Dwopple and Racka simply failed to communicate correctly and abuse their positions trying to play it off like their "busy" which is bullshit. I won't play on Stek and I don't really care that much about draft tournament so this doesn't really hurt me as much as you twerp power tripping noobs like to think it would. I really don't give a shit if there are 2, 3 or even 10 Dwopple dick suckers in here being critical and attempting to insult me. Volunteers can still be held to a high standard. This isn't even a fucking high standard. I've been asking for weeks and they can't even get it right with a delayed tournament. Dwopple's "story" that he hinted all would be well in 1-2 days is bullshit; he made it seem like there was a chance when I've been asking for weeks that it wasn't going to be switched over and look where we are now. It's not going to be switched over. It's abuse of power plain and simple. That is all there is to it.