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Hot or Not -- Week 2

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  • Hot or Not -- Week 2

    Hot or Not

    Week 1
    Week 2
    Week 3
    Week 4
    Week 5

    You can find former articles from 2011-2016 here


    Terrorist vs. Avengers

    Terrorist put in a balanced effort to move to 7-0, as Turban (12-9), Absent (11-8), dreamwin (10-6), Singer (8-7) and Okyo (9-10) spread the workload around to great effect, winning by 10.

    Rasaq (11-10), 24 (9-10), and Geio (9-10) played well, i.d. (7-10) was serviceable, and Server (4-10) was not.

    HOT: Absent (11-8)
    NOT: Server (4-10). Looks like someone upgraded this server to the latest edition of Microsoft Wiibimbows.


    Curse vs. Mortal

    JAMAL (14-7) and Weak (14-8) led Curse to a convincing victory over Mortal, leading Attacks (13-10), Zizzo, Sulla and Milosh to the W.

    Kovalchuk (13-10) had a great game, but Healt, Racka, Shadowmere, and Stayon couldn't achieve parity.

    HOT: JAMAL (14-7)
    HOT: Weak (14-8)

    NOT: Stayon (4-10).


    vs. Silence

    This was a crazy game, as Silence rode a red-hot Racketeer (18-10) to a big lead with Trasher (11-10) and Mythril (7-10) in command of a numbers advantage, despite sub-par performances from Commodo (7-10) and prophet (3-10).

    Best (7-10), Cres (7-10), and Zidane (4-10) played poorly and were out, and all hope was seemingly lost, when suddenly, out of nowhere...

    beam (17-9) exploded for 17 kills and managed to stay alive late as Iron Survivor (15-8) went to work knocking out player after player, mounting an insane comeback and snatching victory from the jaw of defeat.

    HOT: beam (17-9)
    HOT: Iron Survivor (15-8)

    NOT: prophet (3-10). I can predict the future, too. I see a large, pine-like object that you'll be sitting on very soon. And when you're done with that wooden dildo, expect a permanent spot on Silence's bench.


    vs. Curse

    Rasaq went Super Saiyan this round, dropping an otherworldly 18-8 to lead Geio (12-9), Server (7-4), 24, i.d. and Tiny to the victory.

    Despite a well-rounded stand from Weak (11-10), Attacks (10-10), Zizzo (10-10), and JAMAL (8-10), an atrocious game from Sulla (2-6) and too little, too late sub-in from Klean-X (4-4) proved to the be difference in this hotly contested match.

    HOT: Rasaq (18-8)
    NOT: Sulla (2-6). If my framerate was your IQ, I'd be reading a picture book.


    Silence vs. Mortal

    Kovalchuck (15-10) continued to produce insane value at 6-Stars, with an amazing 28 kills this week, second only to beam's 29, making them the most valuable low-star players in TWDT-D at the moment, as he and READY (14-10) valiantly fought for a much-needed Mortal victory, but fell three kills short, as Pressure (9-10), Racka (6-10), and Raizin (3-4) were decent, but Cripples 0-6 was catastrophic, singlehandedly costing them the game.

    Racketeer (14-9) continued his transcendent play, feasting on the souls of his enemies with 32 kills this week, as he took charge ahead Commodo, Mythril, Trasher, Wazzaaa (9-7), after being initially led to glory by Beasty (6-2), which is a nice change of pace for him as the only glory he usually leads his team to is a glory hole.

    HOT: Racketeer (14-9)
    HOT: Kovalchuk (15-10)
    NOT: Cripple (0-6). With that kind of aim, every time Cripple tries to give a girl a pearl necklace he ends up painting a Jackson Pollock on the wall instead.

    If Cripple offers to sell you a painting, DON'T BUY IT!


    vs. Power

    Power almost managed another miraculous comeback, but fell two kills short, despite strong outings from Jessup (12-10), beam (12-10), and Iron Survivor (11-10), as Best (8-10) failed to achieve equality, Cres (4-7) struggled with lagouts, and Omega Red's (1-3) sub-in was uninspired.

    On the winning side, Absent (16-10) continued to pick enemy lines apart, leading turban (11-9), Okyo (11-10), Kado (4-8), Singer and ROWS to the victory.

    HOT: Absent (16-10)
    NOT: Cres (4-7)/Omega Red (1-3). I don't know what the hell you two were doing, but you were not the best combo. Not the worst, but definitely not the best.

    top 100 basers list

  • #2

    Terrorist vs. Avengers

    Dreamwin (6-0) styled on Tiny & Co. with the ace, leading Absent, Singer and Okyo who all notched 9-8 scores, with turban and Major Crisis in tow, as Terrorist improved to 9-0 with the W.

    24 (12-10) was the lone bright spot for Avengers, as Children, Hellkite, Server, and Tiny all negged horribly.

    HOT: Dreamwin (6-0)
    HOT: 24 (12-10)

    NOT: hellkite (4-10).


    Power vs. Curse

    Iron Survivor (12-8) and Zidane (13-10) led Power to the victory, ahead of Raples (9-7), Omega Red (9-7) and Best.

    On the not so winning side, Shaun (12-10) and Weak (11-10) excelled like a spreadsheet, but Power was on point, and there are no words to describe the play of Hypocrit, Klean-X (2-6), Sulla, and Zizzo (3-8).

    HOT: Iron Survivor (12-8)
    HOT: Zidane (13-10)

    NOT: Zizzo (3-8). The only time a 3 should be next an 8 is when Tanzu is delivering a pizza to Best.


    Silence vs. Mortal

    This was an exciting match that hung on a razor's edge, as Roiwerk (13-9) and Rab (11-10) battled it out 1v1 at 49-49 for what felt like ages, with Rab almost getting the better of Roi before he turned it around and finished him off with a clutch move to take the match!

    Roi led Trasher (12-10), Commodo (10-10), Last Standing (8-10), Lee, and Jeffpotatoes (2-7).

    Rab played in front of Ready (11-10), Stayon, Healt, Pressure, and Cripple (1-5).

    HOT: Roiwerk (13-9)
    NOT: jeffpotatoes (2-7). Jeff went potatoe-to-toe with Mortal and spuddered out of control, but thankfully Starchky & Hutch weren't on patrol or he would have been arrested for endangering Silence's victory, for which Commodo would have potato skinned him alive, leaving him unable to enjoy his favorite TV Show, M*A*S*Hed.


    Power vs. Mortal

    Iron Survivor (15-6) continued his rampage across TWDT, melting Mortal with the help of Omega Red (10-5), Best (9-5), Zidane (8-6), and Raples, as they walloped Mortal by a whopping 25.

    Healt, Morph, Rab, Ready, and Stayon all played atrociously.

    HOT: Iron Survivor
    NOT: Healt (3-10). 3-10, Quitting TWDT, and abandoning his team at the first sign of trouble -- cool stuff! On the upside, at least I don't have a 16-1 fantasy hockey team for him to steal for receiving a NOT.

    Glass half full!


    Terrorist vs. Curse

    Terrorist continued its dominance of TWDT by the slimmest of margins, improving to a perfect 10-0, as Turban (16-9) continued his superb play, ahead of Kado (11-9), Dreamwin, Okyo (10-10), Viiru, and Absent.

    Hypocrit (14-10) and Shaun (14-10) were stellar, but couldn't buoy anchor salesmen Kira_Yamato~, Klean-X, Sulla, and Zizzo, with only Weak (8-10) approaching parity.

    HOT: Turban (16-9)
    NOT: Sulla (1-5)


    Avengers vs. Silence

    TWDT deity 24 took control of his destiny, scorching Silence with a sizzling 16-7, as he led Tiny (10-10), Geio (9-9), Children and Rasaq to the promised land.

    Roiwerk (13-10) and Commodo (12-10) continued their quality play in javelin, but Bueno (8-10), Heaven (4-8), and Last Standing (6-10) couldn't match their play, as they fell by 5.

    HOT: 24 (16-7)
    NOT: Heaven (4-8). The only thing worse than the scores Heaven drops are the players he drops in fantasy football.

    2:Heaven> Should I drop Dez Bryant for a second kicker?
    Last edited by ogron; 10-17-2016, 11:45 PM.
    top 100 basers list


    • #3

      vs. Mortal

      Zizzo (49-2) went absolutely bonkers in this match, having maybe the best game of his life in terr, notching an impressive 4 teks to go along with that monster statline, with Markmrw (3.0 RPD) and milosh (2.9 RPD) in shark ahead of him.

      Skatarius (90-41) continued his absolute dominance in spider, leading JAMAL (85-50), Hypocrit (65-33), Smoking Blue, and Sulla in spider, as Curse took the match in convincing fashion.

      Pressure (40-8) terred ahead of Oder (2.7 RPD) and Morph (2.7 RPD), with Valker (2.7 RPD) taking a few late reps.

      Mortal's spiders were led by Cripple (84-47), finally getting outkilled in a match by another player, as he played alongside Rab (79-59), Stayon (69-50), Megalo (63-40), Afri, and Raizin.

      HOT: Zizzo (49-2)
      HOT: Skatarius (90-41)

      NOT: Afri (21-29).


      Silence vs. Avengers

      This was a tightly contested match, as Silence narrowly edged out Avengers by two minutes, with Heaven (28-6) taking full advantage of a missing Mikkiz, and lighting up Tiny for 5 teks -- Yikes! Mythril (3.0 RPD) and Commodo (3.0 RPD) stood tall in front of him. protecting their 7-Star superstar.

      Trasher (114-38) cooled down Avengers' ambitions, icing them for 114 kills, ahead of Last Standing (95-46), SquallFF8 (90-53), Wazzaa, Henry Saari, and Beasty.

      Tiny (24-9) terred ahead of porkjet (2.8 RPD, 2 Teks) and 24 (2.9 RPD), as they fell victim to Heaven's incendiary bursts.

      Hellkite (116-55) was venomous in spider, but couldn't get it done ahead of Sphinx (97-36), pavement (79-63), Server, and i.d..

      HOT: Trasher (114-38)
      HOT: Hellkite (116-55)

      NOT: Tiny (24-9). This would likely have been a win if Mikkiz had been there, as Heaven had his way with Tiny, as evidenced by the 5 teks. Heaven has finally upgraded from having his way with the sock next to his bed to Tiny in terr -- Watch out, ladies!


      vs. Terrorist

      Terrorist entered this game with their perfect 10-0 record on the line, where Power promptly put an end to their TERRORIST 2 0 1 6 macros, smashing them 15-11 in base.

      Ogron (47-5) terred ahead of Zidane (3.0 RPD) and Omega Red (2.8 RPD) in shark, as ph was out due to a case of singed eyebrows cookin' Bratwursts at the Texas A&M Class of '88 A Cappella reunion BBQ. He's listed as 'Questionable' for Week 3, in that we have a lot of questions about 7 of those things I just mentioned.

      Davy (146-59) absolutely bulldozed Terrorist will a massive performance, while Ra (117-70) and M_M God (94-64) continued to be beasts over, undefeated together as of yet, with Mr. Homo (81-59) continuing his dominance under with newfound 6-Star partner Iron Survivor (70-52), who looked good in his TWDT-B debut for Power.

      Major Crisis (36-7) terred ahead of mcvicar (3.0 RPD) and Dwopple (2.8 RPD), as this was a close and competitive match with tons of exciting FR battles, as Terrorist fell by three and a half minutes.

      Ro (131-68) and Dreamwin (105-79) racked up the kills ahead of turban (95-80), Kado, and nosdawg.

      HOT: Davy (146-59)
      HOT: Zidane (3.0 RPD)


      Silence vs. Curse

      This was another exciting and competitive match, as Heaven (22-8) held on for dear life ahead of Commodo (3.0 RPD) and Mythril (2.9 RPD), as Silence narrowed defeated Curse.

      Trasher (129-32) continued to dominate in spider, terrorizing enemies ahead of squallFF8 (101-45), Last Standing (100-53), Sprained (94-50), and Wazzaa.

      Zizzo (46-4) was spectacular in the loss, notching another 3 teks, but it wasn't enough, terring ahead of Markmrw and Milosh.

      JAMAL (109-71) was the only Curse player to hit 90, as Skatarius (83-44) slipped statistically, with Hypocrit, Smoking Blue, Shaun, and Sulla getting outspidered.

      HOT: Trasher (129-32)
      HOT: JAMAL (109-71)
      HOT: Zizzo (46-4)

      NOT: Heaven (22-8). I don't know what Heaven is doing dying 8 times to Zizzo's 4 when his team is outkilling Curse by 70, but keep it up and you're gonna get traded to Avengers for Mikkiz, where you'll enjoy such amenities as a state-of-the-art training arena, where you can practice getting TK'd by Tiny in jav.


      Terrorist vs. Mortal

      Terrorist unleashed their pent-up rage over losing their perfect record to Power minutes earlier, by sending fellow TWDT-B contender Mortal a message, thrashing them 15-8.

      Major Crisis (33-3) put in an excellent performance in terr, headlining Terror ahead of Dwopple and Mcvicar (2 Teks). Despite even kills in spider, strong performances from these three proved the difference.

      Okyo (95-43), Dreamwin (81-55), TJ Hazuki (85-57), Turban, and Viiru spidered in the win.

      Pressure (32-6) notched all 3 teks for Mortal, never a good sign for the team as a whole, as Oder and Valker sharked for the losing side.

      Cripple (124-56) and Stayon (100-49) continued their strong play in spider, but Rab (73-63), Banks, and Megalo struggled, leaving to an uneven performance.

      HOT: Major Crisis (33-3)
      HOT: Mcvicar (2.9 RPD, 2 Teks)

      NOT: Rab (73-63), with an uninspired performance from the self-proclaimed 10-Star spider. He also claims he invented the Caesar Salad, and that 9/11 was an inside job.


      Power vs. Avengers

      TWDT-B continues to see a record share of competitive games, as this was the only "stomp", and even then, Avengers still managed five minutes. Not bad considering Hellkite and Sphinx logged off after their first match, unaware there are two matches per week (lol, idiots.)

      Ogron (22-1) terred ahead of Zidane (3.1 RPD) and Omega Red (3.0 RPD).

      Davy (91-38), M_M God (70-35), Mr. Homo, Holy Ship, Iron Survivor and Raples spidered for Power.

      Mikkiz (11-11) terred for Avengers in front of 24, lame bomber, and porkjet.

      Rasaq (81-48) was the only positive for the losers, putting in an impassioned and dominant performance with amazing 7-Star value. Pavement (70-50) was solid, ahead of vys and Server.

      The less said above Tiny's javing, the better.

      HOT: Mr. Homo
      HOT: M_M God

      NOT: Tiny (7 TKs, 0 Teks). Choosing between Tiny in terr or Tiny in jav is the Sophie's choice of TWDT-B.
      Last edited by ogron; 10-18-2016, 12:50 AM.
      top 100 basers list


      • #4
        WBs of the Week: Beam and Racketeer
        Beam slammed Silence in a miracle comeback, dropping a massive 17-9 to go along with a 12-10. Racketeer was huge for his team with 18-10 and 14-9 performances. Kudos!

        Honorable Mentions: Rasaq (18-8, 11-10), Kovalchuk (15-10, 12-10), Absent (16-10, 11-8), Weak (14-8, 11-10)

        Javs of the Week: 24 and Turban
        24 launched a 16-7 to claim Avengers' only TWDT-J win, then followed it up with a 12-10. Turban smoked Curse with a 16-9, and also tallied an 8-6 to push Terrorist to 8-0 in warbird and javelin. Nice!

        Honorable Mention: Roiwerk (13-9, 13-10)

        Basers of the Week: Davy and Zizzo

        Davy absolutely crushed it this week, lighting up Terrorist in a potential TWDT-B Finals preview with a massive 146-59 game, then dropping a 91-38, leading all spiders in both games. Zizzo tore it up in terrier behind to mediocre lines that got outkilled, yet still churning out insane 49-2 and 46-4. Amazing!

        Honorable Mention: Zidane (3.1 RPD, 3.0 RPD), Trasher (129-32, 114-38)

        Player of the Week: Iron Survivor
        Iron Survivor led Power to a league-best 5-1 this week, starting all six matches, leading an insane comeback against Silence with a 15-8 performance, then narrowly dropping a game to Terrorist with an 11-10 in TWDT-D. He and Zidane then led Power over Curse as he tallied a game-best 12-8, before going off on Mortal with a spectacular 15-6 in TWDT-J. He topped it off by making his TWDT-B debut, teaming up with Mr. Homo under to take down undefeated 10-0 Terrorist with a 70-52, and finishing off the week with a dismantling of Avengers. Great play!



        Week 1: Iron Survivor
        Week 2: Beam and Racketeer


        Week 1: Best and Zizzo
        Week 2: 24 and Turban


        Week 1: Cripple
        Week 2: Davy and Zizzo

        Player of the Week:

        Week 1: Turban and Shadowmere
        Week 2: Iron Survivor
        Last edited by ogron; 10-18-2016, 04:41 PM.
        top 100 basers list


        • #5

          Terrorist continued its assault on TWDT unabated, rattling off four straight wins in warbird and javelin to start the season 10-0 before giantkillers Power took them down in a hotly contested basing match, as Zidane's squad bounced back after a rough first week, putting up an impressive 5-1 and moving into second place.

          Mortal fell from second into a three-way tie for third, as internal strife saw Healt abandon his squadron and quit TWDT, forcing Pressure to step up and take the reigns. Thankfully, their superb 5-1 start last week gave them a cushion and keeps them poised for a playoff run.

          Curse continued to play solid across all three leagues, remaining steady in third place with a pair of wins, while Silence had a strong week two and also moved into a tie for third.

          TWDT-J Champion and TWDT-D Runner-up Tiny has struggled out of the gate, but Avengers still has plenty of time to right the ship, as he is only two wins out of third place, and will look to have a impassioned Week 3 and make some trades to get back in contention.
          Last edited by ogron; 10-19-2016, 11:37 PM.
          top 100 basers list


          • #6



            TWDT-B (Spider)

            TWDT-B (Terrier)

            TWDT-B (Shark)

            Last edited by ogron; 10-20-2016, 05:08 PM.
            top 100 basers list


            • #7
              The Week 2 edition of Hot or Not is now complete -- enjoy!
              top 100 basers list


              • #8
                Everyone agreed Roi's last bomb didn't even hit me. I feel cheated for sure.


                • #9
                  "Rasaq (11-10), 24 (9-10), and Geio (9-10) played well, i.d. (7-10) was serviceable, and Server (4-10) was not."

                  If you call those 9-10's good when they get out in 2mins and leave it 3vs5.. Then ill rush to 9-10 next week so im not alone with 4-6 at the end!
                  Mirror <ZH> omg it shark
                  Mirror <ZH> this sucks
                  Server> dont worry mirror
                  Server> shark fits your tits
                  Peace <ZH>> shut up
                  Peace <ZH>> i do not apperciate you talking to my girlfriend in that manner

                  i.d.> Teach me how to not choke
                  Witness> well first you put it in your mouth ... but not to long

                  1:Hercules> ghoul
                  1:Hercules> im level 90
                  1:Hercules> in 9d
                  1:Hercules> bought a char off ebay
                  1:Hercules> cost me $50 but was worth it


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rab
                    Everyone agreed Roi's last bomb didn't even hit me. I feel cheated for sure.

                    Originally posted by Server
                    "Rasaq (11-10), 24 (9-10), and Geio (9-10) played well, i.d. (7-10) was serviceable, and Server (4-10) was not."

                    If you call those 9-10's good when they get out in 2mins and leave it 3vs5.. Then ill rush to 9-10 next week so im not alone with 4-6 at the end!
                    All the games are at the same time, so I have to mostly rely on the boxscores unless I catch the end of the match, hear about it on chat, or my team was part of it -- the NOTs are mostly there for entertainment -- not as an objective measure of who was truly the worst player in that game -- although they are often one and the same.

                    I wouldn't take it too seriously
                    top 100 basers list


                    • #11
                      hey og good write ups can u add hypocrits 14-10 twdtj game to the jav stats
                      AKA Shaun


                      • #12
                        it shaun lol
                        1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                        1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                        Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                        Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                        Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Server View Post
                          "Rasaq (11-10), 24 (9-10), and Geio (9-10) played well, i.d. (7-10) was serviceable, and Server (4-10) was not."

                          If you call those 9-10's good when they get out in 2mins and leave it 3vs5.. Then ill rush to 9-10 next week so im not alone with 4-6 at the end!
                          Imo being low on deaths when ur team is out, proves u just hide all game. It's like you are playing like Yojimbo then. U are not useful to your team and prob even missing out on easy vulchs. U dont even have to bomb/bullet all the time. It's all about pressure in jav.

                          @Ogron: I think u named Ro Roiwerk in the spid excelsheet.
                          Major Crisis


                          • #14
                            Yes, I've received multiple messages about spider stats lol, I fuked something up, I'll fix it soon!
                            top 100 basers list


                            • #15
                              Okay, I renamed Roiwerk to Ro, and the Week 3/Week 4 teks (technically Game 3 and 4 of Week 2, but w/e) were in the wrong column, which I fixed. So I think the spider stats should be correct now. Let me know if I missed anything.

                              top 100 basers list

