Opening the floor for discussion regarding * caps.
The argument for keeping star caps would be to give newer players a chance. My argument against this is that every season semi-elite players end up flying under the radar and/or on aliases and play for good teams as a 6* or 7*, so captains who are lucky enough to draft these underrated players tend to see more success for their team than those who do not. We seldom see true "newbs" get their shot in TWDT. Star caps are also extremely subjective and those deciding them are human and make mistakes. This human error can lead to a 10* playing as a 9* or vice versa, and skew the draft/season. This introduces too much human error for a season that Wirah is putting money on.
In my opinion, star caps should be removed for this season as it would be more reflective of the "old" TWDT and would make the season more competitive.
The argument for keeping star caps would be to give newer players a chance. My argument against this is that every season semi-elite players end up flying under the radar and/or on aliases and play for good teams as a 6* or 7*, so captains who are lucky enough to draft these underrated players tend to see more success for their team than those who do not. We seldom see true "newbs" get their shot in TWDT. Star caps are also extremely subjective and those deciding them are human and make mistakes. This human error can lead to a 10* playing as a 9* or vice versa, and skew the draft/season. This introduces too much human error for a season that Wirah is putting money on.
In my opinion, star caps should be removed for this season as it would be more reflective of the "old" TWDT and would make the season more competitive.