Since the current "TSLB Standings" designate players as a certain ship, and then include statistics that they have played in other ships into their ranking, they inaccurately represent player statistics. I know with time the money value ratings will improve, since you have to play more games for it to be accurate, but as it stands the "cumulative" stats negatively impact terr ratings. For example, Oder is considered a terr on the standings, but has a 39:65 K-D ratio. While I appreciate the hard work going into the league, and know that the value statistic will become more accurate with time as players play more games, I thought it would be cool to release the current real stats for this ship.
Therefore, I took on the task of collecting players' statistics who are currently considered "terrs" on the TSLB standings. I separated their games played by ship to give a more accurate representation of the stats for players who have terred in TSL. This list excludes players like bellflowers and Raples and some others because, of course, no one gives a shit. I also did not look into the statistics of players who are listed as any other ship than terr (sorry Trasher, maybe I'll do yours later).
Of course, some players have played more games than others, but the only difficulty I came across in logging the stats was for Oder, who had 2 games that I didn't know whether he spidered or sharked for the full game. Every other player stat is clean. I don't have time to accommodate for discrepancies in games played or other anomalies that may get picked out. Anyway, here are the current terr statistics ranked by K-D ratio. I may consider updating these weekly, maybe not.
EDIT: Time for/against is based in seconds, btw. So for example, 14.33 = 14 minutes 20 seconds since there's no other way to do it in excel based on minutes/seconds. Ignore the "Time for/against" for each individual game, and only consider the "Per Game" for that statistic.
Therefore, I took on the task of collecting players' statistics who are currently considered "terrs" on the TSLB standings. I separated their games played by ship to give a more accurate representation of the stats for players who have terred in TSL. This list excludes players like bellflowers and Raples and some others because, of course, no one gives a shit. I also did not look into the statistics of players who are listed as any other ship than terr (sorry Trasher, maybe I'll do yours later).
Of course, some players have played more games than others, but the only difficulty I came across in logging the stats was for Oder, who had 2 games that I didn't know whether he spidered or sharked for the full game. Every other player stat is clean. I don't have time to accommodate for discrepancies in games played or other anomalies that may get picked out. Anyway, here are the current terr statistics ranked by K-D ratio. I may consider updating these weekly, maybe not.
EDIT: Time for/against is based in seconds, btw. So for example, 14.33 = 14 minutes 20 seconds since there's no other way to do it in excel based on minutes/seconds. Ignore the "Time for/against" for each individual game, and only consider the "Per Game" for that statistic.
