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Free Agency Signup Sheet

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  • Some rating comments:

    Originally posted by Claushouse View Post
    Sign up for Free Agency here.


    1. olde (77/70/75)
    2. Doughnut (80/70/70)
    3. SpaceNeedle (60/60/60)
    4. ForgottenGhost (60/60/60)
    5. Player__02 (75/70/70)
    6. vys (90/80/80) - 80 in base really?
    7. Havoc_777/GROM (70/70/70) - 70 in jav is at least 20 points too high
    8. zeebu (65/65/85) - 85 in base after years of inactivity, really? At most 75.
    9. Amnesti (65/90/65)
    10. World (60/60/75) - 75 is pushing it, but not as glaring as some of the other ratings.
    11. Rasaq (80/70/80) - 80 in base is too much and effectively ensures he will not get playtime. When was the last time he even played, let alone played base?
    12. Captain Lonestar (60/60/60)
    13. WAR (70/60/75) - if Rasaq and Vys are 80, why is WAR 75 in base?
    14. warportal (65/65/80) - pretty much the same deal here, above the 75 limit he is almost useless unless he suddenly becomes super active and unrusts himself.
    15. Paradise (70/85/77) - Who on earth is going to put this man in their base lineup with this rating? What is this even based on?
    16. Rough (80/95/80)
    17. Forwards (60/60/60)
    18. Klick (65/60/60)
    19. catatstrophe (75/70/65)
    20. Kim (70/90/70)
    21. KillaSell (60/60/60)
    22. pee pee sock (70/65/65)
    23. Gypsi (65/65/65) - probably (slightly) better than 65 in base
    24. 24 (85/100/85) <- will show week 2 but that's probably it.
    25. jeffpotatoes (65/75/65)
    26. M_M God (65/65/95) <- very limited showrate
    27. Stek (60/60/60)
    JAMAL> laggy no skill nebwie
    JuanJuan> you a fucking lagass cheater
    mAZe Of tOrM> try more faggot
    mAZe Of tOrM> u suck dick

    Shadowmere> Nice lag you fagf


    • Nice Trasher, I am glad someone spoke up. I was going to but decided I don't have the amount of knowledge or experience in base to have any credible input. Rasaq stood out right away though, he is never on. Hasn't been active for years and even when he was, not sure he is an 8 slot baser. 7 seemed right to me. This is goes the same for WB, he is a solid 7 slot bird as well in 2017, in 2009 would be different. The other was Paradise, his ratings seemed totally janked. I am not sure I would slot him in an 7 slot for jav, let alone an 8. He is inactive, rusty and performs inconsistently when he is active. He is also an 8 slot for base which is laughable, should be a 6 maybe a 7. Rest of them you talked about also look good, war borderline 7 for sure, warportal while maybe an 8 ten years back, certainly won't be played much over active 8's in base.

      These player ratings Trasher just brought up most certainly will gimp whatever team drafts them. I had the same issues week 1 with Bram, who was overrated based on past performances years ago when he was active. I felt bad for him, he got pummeled in every game because of it, its not just the teams that bad ratings hurt, more importantly the players who can't compete hurting their confidence and giving them reason not to return. Kinda wish we had dynamic ratings that are based on activity and recent performances lol would make life easier but would be a lot of work to code.. I digress.



      • There's no way my jav game is equal to my base game. 100/90/70
        Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

        - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


        • Originally posted by Vys View Post
          There's no way my jav game is equal to my base game. 100/90/70

          You would be overpowered as a 70 in base, just like if Zeebu would be down to 75.
          Just like Warportal would be as terr.
          Major Crisis


          • I think we need rab back for his web developing skills. I dont know about you guys but I'm all for getting ?ignore jessup button that pops up the first thing u enter forums.
            Season 12 champion TWLD / TWLJ
            Season 18 champion TWLJ / TWLB
            Season 19 champion TWLB (C)

            Season 6 champion TWDT-J TWDT-B (C)
            Season 10 champion TWDT-J (C)
            Season 11 champion TWDT-B (C)
            Season 13 champion TWDT-B (C)
            Season 17 TRIPLE CROWN TWDT (C)

            The winningest TWDT captain of all time


            • Originally posted by Dreamwin View Post
              I think we need rab back for his web developing skills. I dont know about you guys but I'm all for getting ?ignore jessup button that pops up the first thing u enter forums.
              At this point id like a skyforger ?ignore button too. Not that he is 100% in the wrong(he isnt), but he is just a drama whore. He and others could have easily solved this issue in the matter of minutes, but prefer to be measuring their e-penis inside a 90s 2d spaceship. Quite pathetic how most people involved is looking. Shoutout to Beasty for trying to resolve this issue in the correct drama-free way.
              Last edited by kess; 11-04-2017, 10:38 AM.
              Author of the clutchest and most tilting TEK of the century.

              1:cripple> i luv lbj cock
              1:cripple> if he paid me 50k for every time i gave him a bj i'd do it


              • Originally posted by zidane View Post
                i may take a knee before Sundays games
                Where will you take the knee? To whom does the knee belong?
                3:kyler> who r u btw i keep wanting to ask people "who is 45th pres" but someone gonna say "trump"
                3:45th President> do it
                kyler> who is 45th President
                nah> donald j trump

                Downfall> Shoutout to forwards for randomly giving gunsmith results that made no sense and just made things harder

                Jacklyn> holster is the thing that holds/carry the gun


                • Sign me up, thank you. Limited showrate, but will play at least this weekend.


                  • Can someone fix Rasaq's wb/base rating so the guy will be played? There are several that were pointed out who are in the same boat and because of it will be avoided unless corrected. Thanks.



                    • Originally posted by Claushouse View Post

                      Sign up for Free Agency here

                      FA Players are immediately startable Week 2, there is no waiting period

                      Name (TWDT-D/TWDT-J/TWDT-B)

                      1. olde (77/70/75)
                      2. Doughnut (80/70/70)
                      3. SpaceNeedle (60/60/60)
                      4. ForgottenGhost (60/60/60)
                      5. Player__02 (75/70/70)
                      6. vys (90/80/80)
                      7. Havoc_777/GROM (70/60/70)
                      8. zeebu (65/65/80)
                      9. Amnesti (65/90/65)
                      10. World (60/60/75)
                      11. Rasaq (80/70/80)
                      12. Captain Lonestar/Logain (60/60/60)
                      13. WAR (70/60/75)
                      14. warportal (65/65/80)
                      15. Paradise (70/85/75)
                      16. Rough (80/95/80)
                      17. Forwards (60/60/60)
                      18. Klick (65/60/60)
                      19. catatstrophe (75/70/65)
                      20. Kim (70/90/70)
                      21. KillaSell (60/60/60)
                      22. pee pee sock (70/65/65)
                      23. Gypsi (65/65/70)
                      24. 24 (85/100/85) <- will show week 2 but that's probably it.
                      25. jeffpotatoes (65/75/65)
                      26. M_M God (65/65/95) <- very limited showrate
                      27. Stek (60/60/60)
                      28. Jurassic (65/65/85)
                      29. Jammu (60/60/75)
                      30. Server (75/70/65)
                      31. Senorkevin (60/60/60)
                      32. Steep (75/65/85) <- Limited showrate, but will play at least this weekend.

                      Draft Pick Order:

                      1. Ixador
                      2. Ogron
                      3. Trasher
                      4. Major Crisis
                      5. Dreamwin
                      6. Tiny

                      TWDT FA DRAFT: Sunday, November 5th AFTER the TSLD Finals is completed

                      *The veracity of showrate sources cannot be confirmed or guaranteed
                      **If there's a discrepancy between ratings on the Google Docs draft sheet and this post, the one on the Google Docs draft sheet is considered correct

                      why on earth is Server a 65 in base?

                      why on earth is M_M God a 65 in anything?

                      incompetent FA ratings. even worse than Ogron's arbitrary ratings for regular sign ups. Many more need huge fixing
                      Last edited by Voth; 11-05-2017, 11:34 AM.
                      7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

                      Duel Pasta> great
                      Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face

                      Tower> NATIONAL WEED YOUR GARDEN DAY

                      TWLB Champion Season 12
                      TWLJ Champion Season 11
                      TWLB All-Star Season 10
                      Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


                      • I sent this out yesterday and only Heaven has replied back to me. My last attempt to resolve this and although skyforger has made it clear that he wants to play on civil terms, ogron is being immature and petty. He refuses to even log on to have a proper discussion. GL with the league!!
                        1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                        1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                        Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                        Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                        Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                        • lol ogron definitely was glad the forums went down, probably wanted it to come back last minute possible

                          anyways both parties looked bad in this honestly.

                          heaven should have never interrogated skyforger and asked him to confirm that he wouldn't be allowed to rejoin DT when he originally dropped out. That's not normal and was only done because ogron hates sky so he gave himself an excuse to keep him out if he changed his mind. i saw this coming weeks ago when it was talked about in chat, just a shame ppl abuse their powers and stop active players from participating. there's an ignore function in game and in forums if you can't handle people being mean to you for a reason

                          and at the same time skyforger/jessup went overkill on the videos/annoying posts and could have just said sorry for being an asshole
                          Last edited by zidane; 11-05-2017, 12:54 PM.


                          • Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger Free Skyforger
                            TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                            TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                            TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                            TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                            TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                            TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                            • alright, here's a couple of things while I still have the time as I will not be here for too long.

                              first of all these free agency ratings have to be fixed as soon as possible as many players are rated wrong. you do not the right to claim that the community did not step up and attempt to help with the ratings as many did help and we even provided ratings on all the players in the free agency draft along. we have even individual players commenting in this thread to further improve the accuracy of player ratings to ensure a fair and competitive league league. however for some reason you have decided to completely ignore the community, essentially do all the ratings by yourself, and still have the audacity to post that no one attempted to help with the ratings.

                              .. and to further clarify my I was never approached by you to help with the player ratings unlike in previous seasons where you kindly asked me in person to help and even provided me the list of players to rate, and this leads me to believe that you never requested anyone to help with ratings. you did create a thread for public commenting, however the lack of communication and information, and the lacking sense of urgency ended up misleading the community into believing that a group of experienced players were actively involved in the rating process. I do not know who all ended up helping out, but from what I have heard it was not many which means you should have at least said something to get more players to help with the work.

                              also, while on the topic of player ratings, it definitely looks like some players have had their ratings slightly increased on purpose to be barely above the point where they are worth using, and those people miraculously happen to be players who our current league operator does not enjoy interacting with. it does reek of corruption, and the fact that you have overruled ratings provided by multiple players for the free agency thread leads me to believe that they would still have been screwed over with enough help.

                              secondly you should allow Skyforger back in the free agency draft and give him a proper, fair rating. this has become a facade of innocence at this point and it is getting more ridiculous every passing day. stop trying to get the community to turn against him when you are not an innocent lamb—in fact it is quite the opposite.

                              I do agree that he is a very toxic player and that he did go overboard, but at least he has shown that he is willing to change and should be given the benefit of the doubt in my opinion. all you need to do is put him on a tight leash and give him one final chance, and if he does anything stupid he should be removed from the competition. do not try to call what happened between you, him, and Beasty your last attempt to reason with him as logs seem to actually favor Skyforger as he has provided chat logs which have yet to be proven wrong, and from the looks of it you made some unnecessary demands which only complicated everything.

                              you have been ignoring other players who have actively tried to solve this situation on purpose. you have had me on ignore for weeks which is pathetic but you have every right in the world to do it, but the fact that you are refusing to talk to me about professional matters (while having other players telling you to do it) is extremely aggravating.

                              third which is a more positive reply, you are looking for a HoN writer and perhaps volunteers for other mundane tasks. I can volunteer and promise to do the javelin league, and maybe help with stuff like statistics and standings, but that is only if you swallow your pride and act like a proper adult.


                              • also regarding Jessup, can you shut up for once. You are in position of power as a moderator and there are certain standards that are expected of staff members.

                                it is fine to speak up and express your opinion, but do it properly because you are giving staff a bad name.

