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TWDTB draft - who made the best choices?

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  • TWDTB draft - who made the best choices?

    8 great teams are battling it out for twdtb title. Lets see how they look on paper and who has biggest chance of winning it:

    Crimson - (9/10)
    First thing that is noticable is that Crimson has really strong shark duo with Mythril/joeses. Both being 9.5, makes rest of the team setup a bit more complicated. Hawk will definitely want to play renzi (10) banks (9) and jack (8.5) in spider. So that leaves terrier and 2 last spiders to be played out by lower star players. I wouldnt trust stinging metal, not to mention cyclone (6) there, so it has to be 6.5* as under spider (product or klean-x can probably do the job okey), pavement (8) as 4th spider and then lai (7) can try taking up the terrier again for this team. Yes its always a question how it will go, but their spider and shark lineup is really impressive, so this could be real winning strategy. Very strong potential.

    Freespirits - (9/10)
    Absurds team is well balanced and does not really look weak from any angle. Ekko (8.5) will lead in terr with omega red (8.5) and beam (8) as sharks. This will make way for very strong spider lineup of sarger, absurd (both 10), 2 from trio paradise/mongrel/kassius (8) and lee (7). There are also options to bring in some players from trade or FA draft, as snoopie (6*) is most probably better than other 6* spiders out there and can be also used in game. Also oderus urungus (8) is on squad providing options. Good draft, very solid team, looking forward for this league.

    GOAT - (7/10)
    Now this is a team that is really hard to analyze. Apart from willby (9.5) in shark, i do not really see anyone else on this team who isnt spider. Whos gonna play second shark or terrier? I have no clue. Its possible Best (8) will once again take the terrier, but experimenting this last league did not really bring good results, but time will tell. Then again, maybe there is some great shark or terr i just havent seen play, as i havent been in tw that long. Goat of course have stayon/mouse (10), frozen throne (9,5), so really amazing spiders, also groan at 8 is still maybe a bit underrated. But yea, difficult to judge them at this stage, will have to wait until weekend.

    Power - (9/10)
    Zidane has a problem of having 3 10* players in his ranks in ogron, cripple and himself. While ogron activity is questionable, fielding all 3 will still bring some challenges. At the same time, as each plays different role, maybe its stroke of genius that keeps all lines equally strong. Zidane also has genx, who can play any ship, which is always great ability in this type of league. Spartan (9.5) adds spider skills to freq, hypocrit (8) may be used as second shark if genx needs to play some other role. Lower stars play pretty important role here. They got rojo, rabbit, props and kov as options for 7* spiders. I like this freq for versatility and some really top players for each ship.

    Pure luck - (7/10)
    Tinys team strikes out as one with potentially least shark power, as zapata/rozay (7.5) seem destined to that that role. Aprix (8) or zizzo (9) can play terrier role, while they have some excellent spiders in jamal (10), hellkite (9.5), they cannot currently even fill the star gap with 67.5 being their max level. Also one of their higher ranked players is olde, whose activity may be questionable.Their only other 8* is henry saari. So this team looks a bit more on weak side at the moment and needs some strengthening during the league.

    Terrorist - (8/10)
    Dreamwin will see wbm (9) in terr and probably jackie (7.5) and cig smoke (8) in sharks. They got some superstrong spiders in dw (10) autopilot and sprackle (9.5), also brethral as 9. Tripin (8), Geio and hellzno! (7.5) and unlimited (7) will also get to play part in this team. It looks good on paper, there may be some issues with activity. If jackie shows, how many games brethral can show up to etc. So lets see, imho just a bit weaker options than some other teams out there.

    The Sh1tt1rm1n (8/10)
    Violences team will have spookedone (8.5) in terr, sharkduo markmrw (9) and violence (8.5). Spiders are lead by bombed (10) and accompanied by tjhazuki (8), ra, mvp (8) and someone from their 7* lineup (loads of options there, but most likely being jz or bugyswartz). If all show, then it looks good enough freq. But as usual, there are no options for subs and if this version does not showup, all sub options are just lower vp players. Vios teams tend to always surprise though, so not counting them out.

    Win or die (8/10)
    Rackas team will have zizu in terr, making it one of the best options in this league. Dwopple will play shark, but other shark is a bit questionmark for me. Riverside, clefairy, tpz?, time will tell. Jurassic will lead spider line, dutch baser is good option as 8*, racka himself as well, promoted to 8 this season. They have also public assasin and spawnisen as 7.5, everyone else are lower vp players. So sort of similar feelings as with vios squad. Looks okey, but some other teams seem just a bit stronger, but in the end, results will show.
    Pure luck
    The Sh1tt1rm1n 
    Win or die

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    Very Interesting draft this year ! A lot of really great people and some good friends.

    I am very pessimistic about Win or Die. The fact that racka is an 8* in base is an immediate red flag in my book. Dwopple is a great shark..but they have no solid second shark. Riverside looks absolutely confused in any ship whose main focus isnt killing from across many screens away (warbird). They will lose every game.
    4:BigKing> xD
    4:Best> i'm leaving chat
    4:BigKing> what did i do???
    4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
    4:BigKing> ???? why though
    4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
    4:BigKing> xD


    • #3
      looks like it is gonna be an exciting season of basing! Crimson & Power are lookin quite good, & Win or Die is also kinda scary lookin if they all show.
      absurd> havnt seen ekko miss in 20 mins;\

      - "notable middle-star javelin player" - turban

      - Jav Cup 2024 Winner

      - Terr of the Week - week of Nov 12th, 2023, week of Dec 3rd, 2023 & week of Dec 10th, 2023


      • #4
        0Looks like it is gonna be an exciting season of basing! Crimson & Power are lookin quite good, & Win or Die is also kinda scary lookin if they all show.
        absurd> havnt seen ekko miss in 20 mins;\

        - "notable middle-star javelin player" - turban

        - Jav Cup 2024 Winner

        - Terr of the Week - week of Nov 12th, 2023, week of Dec 3rd, 2023 & week of Dec 10th, 2023


        • #5
          If I had to pick a single worst team all around, it would be freespirits
          1:Sir Spider> you gotta kinda drag it out of him a little bit
          1:Sir Spider> but once you do he just explodes
          1:Sir Spider> at least on me
          1:Sir Spider> homo


          • #6
            Originally posted by paradise! View Post
            Very Interesting draft this year ! A lot of really great people and some good friends.

            I am very pessimistic about Win or Die. The fact that racka is an 8* in base is an immediate red flag in my book. Dwopple is a great shark..but they have no solid second shark. Riverside looks absolutely confused in any ship whose main focus isnt killing from across many screens away (warbird). They will lose every game.
            Listen here Jeremy Longstocking, I've been confused in wb (warbird) for 15 years. I look like aChoo out there these days, from one side of the map to the other.

            Kidding aside, I'm excited for the season too ! You bring up relevant points, Paradise, my friend & spaceship comrade.



            • #7
              IF WHITEPOWERranger jamal shows up he is a great shark, also Sprinkles way too expensive to spider @9.5, and will most likely shark.
              rEnZi> just looking at rageritual tilts me
              rEnZi> its crazy
              rEnZi> thats real power

              Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd


              • #8
                Originally posted by LeeRomeno View Post
                8 great teams are battling it out for twdtb title. Lets see how they look on paper and who has biggest chance of winning it:

                Crimson - (9/10)
                First thing that is noticable is that Crimson has really strong shark duo with Mythril/joeses. Both being 9.5, makes rest of the team setup a bit more complicated. Hawk will definitely want to play renzi (10) banks (9) and jack (8.5) in spider. So that leaves terrier and 2 last spiders to be played out by lower star players. I wouldnt trust stinging metal, not to mention cyclone (6) there, so it has to be 6.5* as under spider (product or klean-x can probably do the job okey), pavement (8) as 4th spider and then lai (7) can try taking up the terrier again for this team. Yes its always a question how it will go, but their spider and shark lineup is really impressive, so this could be real winning strategy. Very strong potential.

                hurricane used to terrier at a level, if he puts himself into the line they'll need to play a 6* if they also play pavement. if he doesnt then i think it would be lai and klean-x as well for the low stars. the lineup that looks most complete top to bottom, assuming hurricane terriers himself, would be hurricane ter, myth and joe in shark, renzi banks jack dare and klean i guess? the other option there would be to swap out jack for pavement and be able to slide lai back intot he lineup instead of klean. whichever way they go, theyve got some flexibility in the mid roster spots, which is nice to have.

                Freespirits - (9/10)
                Absurds team is well balanced and does not really look weak from any angle. Ekko (8.5) will lead in terr with omega red (8.5) and beam (8) as sharks. This will make way for very strong spider lineup of sarger, absurd (both 10), 2 from trio paradise/mongrel/kassius (8) and lee (7). There are also options to bring in some players from trade or FA draft, as snoopie (6*) is most probably better than other 6* spiders out there and can be also used in game. Also oderus urungus (8) is on squad providing options. Good draft, very solid team, looking forward for this league.

                if the combination of omega red, beam and oder can shark at a decent level, this team is strong. 2 10* spids in abs and sarger, likely ekko in ter, and a slew of 8* options for spider. sharks are a bit shaky, but the spider depth and flexibility will shine regardless

                GOAT - (7/10)
                Now this is a team that is really hard to analyze. Apart from willby (9.5) in shark, i do not really see anyone else on this team who isnt spider. Whos gonna play second shark or terrier? I have no clue. Its possible Best (8) will once again take the terrier, but experimenting this last league did not really bring good results, but time will tell. Then again, maybe there is some great shark or terr i just havent seen play, as i havent been in tw that long. Goat of course have stayon/mouse (10), frozen throne (9,5), so really amazing spiders, also groan at 8 is still maybe a bit underrated. But yea, difficult to judge them at this stage, will have to wait until weekend.

                its gonna be a tough season looking at the lineup as is. it is already too top heavy and we only have 1 shark. stayon and mouse are strong spiders. FT is a good spider, but will likely have to terr. willby is the only proven active shark on the roster that i am aware of. a line of stay, mouse, FT, willby vys and groan could only be supported by 2 6*s. currently there is only 1 rostered anyway. vys gonna have to make some decisions.

                Power - (9/10)
                Zidane has a problem of having 3 10* players in his ranks in ogron, cripple and himself. While ogron activity is questionable, fielding all 3 will still bring some challenges. At the same time, as each plays different role, maybe its stroke of genius that keeps all lines equally strong. Zidane also has genx, who can play any ship, which is always great ability in this type of league. Spartan (9.5) adds spider skills to freq, hypocrit (8) may be used as second shark if genx needs to play some other role. Lower stars play pretty important role here. They got rojo, rabbit, props and kov as options for 7* spiders. I like this freq for versatility and some really top players for each ship.

                if ogron plays, they'll either need play 2 6*s or bench someone like spartan. if ogron doesnt play, draft might be able to slide into ter with genx as the second shark. or like you said, genx could ter with hypo being the second shark. lots of options in the 7/8 range.

                Pure luck - (7/10)
                Tinys team strikes out as one with potentially least shark power, as zapata/rozay (7.5) seem destined to that that role. Aprix (8) or zizzo (9) can play terrier role, while they have some excellent spiders in jamal (10), hellkite (9.5), they cannot currently even fill the star gap with 67.5 being their max level. Also one of their higher ranked players is olde, whose activity may be questionable.Their only other 8* is henry saari. So this team looks a bit more on weak side at the moment and needs some strengthening during the league.

                oof. sharks look like they'll be a mess. zizzo is an pretty good ter, and he's going to have to be since Jamal is the only spider on the team that i'd consider aggressive. this definitely looks like tiny's throwaway league at the moment and he'll need to address his roster through trades or free agency to look better, at least on paper

                Terrorist - (8/10)
                Dreamwin will see wbm (9) in terr and probably jackie (7.5) and cig smoke (8) in sharks. They got some superstrong spiders in dw (10) autopilot and sprackle (9.5), also brethral as 9. Tripin (8), Geio and hellzno! (7.5) and unlimited (7) will also get to play part in this team. It looks good on paper, there may be some issues with activity. If jackie shows, how many games brethral can show up to etc. So lets see, imho just a bit weaker options than some other teams out there.

                playing both of the 9*s (brethel and wbm) at the same time really ties dreamwin's hands. in fact, it isnt possible to play any 7.5*s at all if the top 6 slots take up 55*s. if one of them benched, youd be left with DW, autopilot, sprack, cig, jackie, hellz unlim and whichever 9 you didnt bench. wbm or dw in ter with cig/jackie/sprack in shark. good amount of depth here.

                The Sh1tt1rm1n (8/10)
                Violences team will have spookedone (8.5) in terr, sharkduo markmrw (9) and violence (8.5). Spiders are lead by bombed (10) and accompanied by tjhazuki (8), ra, mvp (8) and someone from their 7* lineup (loads of options there, but most likely being jz or bugyswartz). If all show, then it looks good enough freq. But as usual, there are no options for subs and if this version does not showup, all sub options are just lower vp players. Vios teams tend to always surprise though, so not counting them out.

                nothing much to add here. hopefully all of the high * players show every week. could use some additional shark depth (recurring theme in dtb it seems)

                Win or die (8/10)
                Rackas team will have zizu in terr, making it one of the best options in this league. Dwopple will play shark, but other shark is a bit questionmark for me. Riverside, clefairy, tpz?, time will tell. Jurassic will lead spider line, dutch baser is good option as 8*, racka himself as well, promoted to 8 this season. They have also public assasin and spawnisen as 7.5, everyone else are lower vp players. So sort of similar feelings as with vios squad. Looks okey, but some other teams seem just a bit stronger, but in the end, results will show.
                if pubass can be the second shark, that would give a line of zizu in ter, dwop and pubass in shark and jurr tpz dutch racka/clefairy and spawni. if you take out pubass and spawni, you could bring in river and mercedes instead.

                1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Zeebu View Post

                  if pubass can be the second shark, that would give a line of zizu in ter, dwop and pubass in shark and jurr tpz dutch racka/clefairy and spawni. if you take out pubass and spawni, you could bring in river and mercedes instead.
                  nice baby blue text bud..this is why you get bullied.

                  Took a look at some of the other teams and I'm also concerned for squad: Power. Depending on Oggie's DnD schedule, he will be most likely out of commission. he told me hes a High Ranking Master Elf and at this point he can't afford to miss another session. That leaves them really dependent on the skills of people like Hypocrit. Hypocrit's skill, as everyone knows, is a direct function of his mood/outlook on the day. If he hasn't had his chubby weiner tugged in several days then he logs on and enters arena it's basically like gray cloud of misery, famine, death, etc on the populace.
                  Last edited by paradise!; 02-24-2023, 05:18 PM.
                  4:BigKing> xD
                  4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                  4:BigKing> what did i do???
                  4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                  4:BigKing> ???? why though
                  4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                  4:BigKing> xD


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Zeebu View Post

                    if pubass can be the second shark, that would give a line of zizu in ter, dwop and pubass in shark and jurr tpz dutch racka/clefairy and spawni. if you take out pubass and spawni, you could bring in river and mercedes instead.
                    I did not even imagine a world in which public assassin would shark but he could prob do it adequately at a 7.5* level.

                    People being underestimated in this thread

                    Riverside: shark is probably his best ship if he's paying attenttion/trying/motivated to win/likes his teammates, thats a lot of ifs though.

                    Hypocrit: such good value for 8* wtf
                    Last edited by Ekk0; 02-24-2023, 05:35 PM.
                    absurd> havnt seen ekko miss in 20 mins;\

                    - "notable middle-star javelin player" - turban

                    - Jav Cup 2024 Winner

                    - Terr of the Week - week of Nov 12th, 2023, week of Dec 3rd, 2023 & week of Dec 10th, 2023

