Money is involved, so I say we don't experiment with new maps/settings since it may fault the integrity of a league that Wirah selflessly just put his money on.
I think it's awesome you're trying to spice things up Cape. I'm open to ideas and if the rest of the community wants to experiment I won't put up much of a fight, but my vote is no.
in direct opposition: I might be in to certain map changes, but probably not if they affect cram - I like the way it is. too easy if anything.. wouldnt be opposed to making it more difficult to break/more difficult to hold.
My opinion as a player is that running isn't really an issue at all in wb. I'm not qualified to speak on javs and probably won't ever get added to a dtj match but my concern would be if doors spawn and warp somebody into spawn causing a +1, it could impact the game. Even with a warning, I'm sure people would still manage to get either stuck outside of the new battle zone or get warped by the doors.
My opinion as a casual WB is that the running exists and its annoying.
In jav I just think the game will flow better if we are not chasing players like 24 for 10 mins at the end of every match.
No offence just an example of a player who can run 1v3 for an annoyingly long time to produce essentially the same result.
I'd have to check if its possible for the bot to not give +1's..even if it gives +1, not a big deal in regular season.
These maps may address running but they will be something fresh if nothing else.
Probably not a good idea to change things up for an event with a cash prize.
DT-D: I know I would be more interested in getting into Warbird if there wasn't so much run'n stray players out there.
DT-J: Bad idea to put doors in Javelin arenas, like beam stated the +1 would royally suck, maybe have it give a 10 second warning or something before doors are activated, have it after 10-15 minutes have passed so players know ahead of time when they will go off.
DT-B: I tried the basing map the other day, the tiles in the side tubes are a nightmare if you're in a rush to get up to cram, which is the opposite of what I think you were trying to accomplish. The mid tube ones I have no opinion on yet. The extra mid-base tiles make it really annoying to chase lone mid spiders around they literally go around in circles around them forcing you to send 2 spiders to clear it. I like the bigger cram though, especially when under Spidering, there is more room there to actually push under.
Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd
rylo> 1.5 mil for whoever kills renzi
(10 seconds later)
rEnZi is out. 17 kills 10 deaths. 2 players remain.
P TW-Pub> rylo sent you $1,500,000, you now have $4,047,199.
If you're going to do a thing you should to it to the best of your ability or don't do it at all.
Cape Just some thoughts from just looking at that screenshot above
- It's nice to see something that isn't grey.
- bottom left side of cram entrance, you have a tile different colour from the rest.
- cram might be TOO wide just like twlb2 was and nobody liked it.
- Is it just me or is the flag area tiny?
- top bar isn't symmetrical to the flag or the roof, it could use an extra tile on left side. This will drive some people nutts lol.
- undering will be strange without having chair there to bounce off of.
- the arrows on left and right walls of flag room, can you fly through them?
What about maybe adding a 3rd ear above flag instead of top bar? this would allow more space for flag area.(This is space maybe on a world some bears ?have 3 ears not two!)
Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd
rylo> 1.5 mil for whoever kills renzi
(10 seconds later)
rEnZi is out. 17 kills 10 deaths. 2 players remain.
P TW-Pub> rylo sent you $1,500,000, you now have $4,047,199.
If you're going to do a thing you should to it to the best of your ability or don't do it at all.