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  • Rule

    Has anyone thought of this?

    No SuperMODerator, SYStemOPerator, any type of OPerator, or any form of high authority over regular players shall not be recognized as having more than one autoritive figure. No high authority of any squad, such as squad captains and co-captains, shall take any authorative position suchas MODerator, SuperMODerator, SYStemOPerator, or any type of OPerator.

    For the slow ones.
    Staff of any kind cannot be two things of high power all at once.
    Squad captains cannot take any position in staff.

    This should rid, or help atleast, some problems.

  • #2
    "Disoblige - It's not just a squad, it's a lifestyle" - BermuDa



    • #3
      Why shouldn't squad captains be mods or smods? Squad captians are generally among the more mature and responsible people in TW. To run a squad takes a certain level of responsibility and competency. These are qualities which make good staff members.

      Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

      My anime blog:


      • #4
        I quit staff because I wanted to focus on running my squad with the limited time I have.

        I can guess Magi's reason for posting this: corruption in league matches?
        'vet' is the new 'newb'.
        sit ez vet, sit.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Louis XV

          I can guess Magi's reason for posting this: corruption in league matches?
          RaCka> how can i get you here
          death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
          RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
          death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


          • #6
            Captains, staff and league admin aren't neccessarily the same people. Why shouldn't captains be allowed to be staff? The problem is that league admin are involved in squads who play in the leagues.
            "Disoblige - It's not just a squad, it's a lifestyle" - BermuDa



            • #7
              Originally posted by Epinephrine
              Why shouldn't squad captains be mods or smods? Squad captians are generally among the more mature and responsible people in TW. To run a squad takes a certain level of responsibility and competency. These are qualities which make good staff members.

              Advantage \n\ - 1. The quality of having a superior or more favorable position.


              • #8
                I would agree to such a rule, but only if it were put in place in a league setting. That is, squad captains can be regular staff members but cannot be affiliated with the staff of any league in which their squad participates.
                jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                • #9
                  Advantages to not having captains/co-caps as staff not operating leagues

                  - possibly less corruption, less favourtism.

                  (must be more you name them)

                  Disadvantages of captains/co-caps not being staff

                  - even if their not staff operating those leagues their squads are in, they will be a member of some squad, so they could still hold bias.
                  - Alot of responsible staff members are also responsible squad leaders, just because a few bad apples can ruin bunch not everyone should pay price. Squadleaders tend to care about the game alot more, and are used to being organized, checking up on things, if they dont run it, you may just have people who have very little intrest running things. Things could be worse then.
                  - squads need staff members, to run practices, also to have a clear view of whats going on in leagues. Since staff run the leagues, squads need to be very intereactive with them.
                  - their is alot of experience in the leadership of tw, that is related to staff, if you take it away like a rule this, you have newer staff, looking over bigger issues, with less experience.

                  Advantages and Disadvantages with both. I think you just need several people running leagues, no one person in charge, that way they can counterreact each other. If their is a head that person has to be as unbiased as possible. I think staff is doing a decent job, except for a few execeptions, which will always happen.
                  Last edited by Rule; 08-27-2002, 02:53 AM.


                  • #10
                    i cant believe you guys are serious about this.
                    in twl, banned players can play in league matches and final decisions can be changed due to some smod's will

                    i say dont take this game so seriously, cuz the staff is seriously incompetent
                    Death makes angels of us all
                    & gives us wings
                    where we once had shoulders
                    smooth as raven's


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DanyalDenyo
                      i say dont take this game so seriously, cuz the staff is seriously incompetent
                      Yeah! Staff sucks!

                      This argument is tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired.
                      Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                      • #12
                        Wake up...


                        So what? Stop complaining because everything isn't as you wished. I'd like to see more ppl trying to take actions to change the system now. People complain but they don't whant to join staff...

                        Doesn't much sense...

                        *Erathia is SMod while he is also the captain of A-S and he's doing pretty well*
                        When you strive hard to learn knowledge, you discover that you simply lost your time.


                        • #13
                          Re: Wake up...

                          Originally posted by Cries

                          So what? Stop complaining because everything isn't as you wished. I'd like to see more ppl trying to take actions to change the system now. People complain but they don't whant to join staff...

                          Doesn't much sense...

                          *Erathia is SMod while he is also the captain of A-S and he's doing pretty well*
                          Besides break 3 rules in TWL.
                          I fucking own you in the warbird, shut the fuck up.


                          • #14
                            Re: Re: Wake up...

                            Originally posted by Ruby
                            Besides break 3 rules in TWL.
                            Sigh... I'll bite: what three rules in TWL has Erathia broken?



                            • #15
                              Don't feed the monkey. Tsk.
                              Mr 12 inch wonder

