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TWDT Season 27 Sign Up Sheet

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  • TWDT Season 27 Sign Up Sheet

    Please message RaCka or Hawk in game to sign up for this upcoming season of TWDT, reply in this thread, or type !signup to TWDTBot in ?Go TWDT in game.

    The bolded red names have expressed interest in capping this season. The amount of captains will be based on the total sign ups and will be considered finalized one week prior to the draft.
    1. Beam
    2. Lee
    3. RaCka
    4. Cripple
    5. J-b-inc
    6. Cyclone
    7. WillBy
    8. Dare
    9. Hellkite
    10. BOMBED
    11. Spectacular
    12. Kassius
    13. HellzNo!
    14. Hawk (Hurricane)
    15. Product
    16. Avantgarde
    17. Donnager
    18. Attacks
    19. Cig Smoke
    20. Rabbit!
    21. Snes
    22. CZ530
    23. Y0GI
    24. Stinging Metal
    25. GenX
    26. Zidane
    27. Dreamwin
    28. Geio
    29. Zizzo
    30. wbm
    31. tj hazuki
    32. Public Assassin
    33. JacKie>
    34. Ekko
    35. Dak
    36. Sunny D
    37. JURASSIC
    38. Snoopie
    39. Raazi
    40. Jz
    41. Markmrw
    42. blt_13
    43. Lai
    44. Mouse
    45. Vys
    46. Dwopple
    47. Jack - possibly 50% show rate
    48. JOESES
    49. Mongrel
    50. Absurd
    51. Riverside
    52. Dutch Baser
    53. Frozen Throne
    54. Draft
    55. Exalt
    56. MedVac
    57. Paradise
    58. cubone97
    59. Zapata
    60. Mercede$
    61. Honcho
    63. Mythril
    64. Tripin
    65. BugySwartz
    66. Stayon
    67. Vega~
    68. Rylo
    69. Props
    70. Killah
    71. Mvp
    72. Henry Saari
    73. Renzi
    74. Hypocrit
    75. Pawner
    76. Tiny
    77. Kov
    78. Crazy Canockout
    79. Mobey
    80. Autopilot
    81. Omega Red
    82. yeH
    83. Violence
    84. Zizu
    85. Olde
    86. snik(
    87. Cyris
    88. Banks
    89. Aprix
    90. Groan
    91. Beast
    92. Paky Dude
    93. Facetious
    94. Banzi
    95. Ra
    96. Jessup - may miss a few weeks
    97. rozay
    98. nbsiDE Domu (Rojo)
    99. Spartan
    100. clefairy27
    101. Klean-X
    102. Zeebu
    103. Unlimited
    104. Keith
    105. Dunkin
    106. Pavement
    107. Jerome
    108. Abvolt
    109. Luka (Best) - unsure if leaving in the middle of the season or not
    110. Tpz - possibly 0% showrate
    111. Brethal - possibly 0% showrate
    112. Larry the Lobster (Sprackle) - 50% reg season, 100% playoffs show rate
    113. Phantom (Frog)
    114. 100 - unsure of show rate
    115. Spawnisen
    116. Sarger
    117. SpookedOne
    118. Flew - 50% show rate
    119. Dad
    120. Ogron - unsure if he's able to play at all, just moved to a new country with new internet and isn't available until mid March IF he does play
    121. Siaxis
    122. JAMAL
    123. Clapped
    Last edited by RaCka; 02-19-2023, 12:43 PM.
    1:Riverside> you guys eat schmores in america?

  • #2
    Sign me up
    10* Spectator
    Fake medal holder TWDTB Season 20, 25, 26 and TWDTD Season 21 (only member of POWER with 0 sec played S20, 0 sec played in DTD S21)

    Season 24:

    Best in Star Slot - Warbird & Base(GameScore)
    Best 6* - Snoopie


    • #3
      SIGN. ME. UP.(no cap, for now.)
      zidane> big play
      Omega Red> dwop sick
      mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
      WillBy> ^^

      1:Chief Utsav> LOL
      1:Rule> we dont do that here.

      cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


      • #4
        I'll sign up! If I have a league match in another zone, I may miss some games.


        • #5
          Fk it, sign me up
          RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
          RaCka> mad impressive


          • #6
            Miss that sunday random base match, more keen on that. Sign me up!


            • #7
              This season is gonna be great, look at that all star list. FROGmage+, yogi, honcho, cuntbone, jb Inc, avant-garde, cycloner, snes, cz5000, FUCKING ALL STAR SEASON HYPE. Taking bets on beam literally disappearing before it starts. Might as well sign up tittygripper and fartsniffer
              Last edited by TheSauce; 01-21-2023, 09:45 PM.


              • #8
                In and captain


                drafting from phone
                1:waven> u challenge
                1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

                Originally posted by MHz
                Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


                • #9
                  TWDT already delayed, love to see it.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	3141.jpg
Views:	1218
Size:	307.9 KB
ID:	1363107


                  • #10
                    Subspace - Best kept secret in the video gaming world. Let's keep it that way.


                    • #11
                      Remove me from signups please.
                      Ogron - "Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for 10* attitude [Ardour]"

                      ranked #2 in ogrons signature of: TWL's most irrelevant nobodies pubtrash bozos with 0 titles.

                      TWLD Season 19 #70th Best Warbird
                      TWLB Season 19 #56th Best Spider

                      TW Greatest no-shipper 2002 - Present


                      • #12
                        Hey, would like to take back my wish to cap. Will have 2-week family vacation during this league, which makes running team probably not a viable option. Can be still considered as someone who can cap, if u dont find enough, will be available for draft and first round.


                        • #13
                          I forgot to mention it, but the other day Violence was in chat asking if he was on the list for TWDT and to be a captain. He said he didn't have access to the forums so couldn't check. Maybe ask him in-game about it, since I think he wants to be a cap.
                          RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                          RaCka> mad impressive


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Who is "Hawk"?

