Hello everyone. It has been brought to my attention that people from Jamaica on wifi may not be able to participate in this great event. I've been thinking a lot about this - before bed... in the shower... and I think it might be the reason why the steam launch was unsuccessful.. (along with warbird resolution limits - shoutout hackysack). Now fortuitously this year we have a player who has sacrificed a good connection to go on a jamaican cruise and see what the limits should be raised to. Here are the results...
TW-Duel2> : PING Cur: 440ms Ave: 560ms Low: 360ms Hi: 720ms PLOSS S2C: 2.2% C2S: -0.1% S2CWeapons: 0.0%
TW-Duel2> ------- SLOW S2C: 0.0% C2S: 0.7% SPIKE Med: 41.85 Count: 2
If we could possibly raise the limits to these standards I think we could achieve 10 teams in DT (at the VERY least) I've never been on a cruise ship but from the images I've seen a lot of people are just lounging around in warbird shorts cursing trench wars power-hungry land dwellers for enforcing such unfair limits. WE NEED TO INCLUDE EVERYONE!
Thank you to our anonymous brave soul for researching Jamaican cruise ship WIFI limits, you have done a great service to the zone.
In the future I think it may be worth it for the zone to fundraise for an antarctica lan-party to see if we are missing any potential players there due to restrictive lag limits.
TW-Duel2> : PING Cur: 440ms Ave: 560ms Low: 360ms Hi: 720ms PLOSS S2C: 2.2% C2S: -0.1% S2CWeapons: 0.0%
TW-Duel2> ------- SLOW S2C: 0.0% C2S: 0.7% SPIKE Med: 41.85 Count: 2
If we could possibly raise the limits to these standards I think we could achieve 10 teams in DT (at the VERY least) I've never been on a cruise ship but from the images I've seen a lot of people are just lounging around in warbird shorts cursing trench wars power-hungry land dwellers for enforcing such unfair limits. WE NEED TO INCLUDE EVERYONE!
Thank you to our anonymous brave soul for researching Jamaican cruise ship WIFI limits, you have done a great service to the zone.
In the future I think it may be worth it for the zone to fundraise for an antarctica lan-party to see if we are missing any potential players there due to restrictive lag limits.