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  • #16
    He's banned from TWDT, he's been a problem player for two years straight, he's a lying, soft, crybaby with constant delusions of persecution who abandoned his team and made us all work through Sunday night to save Mortal, he's not a part of this community.

    He actually destroyed an entire Fantasy Hockey league for 11 other Trench Wars players because he got a NOT, he's mentally fucked in the head. I let that go and gave him a chance to cap, I did everything possible to help him, and he pulls shit like this, then has the fucking audacity to talk shit about me and others in some 12000 word post after uninstalling the game?

    He has no right to have his voice heard after uninstalling the game and fucking his team.
    top 100 basers list


    • #17
      lol I heard that Shadowmere got in FA so I must comment on this for one last time.

      this is a joke right? so if u refuse to play or start beef with someone on your TWDT team u can be put in FA list? this is how this works?
      I saw in Draft Team Captain chat before I left that Ogron was banning Shadowmere from TWDT then zidane said he is very strongly against banning
      Shadow from the league. 5 mins later Ogron agrees with this. (LOL) so Shadowmere got basicly awarded and got what he wanted. he gets a new team.
      and no1 wants to draft him because no1 knows if he will show or play or what if he gets in another fight with some1? (expect zidane). pretty sure
      this will end just like last year. Shadowmere ends up in team zidane. zidane and Best did this last year. they got in fight with Mean Gene and ended
      up in team Ogron. this league is a fucking joke lol.

      about Shadowmere, just like Stayon said guy never said a word to me. not even once. never even joined TWDT-chat. I had no idea when the season started
      if he going to play at all bcuz we had ZERO communication. How can someone like this seriously be in lead role in staff? This guy is complete loser.
      I went same school with him in IRL so I know what im talking about. He saying he just went to sleep? how about saying "sry guys I really need to sleep"
      instead of raging in freq chat and leaving to private arena and never replied to any1 anymore. if you cant show to games then its no problem.
      thats totally understandable but this wasnt the case. you can cut the bullshit. one of the staffers said that Shadow said to him that he can show wb/jav but not base.
      and just like Stayon said its really fucking sad if he shows in jav/basing games after this.

      about Ogron, another loser. you love to laugh at Markmrw running TWL? when every single year u fail hard at running TWDT. you already got kicked out
      from TWDT head spot last year after abusing countless times. im pretty sure by now everyone knows about it so I dont need to go to specifics,
      but somehow you blackmailed some1 in staff to get you back in. I heard it was something like "I will never do any HoN or Excel stats again".
      you love to talk about people's maturity levels in here when in game you raging 24/7 to other players in base/javduel and I was in ur squad
      and even in there you keep crying and talking down players. you really shud go in front of the mirrow and look at ur greasy long hair, fat out of shape body, and
      empty bottles of cheap beers and when u done, get out of ur dads basement already and stop fucking doing stats about how many times Henry Saari attached in to ur
      ship in TWDT season 6 week 3. u stupid piece of shit. (these I are actual facts, I heard from reliable source)


      and if some1 thinks (Ogron does) case Shadowmere is the only reason I quit TWDT and uninstalled the game, then you dont know the whole story. #MORTAL2016
      get them boys! (SORRY FOR TYPOS GRAMMAR POLICES)

      JUST LIKE LAST YEAR THE CORRUPT AND ABUSE BEGUN ROFL. Ogron started removing my posts. im dying xD

      4th time I post this because mr. Corrupt ONCE again keeps removing my posts for some reason. I think I REALLY hit the sore spot with my post. TRUTH HURTS! everything ppl ever talked about u are SO on point. get a job or something dude. exactly because of moves like this you lost your spot last year. so GJ OGGY, u doing it again! lets see how long it takes until u lose your powers at forums.
      Last edited by Healt; 10-18-2016, 10:09 PM.


      • #18
        lol ive changed my mind, here's healt in all his glory

        top 100 basers list


        • #19
          to the points made about me:

          im not of the mindset that a player is forced to play every game and will be banned if he matter if he logs off after a win or loss. had shadowmere sandbagged and stopped showing at all and started demanding trades then that's a different story


          • #20
            Originally posted by Healt
            I went same school with him in IRL so I know what im talking about.
            LOOOOL u went to the same school with him?

            i feel fucking bad for you.
            Last edited by Banks; 10-18-2016, 07:18 PM.
            4:cripple> everyone DOWNLOAD my cheat engine it removes .5 sec off ur respawn and adds a 3rd into regen energy link is here:


            • #21
              Originally posted by Healt
              lol I heard that Shadowmere got in FA. pretty sure
              this will end just like last year. Shadowmere ends up in team zidane. zidane and Best did this last year. they got in fight with Mean Gene and ended
              up in team Ogron. this league is a fucking joke lol.
              Man i was going to post This the day i seen it. I have a feeling this is planned to get on Power, with his butt buddies. He gonna claim he cant play, but then pm zid in game and say he can show BOOM zid drafts him in FA boom he plays every game. Then try to play it off as if it wasnt planned. Its the kinda shit these nerds do:laugh:

              If this does happen just boycot DT everyone. Cause its complete cheat the rules bullshit!
              Last edited by olde; 10-18-2016, 09:07 PM.


              • #22



                This is the guy that people attach to in bd's LOL

                I feel horrible.
                Last edited by Rough; 10-18-2016, 09:27 PM.
                1:Ogron> i can officially say that i am quitting tinder dude fuck that i met the most amazing girl ever
                1:Zidane> congrats man
                1:Ogron> yeah she is into star wars movies and plays little bit of LoL
                1:Ogron> AND we had a 10 minute make out session in my car
                1:Rough> AND this guy wonders why he is a loser


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Healt
                  ogron: a really fat ron jeremy
                  Trench Wars Player

                  “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde


                  • #24
                    If what Healt is saying is true, then I'm extremely disappointed in Ogron and Shadowmere. Truly some despicable abuse of power. I think anyone involved in this should be terminated immediately. Have to send a message now and forever.

                    I will not be continuing TWDT if Ogron and Shadowmere are still around this league. I'm sure I'm not alone in this.
                    Last edited by paradise!; 10-18-2016, 09:59 PM.
                    4:BigKing> xD
                    4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                    4:BigKing> what did i do???
                    4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                    4:BigKing> ???? why though
                    4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                    4:BigKing> xD


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by paradise! View Post
                      If what Health is saying is true

                      P.s. Last edited by paradise!; Today at 08:59 PM."
                      1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                      1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                      Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                      Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                      Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                      • #26
                        So SHADOWMERE is banned from the league?
                        SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2022
                        SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2021
                        SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2020

                        TWLB CHAMP x4 dicE
                        TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 10
                        TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 11
                        TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 15


                        • #27
                          wud hope so but who knows.


                          • #28
                            What justification is there to ban Shadowmere? He played multiple games Week 1 and Week 2, and he asked me to list in his draft notes that the games are very late for him and he's not going to play all of them, especially base.

                            Did he logoff prematurely out of spite? Probably. Was he going to refuse to play Week 3? It certainly seemed like a strong possibility, but there's no proof. I split the difference and swapped him out for Rough and sent Shadowmere to FA, and replaced Healt with temujin for three reasons:

                            1) There isn't enough cause to ban Shadowmere (He's shown and played every week)
                            2) If Shadowmere refused to play Week 3, he would get banned, but the ban comes after the Free Agency Draft. That means there's no one to swap him out for, and Mortal loses all that value. Pressure wanted value for Healt leaving as well, so we agreed on Temujin. This way, Mortal keeps all of Healt/Shadow's value, and keep their #2 FA Pick.
                            3) Banning Shadow hurts Avengers, the last place team, who would likely pick him up.

                            Instead of having Rough, Temujin, and the #2 FA Pick, I could just ban Shadowmere, you can draft Rough manually with your #2 pick, and you end up with just Rough instead of Rough, Temujin and the #2 pick, since there are no rules about swapping out quitting captains and potentially soon-to-be-quitting players -- the swap deal was a very generous package approved by all six captains, not something the TWDT Op or caps are required to do.

                            So I'm confused as to why Cripple wants to hurt his own team just to get at Shadow.

                            Our only goal was to help Mortal and the league in general by keeping it competitive after two shitheads named Shadowmere and Healt fucked everything up.
                            top 100 basers list


                            • #29
                              lul og-ron
                              WB WORST SHIP EVER LUL


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Claushouse View Post
                                Instead of having Rough, Temujin, and the #2 FA Pick, I could just ban Shadowmere, you can draft Rough manually with your #2 pick, and you end up with just Rough instead of Rough, Temujin and the #2 pick, since there are no rules about swapping out quitting captains and potentially soon-to-be-quitting players -- the swap deal was a very generous package approved by all six captains, not something the TWDT Op or caps are required to do.

                                So I'm confused as to why Cripple wants to hurt his own team just to get at Shadow.
                                OR instead of trying to make it look like your doing someone a favor.

                                You could just ban both, Shadowmere and Healt. Then STILL REPLACE THEM with Rough and Temujin. And Then everyone is happy and DT drama is over. Use your fkn head.

