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Turban Throws 2v2 TWEL Spider Match for Money (with logs)

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  • Turban Throws 2v2 TWEL Spider Match for Money (with logs)

    Click image for larger version

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Views:	566
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ID:	1353882

    I omitted the names for privacy but this is the payment that Turban received from Cripple to throw the spider match. Logs included in the ghostbin link. What punishment should these players receive post-TWL?
    Mythril> when i met ease in 2001 he was a gameboy
    Shaw> it was sad steadman. ppl were saying morph was the best jav and stuff. sad times without you here
    mcvicar> the last time ease spoke to me is when he said fart and then claus said "Fart it is."
    Mythril> stead was wishing covid 14 on ppl back in the day

    Jessup> I was beat up by a dwarf once

  • #2
    C 7:cripple> turb
    mvp> tax texting vys now
    C 1:ro> LOOOOOOl
    Tiny> ?
    C 1:Ogron> loooool
    turban> k then we shud play
    C 7:cripple> 50$ paypal if u throw
    C 7:turban> ?
    C 7:Rough> turb, this sounds like a man who has no confidence...
    C 7:turban> Deal.
    Mythril> i can wait its fine
    Tiny> 2:30 pm was like 2 weeks ago
    C 7:Rough> LOL
    Rab> lol
    C 7:cripple> k
    Tiny> we changed the finals and all knew that
    C 7:cripple> paypal?
    C 7:turban> i need to make it realistic tho .. gna beat the fk out u ..
    Hellrazor> isnt commodo supposed to be here too?
    Rab> apparently not
    C 7:turban> atte.(Omitted)
    Tiny> rab
    C 7:turban> I'm waiting to collect my tournament winnings.
    C 7:cripple> k
    C 7:mvp> venmo > paypal
    Tiny> hes late for irl stuff
    Tiny> and using that as an excuse
    C 7:cripple> u have cash app
    Tiny> dont buy it
    C 7:turban> sorry but my country is extremely primitive and does not accept Venmo
    C 7:cripple> LOL
    C 7:turban> think that's only for NA
    C 7:turban> tbh
    C 7:mvp> rofl
    C 7:turban> not for EU
    C 7:Rough> thats ur first name??
    C 7:turban> You can call me Oscar.
    Rab> idc i'm the guy who shows up an hour early for everything, hate late ppl
    C 7:turban> it's my middle name ..
    C 7:Rough> ???
    C 7:turban> LOOL
    TWELS Tournament Finals starting now!!! Cripple & Nowon vs Trasher & Turban
    turban> gluck my friends.
    turban> !challenge now:3
    E TW-Duel2> [SCRIM] You have challenged nowon and cripple to a CASUAL Spider duel to 5. This challenge will expire in 1 minute.
    turban> how to spider
    C 1:Ogron> what is going on
    Steadman> lol..... i would fight rab irl
    C 1:Ogron> is there some final
    [ELIM] WB elim to 5 starting now. Type ?go elim to play for $ -Robo Ref
    C 1:Ogron> in spid
    C 1:turban> Yes.
    Rab> oo fun
    Rab> gl
    cripple> !a turb
    P TW-Duel2> [CASUAL] Duel Begins in 15 Seconds Against 'nowon' and 'cripple'
    C 1:Ogron> who
    Yojimbo^> LOL
    C 1:RaCka> this is it
    C 1:turban> spez crip vs turpod trishir
    cripple> i havent even warmed uip
    C 1:Ogron> ah
    turban> same
    C 1:Ogron> cripple duels?
    Mythril> what a matchup
    C 1:Ogron> lol
    cripple> i expected to warm up before 3
    C 1:turban> ye
    P TW-Duel2> GO GO GO!!!
    RaCka> this is sick
    C 1:turban> he solid
    turban> pub league
    C 1:Ogron> my spids from my dt-b 2017 team teaming up
    C 1:Ogron> nice
    C 1:Ogron> i wish them good luck
    Mythril> i see 4 goat spids atm shooting eachother
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 0-1
    P TW-Duel2> You have 4 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 0-2
    turban> wut
    turban> i suk
    TWELS Tournament Finals starting now!!! Cripple & Nowon vs Trasher & Turban. Type ?go duel2 to watch -Tiny
    Hellrazor> oh its turban trasher
    C 1:turban> misrtead energy
    Blueout on
    C 1:Ogron> spezz the best spid dueler
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 0-3
    P TW-Duel2> You have 3 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 0-4
    C 1:turban> i hath been fucked
    C 1:turban> i should use dw style
    C 1:turban> n warp
    T Trasher> sorry
    C 1:nowon> its OP
    T turban> nou worries
    C 1:turban> warmup round
    P TW-Duel2> You have 2 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 0-5
    C 1:turban> o
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 1-5
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 1-6
    C 1:turban> we got 1
    C 1:turban> ez
    P TW-Duel2> You have 1 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 1-7
    T turban> ou nou
    P TW-Duel2> You have 0 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 1-8
    C 1:turban> Ez
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-8
    E TW-Duel2> 'Turban' is out with 0:5
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-8
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-9
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-8
    C 1:turban> we r losir
    C 1:turban> m 0-5
    C 7:turban> I expect 100 dollars to be on my account.
    C 7:cripple> ye
    C 1:turban> i was bribed by cripple
    C 7:tj hazuki> ? LOL
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-9
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 3-9
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-9
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-10
    E TW-Duel2> 'Trasher' is out with 2:5
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-10
    P TW-Duel2> You and 'Trasher' have been defeated by 'nowon' and 'cripple' score: (2-10)
    P TW-Duel2> ,------------------------+----+----+----------.
    P TW-Duel2> | K | D | LO | PlayTime |
    P TW-Duel2> | ,----+----+----+----------+
    P TW-Duel2> | Challengers / 2 | 10 | 0 | 547 |
    P TW-Duel2> +-----------------' | | | |
    P TW-Duel2> | turban 0 | 5 | 0 | 237 |
    P TW-Duel2> | Trasher 2 | 5 | 0 | 310 |
    P TW-Duel2> +------------------------+----+----+----------+
    P TW-Duel2> | ,----+----+----+----------+
    P TW-Duel2> | Accepters / 10 | 2 | 0 | 620 |
    P TW-Duel2> +-----------------' | | | |
    P TW-Duel2> | nowon 6 | 1 | 0 | 310 |
    P TW-Duel2> | cripple 4 | 1 | 0 | 310 |
    P TW-Duel2> `------------------------+----+----+----------'
    turban> ggs
    turban> !ch now:3
    E TW-Duel2> [SCRIM] You have challenged nowon and cripple to a CASUAL Spider duel to 5. This challenge will expire in 1 minute.
    C 7:Rough> turb if this helps you at all
    T turban> nonii hyvä warmup
    Blueout off
    C 7:turban> ?
    C 7:Rough> the prize winnings are much more in spider than jav..
    C 7:turban> LOOL
    C 7:turban> I MUST WIN NOW !!
    C 7:Rough> by $25
    C 7:Rough> !!
    C 7:turban> ?
    C 7:cripple> will send u
    C 7:Rough> LOL
    Round 2!
    P TW-Duel2> GO GO GO!!!
    C 1:beam> turban ever gna win
    P TW-Duel2> You have 4 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 0-1
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 1-1
    C 1:turban> no
    P turban> crip promising 100 dollars if i throw
    P turban> LOOL
    P beam> ya rite ur a fkin bum LOL
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 1-2
    P TW-Duel2> You have 3 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 1-3
    P TW-Duel2> Double kill, doesn't count.
    P TW-Duel2> You have 4 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 1-2
    P TW-Duel2> You have 3 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 1-3
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 1-4
    C 1:turban> am gna b rich
    C 1:turban> been bribed
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-4
    P TW-Duel2> You have 2 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-5
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 3-5
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-5
    P TW-Duel2> You have 1 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-6
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-7
    C 1:zidane> shit mega actually signed up LOL
    C 1:ro> ?
    C 1:zidane> thought that was a troll
    C 1:ro> i said he did
    C 1:Steadman> he capping?
    C 1:ro> u dont trust me?
    C 1:ro> dont pick me.
    C 1:zidane> LOL
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 3-7
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 4-7
    C 1:beam> let me know when u need my wb rating changes submitted
    C 1:zidane> sure
    C 1:zidane> go for it
    C 1:zidane> we are trying to have em out soon
    C 1:beam> Ro - 9
    C 1:zidane> possibly tmrw
    C 1:beam> u got a link to current ratings?
    C 1:beam> who is currently doing wb
    C 1:zidane> tiny do we have an doc up for stats ?
    C 1:zidane> a*
    C 1:beam> LOL u and tiny doing wb ratings?
    C 1:zidane> no
    C 1:zidane> i just mean has he made an excel
    C 1:beam> Who is ur guy
    C 1:zidane> think we are going to start off with last yrs ratings
    C 1:zidane> then just adjust
    C 1:zidane> and have lot of ppl look
    C 1:beam> i thought u were sayin u'd post final ratings tomorrow
    C 1:ro> dont look too hard =P
    C 1:beam> u meant u'd just put up a post
    C 1:beam> nvm then
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 5-7
    P TW-Duel2> You have 0 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 5-8
    C 1:turban> LOL
    C 1:turban> i suk
    E TW-Duel2> 'Turban' is out with 1:5
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 5-8
    C 1:beam> it would have been good to give caps a week to plan their draft
    P turban> i got bribed by crip to throw for 100 dollars.
    C 1:zidane> they have 2 weeks
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 5-9
    C 1:beam> but u guys havent even finalized the cap list
    C 1:beam> isnt drafted in a week
    C 1:beam> or did u push it backj
    C 1:zidane> push back 1 week
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 5-10
    turban> ggs
    E TW-Duel2> 'Trasher' is out with 4:5
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 5-10
    P TW-Duel2> You and 'Trasher' have been defeated by 'nowon' and 'cripple' score: (5-10)
    P TW-Duel2> ,------------------------+----+----+----------.
    P TW-Duel2> | K | D | LO | PlayTime |
    P TW-Duel2> | ,----+----+----+----------+
    P TW-Duel2> | Challengers / 8 | 10 | 0 | 937 |
    P TW-Duel2> +-----------------' | | | |
    P TW-Duel2> | turban 3 | 5 | 0 | 453 |
    P TW-Duel2> | Trasher 4 | 5 | 0 | 484 |
    P TW-Duel2> +------------------------+----+----+----------+
    P TW-Duel2> | ,----+----+----+----------+
    P TW-Duel2> | Accepters / 10 | 5 | 0 | 968 |
    P TW-Duel2> +-----------------' | | | |
    P TW-Duel2> | nowon 6 | 3 | 0 | 484 |
    P TW-Duel2> | cripple 4 | 2 | 0 | 484 |
    P TW-Duel2> `------------------------+----+----+----------'
    C 1:zidane> superbowl was bad idea
    turban> uno mas.
    C 7:turban> I am rich.
    zidane> 3 more maybe??
    C 1:beam> k
    blueout off
    zidane> what is that attitude LOL
    turban> !ch crip:3
    E TW-Duel2> [SCRIM] You have challenged nowon and cripple to a CASUAL Spider duel to 5. This challenge will expire in 1 minute.
    turban> We are making progress.
    T turban> lämmin ny
    C 1:beam> so ur plan is post this week finalize ratings by next week?
    cripple> !a tur
    P TW-Duel2> [CASUAL] Duel Begins in 15 Seconds Against 'nowon' and 'cripple'
    T Trasher> jes
    Congrats to Cripple & Nowon for winning Round 2! Round 3 starting! Trasher & Turban (0-2) Cripple & Nowon
    C 1:turban> time to win one
    C 1:zidane> posted early this week
    C 1:zidane> then ppl can comment
    C 1:zidane> etc
    P TW-Duel2> GO GO GO!!!
    C 1:zidane> if u wanna look at wb, go for it
    C 1:beam> ill let hellrazor do wb ratings lol it sounds like u got it taken care of
    C 1:zidane> tiny will do it later
    C 1:zidane> he doin twel stuff
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 1-0
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 0-0
    C 1:zidane> rap did u sing up?
    C 1:zidane> sign*
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 1-0
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-0
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-1
    P TW-Duel2> You have 4 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-2
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-3
    C 1:ro> ROFL RACKA
    C 1:zidane> beam
    C 1:zidane> LOL
    C 1:RaCka> LOOOL
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-4
    P TW-Duel2> You have 3 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-5
    T turban> ou nou
    P turban> crip bribed me
    P turban> LOL
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 2-6
    P ro> ? LOL
    P ro> trasher was an awful pick
    P ro> looks like a bot
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 3-6
    P TW-Duel2> You have 2 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 3-7
    P turban> crip said i get 100 dollars if i throw LOL
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 4-7
    P TW-Duel2> You have 1 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 4-8
    C 1:zidane> amnesti is the biggest troll
    C 1:RaCka> i love it
    C 1:zidane> yea
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 5-8
    C 1:zidane> loved squading with him
    C 1:zidane> non stop laughs
    C 1:ro> Recruit him.
    P TW-Duel2> You have 0 deaths remaining.
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 5-9
    E TW-Duel2> 'Turban' is out with 4:5
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 5-9
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 6-9
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 6-10
    E TW-Duel2> 'Trasher' is out with 2:5
    E TW-Duel2> Score: 6-10
    P TW-Duel2> You and 'Trasher' have been defeated by 'nowon' and 'cripple' score: (6-10)
    P TW-Duel2> ,------------------------+----+----+----------.
    P TW-Duel2> | K | D | LO | PlayTime |
    P TW-Duel2> | ,----+----+----+----------+
    P TW-Duel2> | Challengers / 6 | 10 | 0 | 915 |
    P TW-Duel2> +-----------------' | | | |
    P TW-Duel2> | turban 4 | 5 | 0 | 444 |
    P TW-Duel2> | Trasher 2 | 5 | 0 | 471 |
    P TW-Duel2> +------------------------+----+----+----------+
    P TW-Duel2> | ,----+----+----+----------+
    P TW-Duel2> | Accepters / 10 | 6 | 0 | 942 |
    P TW-Duel2> +-----------------' | | | |
    P TW-Duel2> | nowon 4 | 2 | 0 | 471 |
    P TW-Duel2> | cripple 6 | 4 | 0 | 471 |
    P TW-Duel2> `------------------------+----+----+----------'
    turban> ggs
    cripple> gg
    nowon> GG
    C 7:turban> k gna go afk for 1h 30min
    C 7:turban> fking annoying to play got ran over ggs
    RaCka> gg boys
    Steadman> was that 3 rounds
    turban> 2 stronk
    vys> is that it?
    T Trasher> geegee
    Trasher> gg
    cripple> gg
    T turban> gigi
    Congrats to Nowon & Cripple for winning the TWELS Tournament!!!
    vys> lets do the wb quick
    Trench Wars Dueling
    P TW-Duel2> PM me with !help for more info. Visit for how to play 2v2!
    C 1:beam> is wb next
    vys> ive got a chaos match
    C 1:zidane> tiny how much pub bux do we get
    vys> hurry this
    Beast> turban u noq get one more shto to WIN something today
    C 1:zidane> i forget
    Hellrazor> he said quick
    Hellrazor> cmon
    C 1:Tiny> bunches
    C 1:Steadman> thank GOD i bet against turban this time
    C 1:turban> LOOL
    P turban> I was bribed by Cripple
    C 7:cripple> paypal?
    Hellrazor> chaos not dead?
    C 7:turban> atte.(omitted)
    C 1:Tiny> you get about as many pub bux as u do dollars
    P turban> 100 dollaridoos.
    P Steadman> ????????????
    P Steadman> ya right
    P turban> ?
    vys> no
    C 1:Tiny> 1 dollar for every million!
    C 1:Tiny> LOL
    C 1:vys> tiny stfu and start the wb
    C 1:Tiny> ??
    C 1:vys> got shit to do
    P Steadman> send screenshot
    Hellrazor> oh
    7roll> big myth
    P Beast> win eli championship, i will help take out people
    C 1:Tiny> u stfu u late showing, nonscheduling, pain in my ass
    P turban> LOOL
    P Steadman> i wont share
    P turban> Hmmmmmmmmm.
    Mythril> king 7
    T destruct> no joke but i don't think paradise knows how to dribble.
    Yojimbo^> jafs
    C 1:vys> i came at 2:30
    C 1:vys> what you wrote
    7roll> you win yet?
    Attacks> vys
    P Steadman> im an excellent secret keeper
    C 1:Tiny> ?
    Attacks> im on freq 100
    C 1:Tiny> like 2 weeks ago
    Attacks> wtf are you
    vys> im here
    Attacks> dis teaming needs to improve!
    C 1:vys> it was the time which i read
    RaCka> we ready for warbird?
    TWELD Finals starting soon!! Attacks & Vys vs Mythril & RaCka
    zidane> gl boys
    T morph> 3 to 1 stead?
    vys> when has my name been captalised?
    T amnesti> LOL TIGER
    C 1:zidane> spezz u too good in spid
    Ogron> gg to spids
    T amnesti> UR HERE
    Mythril> when i met ease in 2001 he was a gameboy
    Shaw> it was sad steadman. ppl were saying morph was the best jav and stuff. sad times without you here
    mcvicar> the last time ease spoke to me is when he said fart and then claus said "Fart it is."
    Mythril> stead was wishing covid 14 on ppl back in the day

    Jessup> I was beat up by a dwarf once


    • #3
      I thought Turban was pretty honest It's really a shame, for less than 50 € ... this asshole must be really hungry


      • #4
        After looking into this a bit, it seems low-quality bait was presented, and was taken.

        I'm sorry, but there's no rule to prevent getting trolled from time to time.
        "You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
        -Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment


        • #5
          What a surprise


          • #6
            Click image for larger version

Name:	giphy.gif
Views:	261
Size:	755.0 KB
ID:	1353989
            Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
            Message has been sent to online moderators
            2:BLeeN> veh yes
            2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
            2:BLeeN> ok then no
            :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
            (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


            • #7
              Who cares? LOL
              J-B-Inc> i ddi that duel while doing coke of pawner moms ass

              8:Riverside> UPDATE FOR WEEK 1:
              8:Riverside> I go 4-60 and we lose 0-6

              2:saiyan> [Dec 22 21:22] Rough: yo just came on to tell you, can you go on a real date with a girl (need to be specific here lol) instead of talking to claus on forums about calcs and formulas for a league? Happy holidays btw

