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TWDT-D Hot take

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  • TWDT-D Hot take

    Blast – (Top 5)
    Starters/ Racka, Turban, JBINC, Spectacular, Omega Red
    Pros/ Racka
    Cons/ Lack of depth
    Key to victory/ Help Racka push and hope he gets on fire.

    There are two standouts in this squad, Racka and Turban. Racka is one of the few “game changers” left in subspace and when paired with a good supporting cast, he will shine. Turban has been a solid teammate as he shown it in TWDT, where he is ranked #18 overall and winning 42 out of 62 rounds paired with a 1.26 KD. But after these two, things start to get shaky.
    The rest of the wb’s haven’t shown much, combined they have a KD of .66 and a win rate of 25%. Contrary to Heavens review, I don’t think Omega Red will be the MVP. If anyone needs to be the MVP for this team other than Racka and Turban, I would have my eyes on J-B-Inc.

    Bottom line/ one of the 7.5* and below wb’s will have to step up.

    Morph – (Top 5)
    Starters/ Saiyan, Rojo, Ro, Bigking, Danslams or Warrior
    Pros/ Seasoned vets
    Cons/ Could get toxic quick
    Key to victory/ Stay calm and team up

    Lobsters? Lobster’s hunt and feed on prey. While heaven might not expect much out of this team I think otherwise. Saiyan can go toe to toe with any warbird in the game and if his squad mates can stay alive and team well – this team could go far. Saiyan has a lot of work to do though, because the rest of these starters are not known for great teamwork and have been streaky. If Saiyan can stay positive in chat and not implode on his teammates, it’s possible to see this team fighting for the championship.

    Bottom line/ This team has a higher combined K/D when compared to blast, but lack of consistency might be the Achilles heel.

    Power – (Top 5)
    Starters/ Vys, Banzi, aagi, Legacy, Mongrel or Zidane
    Pros/ Big depth
    Cons/ Not active
    Key to victory/ Being active and teamwork

    The self-proclaimed GOAT VYS will have to put up some good numbers for his team to be effective against other top tier's. Banzi is always a solid choice as he showed that in last years TWDT. Overall Banzi has a 67% win rate and a 1.14 KD, more than enough to support vys.
    Heaven thinks Peru is the key for this team, but Peru hasn’t been active in sometime. In my opinion its going to fall on the hands of the two 6.5 stars - Legacy and Spirit. Whoever plays they will need to show up and stay alive long enough for the rest of the squad to get things going. Both haven’t played much time in WB as of late, so this is a big wild card.

    Bottom Line/ There are a lot of unknowns, will Aagi be able to hang with the top warbirds? Will Mongrel or Peru show up? 6.5* MVP? Zidane the WB?

    Hottub Homeboys
    Starters/ Renzi, Stayton, Iron, Ravage, Dare or Paradise
    Pros/ Good team vibes
    Cons/ Lack of lower stars
    Key to victory/ Picking the right starters

    Hot Tub boys have an issue, do you play creature with Vehicle, or do you play with two 8*’s? I chose Renzi and Stayton, solely on the reasoning that Vehicle will get ran over quicker than creature will be able to get kills. Iron Survivor and his lag should be able to pick up any kills with Creature missing from the lineup, considering Iron has the 2nd highest KPM and the most MVPs in WB TWDT. Renzi and Stayton have decent stats with both almost at 1.0 k/d.
    The dark horse of TWDT could be Ravage, while he might be hit and miss, Ravage has been known to out rush mediocre warbirds. His rush is hard for newer warbirds to handle, and this could be something to keep an eye on.

    Bottom line/ Picking the right lineup will be extremely important, also which Ravage will show up? 5 minute out Ravage or 18 kill Ravage?

    Thunder – (Bottom 5)
    Starters/ Ease, Geio, Ogron, Dwopple, Beast
    Pros/ Dwopple has a stream
    Cons/ Shaky low stars
    Key to victory/ Teamwork

    Ease and Geio are extremely solid warbirds, with great stats in TWDT-D, but I don't know if their passive style will be enough. Ogron and Dwopple have decent stats but will need to set up their game, otherwise Thunder won't be very competitive. In my opinion the success in this team will lie in the lower star warbirds. Lastly Beast’s .51 KD and .38 KPM could be a big factor, I would look to With Ease to take him under his wing and hope for the best.

    Bottom line/ Anytime you're on a team with Ease there is always a chance of winning.

    Kobe – (RIP)(Top 5)
    Starters/ Best, Tripin, Hellrazor, Siaxis, Joeses
    Pros/ The pressure will break most
    Cons/ Will best be drunk?
    Key to victory/ Stay alive and let Best do his thing

    This lineup would make the black mamba proud, Best in arguably one of the best rushers this game has ever seen. His ability to change the momentum of a match is undeniable. I’m not a fan boy, just look at the stats- 2nd Highest KPM, 1.38 KD and 18 MVPs in TWDT-D. Now you add Tripin and Siaxis to the mix you have a deadly team. While stats don’t mean everything, this team does have the best combined stats overall. If they all can work together you could be looking at the champs.

    Bottom line/ Joeses stays alive, they win.

    Paddington – (bottom 5)
    Starters/ Tiny, Pineapple, Beam, Ardour, Star Fox
    Pros/ All arounders
    Cons/ No standouts
    Key to victory/ Work as a team to topple the giants

    This team is full of 8 star’ish warbirds, with no one standing out in the pack. The starters have an average of 1 KD and a decent win rate. I imagine they will be looking to Beam for an outstanding performance, but I’m not sure they have the fire power to win much. Ardour is under rated and if not taken seriously could surprise a lot of people. Same can be said for Pineappple, pine has decent mid range and is able to stay alive and keep fighting till the end. The biggest issue is the lack of pressure from this team, most will stay R2 and R3 and that could be a problem when facing the top tier teams.

    Bottom line/ Look for Paddington to put up a fight, but I don’t seem them taking the crown

    Powerful Fingerman – (middle somewhere)
    Starters/ Violence, Flew, Bacon, Props, Roiwerk
    Pros/ Fingermen
    Cons/ Fingermen
    Key to victory/ Hitting shots and a tad of luck

    Similar to Paddington, there are no big standouts. That being said the starters are all decent, Props is a steal 8 star and if he shows up and performs it could be a game changer for this team. Bacon and Flew are both solid performers and should do most the heavy lifting. If Props, Flew and Bacon can get things going with decent pressure, they might just be able to carry Violence to a few victories.

    Bottom line/ The biggest question is if this team will be able to handle the pressure and be able to apply their own pressure.

    Funk – (middle somewhere)
    Starters/ Lockdown, Attacks, Commondo, Jack, lee
    Pros/ All decent
    Cons/ Inactive
    Key to victory/ Support Lockdown and being active

    Lockdown has been very solid and has the stats to back it up - the squad will need to support Lockdown and look to him to take charge. Attacks and Jack both are not active, but when playing well both can hang with any warbird in the game. I would look to Lockdown and Jack applying the pressure, so Attacks and the rest can help with push. This combo could do quite well and possibly go toe to toe with the top tier teams. Lee and Commondo are the wild cards, Lee hasn’t performed well in past TWDT-D, with a win rate of 20% and a .5 k/d and Commondo only has 6 total rounds played.

    Bottom line/ This team boils down to if Attacks and Jack get active, stay in shape through the tournament and perform.

    Terrorist- (Bottom 5)
    Starters/ Bike, Dreamwin, Rasaq, Monkee, Banks
    Pros/ Positive Attitude
    Cons/ Lack of depth
    Key to victory/ Team work

    Again, another team with no standout warbirds though most of the team has decent stats. Bike most likely will be the key to making something happen as he is the best warbird on the squad. If Monkee and Rasaq play well, we could have a contender, but I have a feeling they will get ran over when too much pressure is applied. I’ll be rooting for this team though, always love a good underdog story.

    Bottom Line/ Not enough depth but could fair well versus most teams.
    Last edited by AnonymousV; 09-09-2021, 07:14 PM.

  • #2
    I look forward to this season yet again. Weirdly enough, i've won this league more than most, yet in both takes they ridicule our even team as opposed to lopsided. Thanks for taking the time though.
    1:waven> u challenge
    1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

    Originally posted by MHz
    Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


    • #3
      Nice predicitons and you made interesting by bringing numbers.

      I'll say my impressions about the teams too, overall it's a balanced season , with good teams and I'm expecting good match's all over the place.

      I disagree about racka team being favorite like ppl said. I honestly think racka , ease and saiyan (not in any particular order) are the top 3 warbirds of zone, but his team prob will underperform. Racka and turban who been playing really good , gonna go huge, but won't be enough.

      I expect Saiyan's team to do good, in paper they are a good team. I'm not familiarized with rojo(?) And the problems I see in this line: bigking and warrior are instable players, they can go like 15-8 or 3-10 and also ro is inactive. If they solve it, they should be fine.

      Zidane made a very good job on draft, he has a balanced line with good players on it, but vys need to take the leadership and put big numbers if they want to go any further. I expect banzi delivering big numbers. I like him as player and person and would love to see that guy shine. However they should know about zidane mood when things go wrong ( I been there LOL).

      Not talking about my own team.

      Ease team is balanced and good on paper, my real question is if this line will work together and have chemistry. It's a 50/50 bet here. I'm guessing Geio gonna be the key player to the victory (assuming ease play great like he always did) and team will rely on his performance.

      Bigmon team is very good. They have lethal trio best tripin and siaxis, and covered with cape who's a good player in any ship. If their low star play smart and they don't rush in desperate I see them having great season.

      I don't like tiny team so much, for me it lacks a big wb presence, wich gonna be beam role. And even when I honestly think beam is a good player, I don't know if he can carry a team. Star fox has a huge potential, tiny improved a lot in wb, pinneaple is annoying to vs but he's too passive and ardour used to be decent wb who can do good. Is that gonna be enough? Time will tell.

      Violence basically made a rapid line. Flew needs to carry and bacon need to get back to the same level he had few seasons ago, they have potential, but I don't know how far they can go.

      Commodo picked a good line. If Jack and attacks get active, it becomes a real threat. Lockdown will have the opportunity to prove he can carry a team and make his name in wb Hall of Fame. Expect good season for them.

      Dreamwin picked an agressive balanced line. Bike been playing very good and if rasaq follows him it will be interesting. Also monkee and dw will have huge impact on how they gonna play. Very good team.

      I'm sry for the bad English and if I offended anyone, wasn't my intention. Just trying to share my thoughts about the teams and line

      TWLD 2016 Champion
      TWDTD champion x 3
      Potenza 4 LIFE


      • #4
        Probably worth mentioning that we're starting Cripple who is arguably the strongest 7.5-star player in the league. It'll be a good season from the looks of it with no clear favorite.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Turban View Post
          Probably worth mentioning that we're starting Cripple who is arguably the strongest 7.5-star player in the league. It'll be a good season from the looks of it with no clear favorite.
          I based my Review on annonym lines, starting cripple improves your team alot.
          TWLD 2016 Champion
          TWDTD champion x 3
          Potenza 4 LIFE

