        Originally posted by Richard Creager
        All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


        • Originally posted by Nickname
          I don't think the conferences will be as unbalanced as they were last year.

          Assuming we'll still stick with the "get all caps to rate all squads in division and then formulate seedings based on those and stick every other squad in dif coference" (which is the best way to do it) It should be fine simply because the caps will know more about each squad this time around.
          But isn't that what they did last season? What makes you think this season will be any better w/balanced conferences? (hope that didn't sound too condensending Nick =D)


          • All these people saying RB will suprise most... is ruining the suprise... keep it on the hush hush and let them play their game :P


            • RB surprising anyone doesn't help when I'm trying to recruit people :P

              (Added after edit)

              Actually, I think TWLB will be the most competitive as of yet this season. There are like 10 _great_ squads I can name off the top of my head, so even strong squads may not do that well. But we'll see I guess.
              Last edited by K2Grey; 01-26-2004, 10:35 PM.
              - k2


              • Originally posted by Cig Smoke

                And as exactly what Rand said, when u got teams goin undefeated (diso last season) ur bound to have squads having losing and very bad records no matter if u have 20 teams, 16 teams, or 12 teams, Even if u have less then that u'd have teams w/ very bad records. If u want a more competative league u gotta 1st distrubute the best players throughout the squads, basicaly what u have is a very small percent of very elite guys, who all basicaly bunch up on 1 or 2 squads. Then u have the next level of guys who are close to elite but arent quite tehre. And they basicaly make up the bench of them 1-2 squads listed above. Then u have ur fair share of over average players who make up most of the rest of the league.
                Last season we, as Camisade, also lost our game to Disoblige. Before the season squads as Mambo, Spastic and Camisade (or at least one of these would be one of those squads) you now say shouldn't be let in.

                In advance everyone said we didn't stand a chance vs Disoblige, but it didn't make the game less exciting.
                It's nice of you to try and judge all the squads that are around and tell us what we feel when playing leagues.
                Just because some squads don't seem to be competative doesn't mean you should just remove them.
                You win a league by beating the little ones, and you could always lose to one of those.
                I don't see how a league of 16 squads with exactly the same strenght would make a nicer league to play.
                You ate some priest porridge


                • To me javving is almost always the most exciting league. W/wbs you rarely see 2fers ... but in jav a 2fer is like a home run in baseball. Basing is ... eh, I thought it was the most exciting right before TWL last season when Cami, Mambo, Dekai were all fighting for spots. Nothing matches the excitement during those few months of TWD.


                  • Ever had to oppertunity to sit and watch 2 javs go at it 1v1 at the end of an elim or JD? It's reaaaaal exciting.


                    • Conferences will still be unbalanced to an extent bc u have captains (ppl) with different opinions on different things. in LD/LJ ur captain might always do great vs say -f-, but u mite always suck and go 3:10, ur captain still thinks they suck. As long as they are made up by ppl w/ opinions they wont be fair.


                      • I sure as hell didn't. Can't believe this thread has over 250 replies, that's great.. that's just funny..that's...why the hell am i posting here. We all know who's going to win but we all like argueing our points although it may seem as the most obvious answer is in the form of another ones idea. heh. give up, let it slide, whatever, who cares. I bet whatever you have had to say was probably already said. spammers.


                        • Oh well..
                          I just realized so much thing will change til TWL starts. When I made this shitty Thread I thought it wouldnt change that much but after noticing that even in my squad things changed ..
                          Players are no longer loyal to a squad and join/leave without thinking .

                          The day the rosters will be locked lets predict . Someone who joins a squad today I bet he wont be there in 1 month. Stupidly, that's the truth ...
                          1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
                          1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
                          1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
                          1:Vitja> afk
                          1:Underground> haha vit
                          1:Kian> LOL VITJA

                          -Sk8 site and forums:


                          • I know thats about me and cent, and i wont bother to reply in public bc i already told u the reasoning, and if u dont think there was alot of time put into thinking about it ur wrong, i had alot of stuff in sk8 which i enjoyed and ppl who followed me to sk8 who i am no longer with. U guys will be fine with out me, i didnt help anything but basing for u guys. U got the same basicaly lineup in javs - cent, and the same lineup in wbs. U'll make playoffs in both of them leagues i could put money on it. Basing was useless after RR left.


                            • I just realized I was dumb enough to forget about the satanic wrs... so they'll steal #5 or #4 =/

                              Seems I also forgot "Incuria" but since I'm newb enough to not even know who they are, they'll hardly beat me online.
                              When you strive hard to learn knowledge, you discover that you simply lost your time.


                              • Originally posted by Cries
                                I just realized I was dumb enough to forget about the satanic wrs... so they'll steal #5 or #4 =/
                                According to the rumours I've heard, whiterabbits are choosing not to participate in TWLB this year. May or may not be true.

