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This trade tho...

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  • #31
    lol if stacking with the same fgts in twl wasn't enough, have to do it in twdt too by any means possible. as much as we appreciate your efforts for running leagues claushouse, it doesn't excuse you from collusion. its so amusing how stayon trying to trade with skatarius is seen as him taking advantage of skatarius due to downfall's inactivity, yet you taking advantage of mean gene's top 2 picks threatening to quit is seen as ok. the double standards are disgusting. even if turban approved it and you are a "neutral" captain in this situation, you still have an obligation as head of twdt to not pull dumb shit like this.

    1. revert the trades. start from scratch if you want to trade and make it balanced.
    2. cancel games this sunday (Superbowl). this dookie league could use a break from all of this nonsense.
    3. bring back captain veto powers and for ffs open the trade thread again to the public.
    1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

    1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

    Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

    Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

    Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


    • #32
      this draft trade would have never happened under commissioner goodell,

      get a new commissioner, bitchclaus clearly has showed he isn't capable of it, stick to writing jokes on forums. :laugh:

      Retired after i dropped 24 kills and carry the team

      wbduel Map Maker Legend


      • #33
        Originally posted by 2pac View Post
        this draft trade would have never happened under commissioner goodell,

        get a new commissioner, bitchclaus clearly has showed he isn't capable of it, stick to writing jokes on forums. :laugh:
        brush ur teeth stank ass
        Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

        Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

        Don't Poke the Bear.


        • #34
          Originally posted by project dragon View Post
          Dear M_M God,

          Dear Pork,

          Retired SSCU Trenchwars Head Sysop

          1:24> they'd rather add afks than me
          24 is in for Freq 1 as a Warbird.
          1:M_M God> gg

          help: (renzi) (Public 33): is it possible for a washing machine to cause a wireless connection to lag?

          Candy King, -C4L-


          • #35
            honestly as terrible as the trade is.. Claus got slightly weaker in base and slightly better in the other two leagues. Either way it's not enough to win any league imo :\


            • #36
              Originally posted by zidane View Post

              Dkm. On a side note refusing to play jav/base because I got added and then removed in wb isn't refusing to play altogether. It simply means he had the choice to play me in all 3 or none and he made his choice.
              Wait, so the whole reason for all of this is because instead of playing in all 3 leagues for one week, you were only going to play in 2 leagues?


              • #37
                So zidane gets butthurt because he doesnt get to play wb, forces a trade. Got tsunami forcing trades too. Trades happening between games without ppl knowing. Claus not willing to revert/renegociate a trade after he clearly raped mean gene, when most captains dont agree with the trade, hell even the other twdt op doesnt.
                This is the guy we have running the league, someone who clearly doesnt care if things are fair, if it goes his way. Obviously this wouldnt have happened if we still had a veto system.... that he removed.... after ppl agreed with a trade.... lel. The same guy who didnt care to ask other captains what they thought about my trade when the facts around downfall were made public. But really, who is surprised?

                Maybe i should just force a trade and leave my bottom feeder team, since i had more than captains asking for me. But would that be fair? This league is an absolute joke, and i wouldnt show for 1 more game if i wasnt my captain's #1 pick. But i dont blame just the ppl who run it, but also some ppl who dont understand what a draft league is, and try to force their will on others.
                Author of the clutchest and most tilting TEK of the century.

                1:cripple> i luv lbj cock
                1:cripple> if he paid me 50k for every time i gave him a bj i'd do it


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Turban View Post
                  As far as Best goes most of us can probably agree that he is far more valuable than Porkjet due to his sheer versatility by being a top player in two leagues, and a capable player in basing. It is a fair statement to make that Porkjet was drafted one round earlier than he should have which lead into him having an inflated value.
                  duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

                  Mattey> put me in corch

                  zidane> go kf urself pork


                  • #39

                    internet de la jerome

                    because the internet | hazardous


                    • #40
             me in all three leagues or don't play me at all. What a bitch move.
                      Raazi> this is the only place men chase jessup


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Turban
                        Zidane and Best for Jamal and Porkjet (or M_M God) + a decent javelin or warbird.

                        If M_M God will come back and show and play for me, I will swap him for JAMAL, trading my 1/2 for his 1/2. He can keep all the other players I gave him, in order to put this matter to rest.

                        JAMAL is a good guy and offered to do this the other day without solicitation, because I would never ask him to. If I were simply a Captain I would tell you all to go fuck yourselves. Mean Gene suggesting
                        collusion after the fact, Cres implying that this trade is somehow equivalent to Stayon going around every season preying on the dumbest caps (TJ Hazuki and Skatarius, if you're wondering) and trying to dump bad
                        assets or people who can't show and intentionally withholding that information to fuck them, and Turban publicly falling on his sword while privately absolving himself of any responsibility and trying to shift the blame onto
                        me like the two-faced piece of shit he is are some of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.

                        1:zidane> anyway wanna apologize to claus for this mess since its all on me/mean gene being terrible cap/turb being a terrible op
                        1:beam> LOL thats the problem with being head op and cap
                        1:beam> anything that happens involving ur team looks like ur fault
                        1:Mattey> yeah and the reality that you didnt do anything against the rules and there was negligence by turban matters
                        1:Mattey> turban fked you hard

                        I talked to my squadmates and someone put it this way: Do you care more about your image and the of integrity of the league, or your team?

                        I care more about the league, and it is a problem because it's not in the best interest of my team. Turban and Heaven have no legal recourse to undo or modify the trade. If I was only a Captain I wouldn't change anything. But I'm also
                        Head of TWDT, and JAMAL has been extremely generous about the situation, so I'm doing what I feel is best as Head of TWDT and accepting Turban's recommendation (as long as M_M God is willing to play for me again, which I hope
                        he is.)

                        I'm going to consider stepping down as either Captain of my team or Head of TWDT, as it presents a perceived conflict of interest and I can't represent my team properly, and I'm tired of losing sleep over this.
                        top 100 basers list


                        • #42
                          Nobody is denying that turban fucked up by initially approving the trade. He himself has admitted to it and is trying to fix it. The main issue here is that Mean Gene became a vulnerable target after his teammates started being pieces of shit. He should have expected this after drafting them but its still not in the spirit of the game and should not be encouraged by allowing them to dictate where they want to play. The problem is that you took advantage of this situation by setting up/accepting an unfair trade. As a captain, there is nothing wrong with that really since the head of twdt is in charge of approving and rejecting trades. But since you are the head of twdt, you should have known better. Its not about a conflict of interest at all because its a terrible trade that should have been rejected no matter who the captains in question were. Honestly, I don't even see other captains ever making an absurd trade like that. I brought up the Stayon/Downfall situation because you deemed it unfair (even though downfall himself stated he would show for 25% of the season and 100% for the playoffs) and removed it completely. Why didn't you follow the same protocol when it came to your own unfair trade? You even threw in reckful and tsunami like that would change something. The fact that you've allowed this mess to drag on for so long is disappointing.
                          1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                          1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                          Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                          Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                          Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                          • #43
                            When have I tried to shift the blame on you?

                            I have admitted multiple times in-game that the trade was not entirely fair. I have told other captains that if you don't want to help to come up with a solution to this and keep ignoring us then this slowly becoming your problem and not mine.

                            I am sure you have a good enough of a memory to remember that you told me to never talk with you again which certainly has not helped us to resolve this situation. As a former friend of yours, at least based on your recent reactions, I would recommend you to take a look in the mirror and see the error of your ways as pretending to be a victim is certainly not helping your case. I definitely fucked up with the trade, but you are escalating the matter by pretending to be a wounded dog with a puppy face.

                            As far as the trade goes, I am taking full responsibility for fucking up as the trade was mainly accepted due to Mean Gene wanting to simply move on with the league as he was sick of having two to three players with anger management issues.

                            I don't take this league as seriously as others from the looks of it which lead into a clouded judgement from my part. I am of the opinion that the draft tournament is ultimately meant to be a league that is being played for fun. It is not an ultra-competitive league by any means, but rather a league that fills the void when we have a downtime with other leagues. Thus, given the circumstances of the teams and my opinion of the league, I decided to prioritize the health of both teams -- one mentally, and one strength wise -- over the true fairness of the trade.

                            I would have reverted the trade by now, but as you have been giving me the silent treatment and have decided to belittle me every single opportunity you get, it has been a rather tall task to accomplish. It certainly doesn't help when I don't have moderator access to these forums to open the trade thread and edit posts, or even editing powers to the spreadsheets to revert the trade and correct my mistakes.

                            I am officially stepping down from this TWDT operator position for not taking this league as seriously as I should have. I wish you and your team the best of luck in the future, and hopefully you will have a nice day.

                            Heaven will be handling the outcome of this trade.


                            • #44
                              i gotta take a piss, brb
                              Trench Wars Player

                              “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by 2pac View Post
                                this draft trade would have never happened under commissioner goodell,

                                get a new commissioner, bitchclaus clearly has showed he isn't capable of it, stick to writing jokes on forums. :laugh:
                                why dont u stfu and go back to flipping burgers, dumbass
                                Trench Wars Player

                                “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde

