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This trade tho...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by zidane View Post

    it was your choice to trade, i didnt demand anything and best sure as fuck didnt (he played dtj 5 mins before you traded him)

    i also want to let everyone know that claushouse had nothing to do with this. I was a piece of shit to mean gene and he couldn't handle it so he just decided to trade me right away. didn't even attempt to fix the problem or seem to care remotely.

    ast edited by zidane; Today at 02:42 AM. Reason: don't want to get into an annoying back and forth

    Ziddy, I've never seen you be so creative, admission of guilt maybe for most, seen for the first time ever while contradicting Gene's argument "of how Zid demanded" and still dismissing the lack of selective resolve and eagerness from another man.


    You're killing me fam! ayyyyy lmao

    Edit: +1 porki


    • #17
      Originally posted by Stayon View Post
      Ziddy, I've never seen you be so creative, admission of guilt maybe for most, seen for the first time ever while contradicting Gene's argument "of how Zid demanded" and still dismissing the lack of selective resolve and eagerness from another man.


      You're killing me fam! ayyyyy lmao

      Edit: +1 porki
      I rly hope u used google translate from portuguese to english for that post cuz otherwise u might actually be as dumb as i thought
      Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

      Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

      Don't Poke the Bear.


      • #18
        I received an unsolicited trade offer from Mean Gene for Best/Zidane/Siaxis, which I declined. I said I didn't think a trade between us would work, and also that I wasn't interested in Siaxis. Mean Gene told me they were refusing to play for him, and referred to themselves as "The Trio" or "The Trifecta" or something. I wasn't aware there were any issues on Stark, given that they were 3rd in the league and Zidane had recruited Mean Gene to Dark. I thought they had settled their differences, but apparently not.

        I then received another offer of Best/Zidane/Markmrw for porkjet/M_M God/Flew, which I accepted. As captain, it's my job to get the best possible trade for my team, which I did.

        From what I understand Tiny made a competing offer, and Mean Gene decided I was willing to give up more.

        I don't evaluate trades for my own team whether captain or not, Turban has always performed this function in past years (for appeals, trades, etc.) I sent the trade to him to approve or deny.

        He denied the trade. I said if I drop Markmrw, would he approve it. He said yes, so we did. Trades approved by TWDT Ops are processed immediately, as they have been in 2014 and 2015, as long as I have enough time to update the star ratings sheets, and trades have been done on Sunday between games every year that I've been head of TWDT. The 48h rule was only for the Captain veto system I beta-tested in the first week, and then removed.

        I don't see why Maketso would be mad the trade was processed prior to TWDT-B when facing me, when instead of facing two TWLB champion players, he faced one. My team has been weakened in base, not strengthened. I offered Mean Gene the option of processing it immediately, or waiting until the week was over, and he chose immediately.

        Later that night Turban messaged me saying he'd received complaints, and asked if I would put more into the trade. I added Reckful, a really good 7-Star spider (who Turban confirmed will show for Mean Gene on Sundays and likes the roster), and Tsunami, a TWLJ champion javelin who is on every day but refuses to play for me. Tsu doesn't have a good history of showing often for TWDT, but maybe MG can get him to show.

        All the players in my initial trade are 100% shows, friendly, and zero drama. All the incoming trades are volatile personalities with the potential to implode a team and make others quit, or refuse to show. I would perhaps factor that into your assessments as well in terms of risk.

        I performed my duty as a captain in accepting a trade favorable to my team, then I performed my TWDT Op duties by having an independent third party who has run TWL for years, been a TWDT Op for years, and is on an opposing team, to evaluate the trade -- which he approved.
        top 100 basers list


        • #19
          Originally posted by beam View Post
          I rly hope u used google translate from portuguese to english for that post cuz otherwise u might actually be as dumb as i thought
          I'm dumb because I made sense, I have a feeling you write poems at night.

          Whenever you decide to speak and unlock the mysteries of the english language so graciously, all my hair becames spiked at such a performance especially when mentioning my nacionality time and time again. I become blind, and so passionate about your cause all I want for dinner is Yang Chow, with cat on top.

          Good thing we both have our eyes closed at the moment or we'd probably see tiny winkies.

          You're a visionary with much like Kanye and Trump, but let's not risk the embarassement of not knowing where to point Portugal on a world map.

          But that would be a stereotype.

          Meant alot, coming from a certified brick.


          Carry on g's, good stuff so far!
          Last edited by Stayon; 02-02-2016, 12:15 AM.


          • #20
            I demand to be traded back to Stannis. That is the only team I will play for, if I play at all.


            • #21
              One time I took a bit too much acid and I was feeling restless so I went to meet my roommate at a bar. When I got there he was talking to a couple of guys who I thought were his friends. The conversation soon veered toward "evolution being a giant Jewish conspiracy" and "how can humans be more complex than monkeys with less chromosomes!?" I thought it was weird but attributed their behavior to the fact that I was tripping.

              I went outside to smoke and one of them followed me. He leaned in real close and told me that the reason was that humans mated with greys (aliens) and that every person walking on earth right now is half-alien at least. I started laughing uncontrollably because I finally realized that I was both tripping AND talking to an insane homeless man.

              It was this sentence:
              Originally posted by Stayon View Post

              You're a visionary with much like Kanye and Trump, but let's not risk the embarassement of not knowing where to point Portugal on a world map.
              that made me realize that Stayon doesn't speak English well AND is a moron.
              Mr 12 inch wonder


              • #22
                Tsunami, a TWLJ champion javelin who is on every day but refuses to play for me.
                I'm sorry Tsu, I love you but LOOOOOOOL.

                You just had to describe him as a TWLJ champion javelin.
                Season 12 champion TWLD / TWLJ
                Season 18 champion TWLJ / TWLB
                Season 19 champion TWLB (C)

                Season 6 champion TWDT-J TWDT-B (C)
                Season 10 champion TWDT-J (C)
                Season 11 champion TWDT-B (C)
                Season 13 champion TWDT-B (C)
                Season 17 TRIPLE CROWN TWDT (C)

                The winningest TWDT captain of all time


                • #23
                  .. and that trade, which I initially approved, is something that I want to also take back.

                  I spoke to Ogron in-game and asked him to correct the trade as numerous captains were unhappy. I requesting him to have an honest conversation with Mean Gene to figure out the details of the trade as an attempt to hope that they would come up with a middle ground solution that would please both sides. However, instead of talking with Mean Gene, he instead decided to add two random players to the deal as an attempt to even out the trade. It was a noble gesture, without a doubt, but I still commented on the trade being unfair and asked him to talk with the other captain involved with the trade. Unfortunately my request was nonchalantly ignored which eventually lead into this thread.

                  In hindsight I should have denied the trade on the spot instead of getting all sentimental with all the circumstances involved with the trade. I made a lapse in judgement and approved the trade. It was my mistake and no one else can be blamed. It is safe to say that there was some form of personal bias involved as I felt sorry for both of the captains as Mean Gene had to deal with multiple toxic personalities who refused to play, and wanted to get rid of them no matter what the cost, and Ogron for having a heavy focus on basing with his draft which projected him to finish in 7th place at the end of the regular season. It most certainly did not help that I was not in the best mental states at that time -- tired, annoyed, and burned out, and simply wanted this whole ordeal to be over.

                  There are a few options that would make the trade fair such as trading a first round pick for another first round pick. Ogron originally wanted to first pick Zidane in the initial draft, but as Mean Gene was ahead of him in the draft order he had to settle with Jamal. It would only make sense to trade these two players.

                  As far as Best goes most of us can probably agree that he is far more valuable than Porkjet due to his sheer versatility by being a top player in two leagues, and a capable player in basing. It is a fair statement to make that Porkjet was drafted one round earlier than he should have which lead into him having an inflated value.

                  Assuming I have the authority to revert the trade, I would like to do that right now, and allow Ogron to give a new offer that is more fair in terms of player value. It could be a trade similar to this one:

                  Zidane and Best for Jamal and Porkjet (or M_M God) + a decent javelin or warbird.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Omega Red View Post
                    Horrible trade

                    whats the point having a draft league if players can simply refuse to play for a captain and muscle their way into a team with their friends?

                    you guys are setting precedent where players can simply not like their team/cap and just switch teams with their buttbuds following close behind

                    this is unfair for the team whos losing these players and second unfair to all the other captains who worked hard to plan their drafts
                    Omega speaks the truth..... Stop this trade, as it ia total bullshit. It fucks up the whole point of "drafting a roster" if they dont wanna play BAN them rest of season. Instead of wasting everyones times. Its not enough to stack twl, now you guys allowing them to stack a draft tourney. Mean gene wasted his TOP 2 PICKS. Do you think he would have picked zid/best had he known they were gonna refuse to play? Fucks up Stark's whole concept of a team. Allowing players to do this is absurd. They should NOT be traded but rather banned for season. Dont ship them off to help there "friends" thats giving them what they wanted/planned. If anything trade to the LAST place team and listen to them cry when they get shit stomped...
                    Last edited by olde; 02-02-2016, 08:25 AM.


                    • #25

                      ai ai ai
                      Last edited by Stayon; 02-02-2016, 02:03 PM. Reason: waste of time


                      • #26
                        Stayon slowly becoming the new Amnesti with his cryptic posts.


                        • #27

                          All fine and dandy to me, people love typing my name, and typing out the love they feel out of the blue, so I accept em with open arms.

                          Turb, I have a good memory, this is just kid's play

                          Carry on with the good job!
                          Last edited by Stayon; 02-02-2016, 05:29 PM. Reason: typo


                          • #28
                            People tripping over a 2d spaceship game...meh. Boring.
                            "Action is the real measure of intelligence. "
                            Napoleon Hill

                            wiibimbo>I'm gonna take u out next week for a beer and pizza at Leonardo' homo tho! I prefer big boobs
                            Dral>I can get implants


                            • #29
                              If you can't beat em, ban em. -Stayon 2016

                              Dkm. On a side note refusing to play jav/base because I got added and then removed in wb isn't refusing to play altogether. It simply means he had the choice to play me in all 3 or none and he made his choice.

                              I see a lot of people complaining but how does gene feel? He's the one who traded and he seems content, he got nice and strong players. He just mentioned above he doesn't even care about winning. Gene also took the best offer he received so the burden falls also on the other captains for being content with their team.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by zidane View Post
                                If you can't beat em, ban em. -Stayon 2016

                                Dkm. On a side note refusing to play jav/base because I got added and then removed in wb isn't refusing to play altogether. It simply means he had the choice to play me in all 3 or none and he made his choice.

                                I see a lot of people complaining but how does gene feel? He's the one who traded and he seems content, he got nice and strong players. He just mentioned above he doesn't even care about winning. Gene also took the best offer he received so the burden falls also on the other captains for being content with their team.
                                On the contrary Ziddy, regardless of trade you should play wherever!

