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TWDT Season 27 Sign Up Sheet

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  • #31
    are there pub bux to be won?


    • #32
      Originally posted by wiibimbo View Post

      You say you have a life yet cry about 2D pixel medals in a dead game? You almost fooled me there.
      Also, you and Best and beam are gonna be the bestest of buddies!

      PS. Next time use those 2 braincells that God has given you and ask people who they are. Ta-da!
      I mean I don't even know who the fuck you are...imagine having such a shit life that in order to make yourself feel better you try to pick fights with people you don't know on the internet lol grow up kid.
      rEnZi> just looking at rageritual tilts me
      rEnZi> its crazy
      rEnZi> thats real power

      Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd


      • #33
        Originally posted by RageRitual View Post

        I mean I don't even know who the fuck you are...imagine having such a shit life that in order to make yourself feel better you try to pick fights with people you don't know on the internet lol grow up kid.
        Got 'em!


        • #34
          Originally posted by RageRitual View Post

          I mean I don't even know who the fuck you are...imagine having such a shit life that in order to make yourself feel better you try to pick fights with people you don't know on the internet lol grow up kid.
          That's literally all this person does. Like a week or two ago, I was in some arena with a lot of people and wii was there. I saw him systematically try to troll most of the people in the room. He'd go for one person, try to argue and start some sort of stupid argument, and then when they stopped responding, he would move to the next person and repeat. He is a toxic energy vampire.


          • #35
            Originally posted by cubone View Post

            That's literally all this person does. Like a week or two ago, I was in some arena with a lot of people and wii was there. I saw him systematically try to troll most of the people in the room. He'd go for one person, try to argue and start some sort of stupid argument, and then when they stopped responding, he would move to the next person and repeat. He is a toxic energy vampire.
            I play the game, I'm a troll, I don't play the game, I'm a troll. Make up your mind already, would ya?

            Also, I will be as nice as I possibly can here. It is not my fault if you have mental problems, if your mommy and daddy didn't love ya or if you like men. Ok? Go see a psychiatrist or someone else to help you and stop obsessing over me.

            And, before I forget, about those real life friends of mine that you and Best keep bringing up...


            • #36
              Exhibit 1:

              In a matter of a day, this toxic weirdo went after 3 different people in this thread alone. Guy feeds off of toxicity that he creates (or attempts to create).

              And now to ignore you go on forums as well.


              • #37
                Originally posted by cubone View Post
                Exhibit 1:

                In a matter of a day, this toxic weirdo went after 3 different people in this thread alone. Guy feeds off of toxicity that he creates (or attempts to create).

                And now to ignore you go on forums as well.
                Man, you really don't get it, do you?
                I actually thought you and a few others were at least a little bit smart but I guess I was wrong. So let me drop the act for just one post, ok?

                All this time I was fucking around and trolling most of the people in this game because they are idiots and it is fun to see them cry over and over again. Also, seeing them think that I am mad when they personally attack me is just hilarious. I've spent countless nights crying myself to sleep with laughter and then doing it again the next day. Why you may ask? Just for the kicks. Because why not.

                Now hopefully you understand the whole concept of trolling people that are literally dumbasses in the game. Such people include Best, Yoji, beam etc. but I guess I won't be wrong if I add you to the list since you don't even understand the difference between trolling and toxicity. xD

                Also, it's called Exhibit A and English isn't even my first language. LOL


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Tiny View Post
                  What's the schedule for rating stream?

                  Who are the caps going to be?

                  Whatever my rating is, reduce it. Thanks


                  stfu you forum losers. Go somewhere else.
                  1:waven> u challenge
                  1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

                  Originally posted by MHz
                  Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


                  • #39
                    I'll sign up but may miss a few weeks. In plz.
                    TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                    TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                    TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                    TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                    TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                    TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                    • #40
                      did i not sign up earlier? i'll sign up

                      1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                      • #41
                        Signing, but possibly 0 % showrate


                        • #42
                          ok, !signup tpz, to avoid tax in case I decide to play
                          really could be 0% showrate tho so caps be warned
                          my base rating was too high last season so needed reducing, and that's ignoring that I've played 0 games since then.


                          • #43
                            Best also asking to be signed up, he's having trouble logging in to forums.

                            DT hype


                            • #44
                              sign me up


                              • #45
                                M working weekends remotely so I cud b at 1 match or most matches idk, more likely close 2 former

