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Make TSL Great Again

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  • Make TSL Great Again

    Make TSL Great Again

    I was speaking with Ease, Zidane, and a few others, and all agreed TSL would be good if it was brought back with some changes. A competent veteran should take the reins and run TSL Season 5, with some key modifications:

    1. Make it shorter and more manageable

    a) Reduce the Season to 5 Weeks long, down from 7
    b) Limit it to 2 days a week (Mon/Wed, or Tues/Thurs)
    c) Limit it to 3 games per league, per gameday
    d) eliminate the Finals

    You could start in a few weeks, and run it with this schedule:


    7:00pm WB
    7:20pm WB
    7:40pm WB

    8:00pm Jav
    8:20pm Jav
    8:40pm Jav

    9:00pm Base
    9:30pm Base
    10:00pm Base

    2. Revert the formulas to the S1/S2 Seasons

    Bring back the old formulas that worked well... S4 was a complete joke and ruined it.

    3. Reduce the TSL websites games counted to 10 games per league, down from 20

    No more bonus games, and a shorter schedule with 30 planned weekday games. Your best 10 games count towards your final $ amount in each league.

    Then, just double that amount so it matches up with the S1/S2/S3 dollar amounts for posterity and comparisons (since the old seasons were your best 20 games).

    4. Conclusion

    You now have a more condensed league that doesn't burn people out, is only 2 days a week, lets TWD still be the main focus point most days, and doesn't interfere with TWDT or other leagues on Sundays.

    This would bring a lot of veterans back to TSL who left after the first few seasons, and function as a nice addition to the zone.
    top 100 basers list

  • #2
    You know with those time slots you make it an american/canadian party, right?
    Major Crisis


    • #3
      +1 TSL could be a lot of fun if it doesn't completely kill TWD which it wouldn't if it's kept on a schedule and only run 2x a week like the above. times could be looked at to see to which time TW is most active to benefit most people possible


      • #4
        time slots are actual GARBO. You tryna dodge these fists?


        • #5
          If you're going to change TSL formulas at least consider using the ones I made here:

          It's the only time I've seen test data used to see if the output of the formula makes sense.


          • #6
            TSL got boring because it was run too often and the finals were always like a weird appendix. Since there has been a decent break now, TSL should have some reignited interest whenever it comes back. I quite liked the way we did it with TWD Happy Hours in between TSL sessions in S4. Helped the squad scene survive TSL whereas first seasons of TSL killed off TWD.

            Scoring formulas haven't changed much since the first seasons iirc. Although trying out the work Rab did but that was not implemented yet - would be worthwhile. What changed significantly after S2 was that no little baron was allowed to rig the ratings on the fly to keep some players from participating, but I'd argue getting rid of that idiotism helped prolong the lifespan of TSL if anything.


            • #7
              If you run TSL now with the influx of veterans it will garner more interest.

              Running TSL along other Sunday only tournaments like Basing Cup or some kind of Jav Cup would be sick.


              • #8
                Make TWL Great Again

                Make TWL Great Again

                I was speaking with Hellrazor and a few others, and all agreed TWL would be good if it was brought back with some changes. A competent veteran should take the reins and run TWL Season 22, with some key modifications:

                1. Make it more manageable by copying TWDT gameplay

                a) No TWD qualifications
                b) 6 squads, playing all 3 leagues
                c) 4 teams qualify to playoffs, per leagues
                d) Enjoy

                You could start few weeks after TWDT end, and run it with this schedule:


                3:00pm WB
                3:30pm WB

                4:00pm Jav
                4:30pm Jav

                5:00pm Base
                5:30pm Base

                2. But with some changes

                Qualification for playoffs don't depends on overall ranking but on league ranking... And so keep the distinct series per leagues. 24 players max per team (equivalent of 3 base teams), roster lock after 2 weeks played.

                3. Takes advantage of the influx of veterans

                Invit these teams :

                Fierce - 24/Geio/LaSenza/Tripin/Dak.. maybe some Apok/Skepsis/Deez Nuts.. will follow the recent influx of vets.
                Force - Siaxis/Iron Survivor/Attacks/olde/Cres.. could recruit some up and comings wb who are young.
                Dice - Cape and cripple could lead it, tons of vets have been champ on that team. Cape could summon some megaman/Stayon/a2m..
                Thunder - Ease/zidane/Mythril/Racka/Steadman.. still got a big amount of players, some could join other squads.
                Dudgeon - Dreamwin/Commodo and the big finnish community, many are still on.
                Cobra - thix/turban/Ricko/Trasher.. can recruit here and there.

                4. Conclusion

                Many vets don't have the same amout of time they had in the past to play this game, erasing the regular season allow the competition to be play only on sundays, from start to end. Plus let's be honnest, regular season does only sack shit teams, with the TWDT system there's no shit teams. The 2 years hiatus took by TWL means it is impossible to run it with the system used until now, while TWDT works well, so ask yourself if we rather let die the top tier competition or if we better just adapt to the situation.

                Then alternate TWDT/TWL. Henry Saari show me you are the real hero and allow this.


                • #9
                  The original formulas worked great, and the best players rose to the top in the best two seasons, I don't see why you would change it.

                  It's the exact same formula as used for the TWDT stats:

                  Kills + Plus-Minus + Win Bonus = Score

                  So you go 14-7 and win 50-40, the formula becomes:

                  14 + 7 + 7 = 28

                  Then you just subtract points for TKs in jav.

                  This provides scores that feel fair and accurate, and consistently produce the best standings.

                  Win Bonus is worth 7 points for a win, 5 points if you lose by a score of 50-49 or 50-48, and descends by 1 point for every 2 less kills your team gets in a loss, with bonus points not being awarded for anything below losing 50-40.

                  You can debate the merits of the basing formulas, as they're much more complicated, but WB and Jav have been incredibly solid, and should remain in place if TSL returns.

                  There was absolutely no need to try to implement the Elim style ratings fluctuations on the value of each kill, because in Elim you can avoid the good players and just spec after bagging scrubs early. You can't avoid the good players in TSL or you miss out on the win bonus. Also, most veterans knockout newbies early then fight the better players late, so it doesn't add anything. Moreover, elim players constantly abuse that current system. They get their friends to sandbag, tank their rating, then hunt other top players to help their friends. Or you buff up your rating then feed your buddies. The whole thing has become a joke.

                  The S1/S2/S3 formula worked great, was simple, elegant, and effective.

                  It should be re-instated if TSL returns.
                  top 100 basers list


                  • #10
                    On a separate note, I believe the WB and Jav matchmaking ratings have been automatic for the past two seasons? I sent Qan the formulas to remove human input after Season 1. I know they weren't implemented in Season 2 due to time constraints, but I think they were slated for Season 3. I didn't play S3 or S4 so I'm not sure if it got added.

                    Should have removed a lot of the whining from forum trolls, who still keep going on about it, even though it hasn't been an issue for like 3.5 seasons, and affected like 3 people (in base only).
                    top 100 basers list


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ronaldinho View Post
                      Make TWL Great Again
                      lol TWL is never coming back bud
                      top 100 basers list


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Claushouse View Post
                        lol TWL is never coming back bud
                        Seeing as Iron, Okyo, Cres, Siaxis and Skepsis have retired does that mean im the only reigning Twld champ forever more? Awesome.
                        British> my 18th tomoz $$
                        Sol ^> 18 and scouse, so that two kids you have by now, brit? :)

                        i.d.> I just farted and shit myself alittle bit


                        • #13
                          OK so congratulations to Dice for being the best TW squad for ever.
                          And to you Attacks for keeping the crown for ever too, it fits you well.


                          • #14
                            Make CloosHoose TSL OP again
                            FrozenSand> have you ever put a coke bottle in your butt?
                            Mira.Girio> I don't think I've ever experimented with coke products. >.>
                            FrozenSand> oh you're a pepsi guy?

                            captain Ky> will the guy with the AOL add banner please insert his head up hiw on ass till he dissapears from our universe entirely. Thank you.

                            RuBbEr BoMb> woot hellkite parked in fr like my wife
                            Burzum> meaning what
                            Burzum> took him 4 minutes to get in?
                            RuBbEr BoMb> meaning he aimed for flag and ended up on roof


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ronaldinho View Post
                              Fierce - 24/Geio/LaSenza/Tripin/Dak.. maybe some Apok/Skepsis/Deez Nuts.. will follow the recent influx of vets.
                              Force - Siaxis/Iron Survivor/Attacks/olde/Cres.. could recruit some up and comings wb who are young.
                              Dice - Cape and cripple could lead it, tons of vets have been champ on that team. Cape could summon some megaman/Stayon/a2m..
                              Thunder - Ease/zidane/Mythril/Racka/Steadman.. still got a big amount of players, some could join other squads.
                              Dudgeon - Dreamwin/Commodo and the big finnish community, many are still on.
                              Cobra - thix/turban/Ricko/Trasher.. can recruit here and there.
                              Fuck This Guy. Literally won TWL on 4 of 6 of these squads and have more titles than all except ease/cape/zidane and get 0 mention. Hmmm
                              1:waven> u challenge
                              1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

                              Originally posted by MHz
                              Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.

