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What keeps you up at night?

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  • What keeps you up at night?

    ELO rating system for geekbot. I have an idea and I won't be able to sleep until I post about it.

    If TWL starts 1-2 months after TWD resets, the ladder will not be correct. Guraranteed. Take for example the young lads at Pallies Enterprises. These lazy bums BD about once a millenia.

    Jan 12 win vs. ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
    Jan 02 win vs. Incuria
    Dec 28 loss vs. Spastic
    Dec 20 loss vs. Anti-Scrub
    Oct 12 win vs. -FINAL-
    Oct 12 win vs. Melee

    After a reset and before TWL 7, they will BD, what, maybe three times total? Twice they will BD against Rejects and twice they will beat us with a stick. After their three wins they will have an ELO rating of about 1052. Pathetic. Look at Pallies rating now- 1024. Disoblige is 1013. What's up with that?

    Ok, rating doesn't matter for them since they are guaranteed TWL- but it messes up the ladder for every squad that plays them. Solution?

    When the reset comes, reset everyone to 1000 and all TWL 6 playoff squads to 1400. They've already proven themselves worthy of such a score. If they are not worthy, they will quickly drop back down. If new squads play them and win, they will climb faster. If TWL squads play each other or newbie squads play each other, there will be no difference.

    Result: the ladder spreads out without the ELO rating calculation needing to be tweaked. Strength of scedule solved. A lasting peace spreads across Subspace.

    I know every system can be exploited, but at least this way it will work more the way it's supposed to. In Chess, player rankings are "calibrated" against other groups of players with "known" rankings. Previous TWL squads are the closest we have to a group of "known" skill levels.

  • #2
    No. We already have enough problems finding a twbd right now. Hell, if we boost these squads to 1400 and lower the rest, how will the first ones get to play and practice in those 1-2 months?


    • #3
      dttr your post makes no sense.

      People would much rather play a squad ranked 1400 than the same squad ranked 1000. If you lose to a squad ranked 1400 you lose less points and if you beat them you gain more points. Besides making the ranking system more acccurate during the first few weeks, it would make it so new squads would be less afraid to play the TWL squads from last season since they wouldn't have as much to lose if they lost.


      • #4
        its actually a pretty good idea.... maybe the 1400 needs to be discussed, but im not sure what would be a good # there
        Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.


        • #5
          Let's say around 1150 for TWBD... 1250 for TWJD and 1300 for TWDD, a little lower, but at the beginning very disireable.


          • #6
            or how about just leave the twl6 playoff squads off the ladder?

            maybe more bot programming is required for this..but meh, just a suggestion
            1 + 1 = 1


            • #7
              There was a much better plan suggested a long time ago.. in fact, I think it might've been me that suggested it.. (If not, sorry to whoever it was, I forget stuff)

              Make it so that a twd squad gains normal points, but only loses half points against a twl-guaranteed squad

              conversely, make twl squads so that they only gain half points, but lose full amount against twd-only squads.

              this suggestion encourages teams to play against the quality teams of last season, and it handicaps the twl squads, but I don't think they really care anyway.. I know I don't.

              I think other people tweeked the idea a little bit, but I'm not willing to go search for the thread.

              or fuck it, just leave it how it is.
     - Gallileo's racist thread

              "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


              • #8
                bz, that's exactly what my suggestion is trying to accomplish. The ladder rewards you more/penalizes you less for playing higher ranked teams. It also penalizes you more/rewards you less for playing lower ranked teams. Starting the TWL squads at a higher ranking recognizes their skill and "jump starts" the ladder.

                I'm talking about basing because fewer base games happen so "initializing" the ladder is more important. From a glance at TWDD and TWJD (which I know nothing about) it looks like the ladder is more spread out and doesn't need as much help.

                For TWBD, if new squads start at 1000 and TWL squads at 1400, after a number of weeks, new squads will distribute from 900-1300. TWL squads will distribute from 1300-1450. This is assuming TWL squads are better than new squads.

                If TWL squads start lower than 1400, or if some new squads are better than TWL squads, there will be more overlap, which is fine too- if it accurately represents the skill level.


                • #9
                  Or if you just removed the twl squads from the ladder, and left their worth at some average-high number (1200 maybe?), that could work too.
         - Gallileo's racist thread

                  "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                  • #10
                    Nah... I still find it fun competing on the ladder, even though our points don't matter. Taking TWL squads off wouldn't make a difference, either, because you still have a certain number of points; it just doesn't count for anything.

                    And I'm sure everyone that deserves to be in TWLB will get in. The number of open spots is going to outnumber the number of worthy teams; that's for sure.


                    • #11
                      The"losing only half the points when you lose to a twl-guaranteed squad" would be perfect (at least for Spores)
                      6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                      Originally posted by Dreamwin
                      3 league vet

