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I'm resigning from TWDT

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  • Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    LOL Zidane.. ogron has pissed off multiple staff members for years.. where is our apology? He needs to apologize too and agree to not abuse and be WAY more professional and work with staff with repercussions towards him if he continues being unprofessional.

    I know I'm being unprofessional myself when it relates to this and I probably will get disciplined in some way and possibly even lose my staff position but I'm sick of the cancer he causes and someone needs to do it. I've talked to sooo many players who almost quit because of him or have been so fed up and sick of his behaviour and mad at his insults and actions. He needs to zip it and be professional. I'm being unprofessional to tell him this but need to or it isn't going to work if he returns. I'm done talking about this guy with his quit twdt drama thread now.. microphone drop... up to all u all now to hash this thing out.. next input I do is game related only....

    Jessup> runner
    Major Crisis


    • Originally posted by Jessup View Post
      Sorry ixa.. We can find someone better imo.

      That is just it, it is your opinion Jessup, please do everyone a favor and let them have their OWN a opinions on the subject. Contrary to what you might believe, you have not been elected to speak for everyone who still plays the game, Henry and Qan have now come forward to try (the people who backed you that you continue to undermine) and make things right with Ogron and your still attempting to stem wall the whole process. It would be one thing if you had intentions of taking over, making drastic changes or doing it BETTER but you don't, you've stated your opinion on Ogron 100 times now (he hurt you, he is evil, he shouldn't have powers, ect. fucking ect.) and so please, please move along.

      Skyforger why don't you just ask Jessup on a date? You buttering her up every moment you have in game and out of game has become disturbing. Get a hand or a fucking life. @ Cres, you smell of Nautica, rock to Matchbox 20 and still wear Jnco Jeans, you are forgiven.



      • [/QUOTE]@ Cres, you smell of Nautica, rock to Matchbox 20 and still wear Jnco Jeans, you are forgiven.


        You have cres all wrong. He is still cruising around to his favorite cassette tape guns n roses greatest hits rocking his American bandana out his daisy duke back pocket. Most likely also rocking a punk band Tshirt he got at an "epic" concert. Don't be surprised if asks for a spare cigarette.

        Best to get tested for diseases if you make contact with this guy as well.


        • Ur bOtH WArNed BuDs.
          1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

          1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

          Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

          Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

          Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


          • It's pretty simple, I had a tacit understanding with Beasty -- Leave me alone and let me run leagues. Beasty was fantastic in honoring this agreement. I do it for free, and it's significantly better than the alternative. This worked very well for 4 years.

            Beasty has disappeared, and Qan has decimated this pact, repeatedly interfering, and constantly undermining me, restricting access to bots in my own league, and backseat driving while never online and never having run a league.

            Henry edited my forum posts adding TSL times without consulting me, hosted on off-days to spite me when I asked hosts not to, lorded his Dean of Staff title interfering with TSL warnings/bans, doesn't inform me of aliasers (I don't have alias-check abilities), while Jessup is allowed to roam free and host rogue sessions and helps ruin TSL with spam taking up 90% of forums, crying in-game constantly, abusing TSL bots, and I can't even do anything about it.

            The deal was I do all the work, and you let me run the leagues unhindered. This produced the best seasons of TWDT. This deal has been broken in 2017 after 4 years of working very well, and I have no further interest in continuing to eat shit from Qan/Henry/Jessup while doing all the work.

            Most players are happy to play in my Banana Republic leagues, and understand the bargain, and have repeatedly signed up for those leagues.

            The notion that I should eat shit in TSL from those three, then do all the work in TWDT, is a non-starter for me.

            When I have the ability to run TSL properly and unimpeded by those three, I'll be more than happy to help organize TWDT. Until then, Qan/Jessup/Henry are more than welcome to run it.
            top 100 basers list


            • Jessup fuck you
              SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2022
              SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2021
              SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2020

              TWLB CHAMP x4 dicE
              TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 10
              TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 11
              TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 15


              • Recruit Ogron to staff
                Make him Head of leagues
                Give him powers he's earnt from the hard work
                Let him continue to make the leagues fun for all with his time and effort he puts in
                Axe Jessup from staff
                Axe Jessup from the game
                Axe Jessup head clean off her shoulders and host a game of football using her head as the ball.
                Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

                - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


                • Hmm don't think I have posted here for over a year, or even logged in really especially since I gave Demonic alias away - that said, this whole situation sounds stupid to me. Claus has been exceptional in his running in twdt and twdt in recent years has pretty much been the only shining light that has come out of TW for players. Surely the obvious would be to give the guy what he wants and give him carte blanche to run the thing.

                  Staff should be there to support him, not control him and I think Beasty had the right idea in the first place. Ogron let me know if you are continuing and I will sign up if numbers are low, been awhile so always a laugh for a quick 0-10 in dt.


                  • Originally posted by Vys View Post
                    Recruit Ogron to staff
                    Make him Head of leagues
                    Give him powers he's earnt from the hard work
                    Let him continue to make the leagues fun for all with his time and effort he puts in
                    Axe Jessup from staff
                    Axe Jessup from the game
                    Axe Jessup head clean off her shoulders and host a game of football using her head as the ball.

                    I don't mind Jessup outside of leagues....but stfu. Love this post

                    Where sign ups for this football game?
                    1:waven> u challenge
                    1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

                    Originally posted by MHz
                    Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


                    • Originally posted by Claushouse View Post
                      It's pretty simple, I had a tacit understanding with Beasty -- Leave me alone and let me run leagues. Beasty was fantastic in honoring this agreement. I do it for free, and it's significantly better than the alternative. This worked very well for 4 years.

                      Beasty has disappeared, and Qan has decimated this pact, repeatedly interfering, and constantly undermining me, restricting access to bots in my own league, and backseat driving while never online and never having run a league.

                      Henry edited my forum posts adding TSL times without consulting me, hosted on off-days to spite me when I asked hosts not to, lorded his Dean of Staff title interfering with TSL warnings/bans, doesn't inform me of aliasers (I don't have alias-check abilities), while Jessup is allowed to roam free and host rogue sessions and helps ruin TSL with spam taking up 90% of forums, crying in-game constantly, abusing TSL bots, and I can't even do anything about it.

                      The deal was I do all the work, and you let me run the leagues unhindered. This produced the best seasons of TWDT. This deal has been broken in 2017 after 4 years of working very well, and I have no further interest in continuing to eat shit from Qan/Henry/Jessup while doing all the work.

                      Most players are happy to play in my Banana Republic leagues, and understand the bargain, and have repeatedly signed up for those leagues.

                      The notion that I should eat shit in TSL from those three, then do all the work in TWDT, is a non-starter for me.

                      When I have the ability to run TSL properly and unimpeded by those three, I'll be more than happy to help organize TWDT. Until then, Qan/Jessup/Henry are more than welcome to run it.
                      Now a days I sit back and troll like Beam did...But in all seriousness Ogron knows what he is doing and how to run the league. Why is he not staff? You can give specific access. He doesn't need to have banG access if that's what staff is worried about. If needed I will give more time and run TWDT with Ogron. But if TWDT is not run by ogron. Please remove me from the playing list. Slavery is over you can have this dude spend countless hours preparing leagues for a free game, and literally take his model and do whatever you want and leave him in the dark sidelined. That's why whenever he asked me for help there was no hesitation I did whatever he wanted within reason.
                      Geio> Down to chill and play that
                      Best> rather log off and attempt to suck my own d


                      • Comment

                        • It’s simple.
                          If something has been working, don’t change it.
                          Claus has done an exceptional job the past four years running the league.
                          Give the man what he needs to run the damn league.
                          Draft is tomorrow. Give him what he needs today so we can get on with tomorrow.
                          We have 90 signups. Plus FAs. We will have enough
                          Let’s do this
                          SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2022
                          SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2021
                          SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2020

                          TWLB CHAMP x4 dicE
                          TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 10
                          TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 11
                          TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 15


                          • I'm back........ lol..........

                            Since this is game related comment for twdt ...

                            It seems ogron can run TWDT league if he chooses.. remember he quit.. invite for him to return is there by people on staff(not me of course..) but still they are there.... it really is up to ogron. You guys admit he did a good job the last 4 years running TWDT. He didn't need to be staff to do it before and doesn't need to be staff now to do it. This concern over bot access has nothing to do with TWDT anyways. Should be ZERO issue with him continuing to run TWDT. All these issues are about TSL that have caused drama recently. The bot issue he brings up relates to TSL.. which he already has control over it so I really don't see how this issue is concerning TWDT at all.

                            ........ :argue:

                            The ball is in your court ogron. Please decide fairly soon so people can know.

                            I have no clue about draft tomorrow and am not making an official post on it saying this but I can safely assume no draft will be taking place tomorrow. We will be doing TSL though
                            TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                            TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                            TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                            TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                            TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                            TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                            • Shut the fuck already there will be No TWDT, let the game rest in peace. You guys don't even have enough players to run 3 teams....


                              • Originally posted by olde View Post
                                Shut the fuck already there will be No TWDT, let the game rest in peace. You guys don't even have enough players to run 3 teams....

                                1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                                1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                                Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                                Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                                Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.

