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  • TWDT Update -- CANCELED

    Given the total number of sign ups and quality of the average sign up this season was shaping up to be pretty weak. Many of the 8* to 10* players I spoke with shared the 'burnt out' sentiment when it came to signing up for TWDT this season. We plan on revisiting a new season of TWDT later this year and shifting our focus and support to Banks' new Salary Cap League.

    Please be on the look out in the next few days for more information.
    1:Riverside> you guys eat schmores in america?

  • #2
    Was hoping this was a joke. Best of luck with the next league.


    • #3
      Originally posted by RaCka View Post
      Given the total number of sign ups and quality of the average sign up this season was shaping up to be pretty weak. Many of the 8* to 10* players I spoke with shared the 'burnt out' sentiment when it came to signing up for TWDT this season. We plan on revisiting a new season of TWDT later this year and shifting our focus and support to Banks' new Salary Cap League.

      Please be on the look out in the next few days for more information.
      Lets do something totally different and short then.

      Focus on one league a week and do a double elimination round robin tournament with a winners and losers bracket. Each round is a single game and maybe the championship is 2 out of 3. So the entire short league is only three weeks and then later when more people want to play we have a full TWDT. - T h a n k s
      Best> not gunna lie i thought jackie was a hot chick so i picked her in FA and found out it was a dude


      • #4
        This might be a good time for some of those lower star players to cap that have been wanting to for some time. RaCka Is there any chance at having a short season with low * caps? It might help promote some activity until banks' salary league gets up and running.
        rEnZi> just looking at rageritual tilts me
        rEnZi> its crazy
        rEnZi> thats real power

        Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd


        • #5
          Originally posted by RageRitual View Post
          This might be a good time for some of those lower star players to cap that have been wanting to for some time. RaCka Is there any chance at having a short season with low * caps? It might help promote some activity until banks' salary league gets up and running.
          That’s totally up to Tiny or anybody else that would be able and willing to run that version of TWDT. I was more so assisting this season.
          Last edited by RaCka; 04-27-2024, 10:24 AM.
          1:Riverside> you guys eat schmores in america?


          • #6
            Damn, shame with players like guero, fieryfire, and rednaz popping back up. Game that dead?
            J-B-Inc> i ddi that duel while doing coke of pawner moms ass

            8:Riverside> UPDATE FOR WEEK 1:
            8:Riverside> I go 4-60 and we lose 0-6

            2:saiyan> [Dec 22 21:22] Rough: yo just came on to tell you, can you go on a real date with a girl (need to be specific here lol) instead of talking to claus on forums about calcs and formulas for a league? Happy holidays btw


            • #7
              For anyone surprised by the lack of sign ups maybe think about how you all have being trying your hardest to keep new and up and coming players from enjoying the game without being harrassed. The game is going to be dead because of it, very smooth move, enjoy the non existent leagues and slow death. I for one applaud you and its safe to say many more are also laughing their asses off.good riddance to a cancerous population of neckbearded asshole virgins. Se acabo chochas


              • #8
                Originally posted by TheSauce View Post
                For anyone surprised by the lack of sign ups maybe think about how you all have being trying your hardest to keep new and up and coming players from enjoying the game without being harrassed. The game is going to be dead because of it, very smooth move, enjoy the non existent leagues and slow death. I for one applaud you and it’s safe to say many more are also laughing their asses off.good riddance to a cancerous population of neckbearded asshole virgins. Se acabo chochas
                Players like you ruin the game and make it uncompetitive. What’s your point here bubba?
                J-B-Inc> i ddi that duel while doing coke of pawner moms ass

                8:Riverside> UPDATE FOR WEEK 1:
                8:Riverside> I go 4-60 and we lose 0-6

                2:saiyan> [Dec 22 21:22] Rough: yo just came on to tell you, can you go on a real date with a girl (need to be specific here lol) instead of talking to claus on forums about calcs and formulas for a league? Happy holidays btw


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TheSauce View Post
                  For anyone surprised by the lack of sign ups maybe think about how you all have being trying your hardest to keep new and up and coming players from enjoying the game without being harrassed. The game is going to be dead because of it, very smooth move, enjoy the non existent leagues and slow death. I for one applaud you and its safe to say many more are also laughing their asses off.good riddance to a cancerous population of neckbearded asshole virgins. Se acabo chochas
                  Agree with The Sauce. We do have a bunch of assholes. I personally like twdt, specifically to play my weaker ships and become better at wb/base slowly. Sadly, as a vet, even I get shit on for being bad at those ships, much less new players being bad at them. Sure, people are going to shit on me because of personality, which is fine and I accept it, but the divide of skills and toxicity is going to kill the game for sure especially if vets refuse to play with new players.

                  I would not be opposed to playing twdt and allowing lower level caps try, but i do not want to affect Banks new league. Not sure if they can co-exist?

                  We could even do a lower star rating league, and only allow base vets to play weaker ships? Tossing ideas at the wall....i digress
                  1:waven> u challenge
                  1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

                  Originally posted by MHz
                  Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


                  • #10
                    This is the proof renzi, funny thing is my alias has no issues for the past few months and my rating is above 3500. Sounds like you were more offended by the fact you are a neckbearded asshole Virgin idk. Get off bests dick, you are embarrassing yourself


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Tiny View Post

                      Agree with The Sauce. We do have a bunch of assholes.

                      I would not be opposed to playing twdt and allowing lower level caps try, but i do not want to affect Banks new league. Not sure if they can co-exist?

                      Yo no lie I was on an alias in pub tonight just to play one of my non-basing ships, and even without typing or playing bad, even pubbers treat you like dog shit. The community is fucking awful. Everyone seems to forget it's just a game. There is literally no reason for people to be as ignorant as they are.

                      On banks' salary league, they can co-exist. I'm sure if you reach out to him you guys can work out the schedule. Salary league has the intention of playing throughout the week so sundays could still be free for DT.
                      rEnZi> just looking at rageritual tilts me
                      rEnZi> its crazy
                      rEnZi> thats real power

                      Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd


                      • #12
                        Story time...

                        When I started playing EG circa 2006, the entire playerbase trash talked me relentlessly... people wishing me death, editing irl photos of me, etc. It was fine, I gave it back 2x (Bombed can tell you a funny story about my revenge on Seph.) Within 6 months I had established myself as an elite player and soon had tryouts for the best squad in the zone (Exalt) with their long standing captain, Sentenel. He would haze new recruits by essentially trashing them in the most severe (but accurate) way. Constantly harassing and demeaning you. And only the players that accepted the trashing with grace, and improved, would make it to the squad. The tryouts were actually insanely effective- he would race recruits round a track vs. the fastest players on the squad... and so ended up with only players who were mechanically gifted and tough mentally. Much like TW in that era, there was a whole hierarchy of private squads, and to even play in the most competitive games against the best players, you had to be in the best squads.

                        Conversely, in today's TW, the worst and the best play together every night. We pit the Federers and Messis of the game against arthiritic obese randomers, and expect everyone to be happy about it. The worst players no longer have to prove their mettle to play in competitive matches. Yesterday I was reminded of the Sentenel's hazings when playing with a unique specimen named "StingingMetal". I noticed this fellow was constantly flying next to my ship posing a significant 2fer risk (as many sub-2000 players do.) I told him to stop doing this in the most milktoast way, and instead of following my instructions, he decided to deliberately hover my ship. Eventually I was forced to team kill this specimen and he ragequit with several deaths remaining... but not before spamming bluechat with a load of tears. I actually like MMR + TWDT but unfortunately it has fostered a culture of softness whereby legitimate hazing of shit play is seen as taboo.
                        You come at the King, you best not miss.


                        • #13

                          Hmm, I agree with most folks here.

                          This game unfortunately harbors individuals with toxic behaviors. Particularly in MMR matches, players often exhibit unstable behavior, resorting to lashing out at underperforming teammates. While throwing the game is one issue, striving to improve is another. Toxic personalities are easily identifiable, and they're detrimental to the community, driving people away with their negativity. It's disheartening to see the game degrade to this point, as these trolls persistently spoil the experience with their constant complaints.

                          Let’s get back to the main topic though, I heard DT was cancelled because Tiny didn’t want to run the league anymore so instead of finding a replacement he sabotaged 90+ signups with 2 weeks left to go for Banks’ new league. Is this true? Haha


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Best View Post
                            Let’s get back to the main topic though, I heard DT was cancelled because Tiny didn’t want to run the league anymore so instead of finding a replacement he sabotaged 90+ signups with 2 weeks left to go for Banks’ new league. Is this true? Haha
                            You hang out with Rough too much. Starting to sound like him. You are missing a dumb comment about parenting in there. Also, waiting for an address to meet Rough and settle our differences with violence.

                            Also, no. I could not get many high star players to commit to playing. Yes some, but we are missing many high caliber players as they wait for other high caliber players to sign up or the last minute to sign up and it seems we were having a bunch of feedback of people being burnt out. Racka dropped out, and then I dropped out. There are other ops that could take it over, but it was cancelled, not by me, but by our fearless Op leaders. I assume the intention was to focus on Banks league for something fresh to do. You can blame me if you like though.
                            1:waven> u challenge
                            1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

                            Originally posted by MHz
                            Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MHz View Post
                              Story time...

                              When I started playing EG circa 2006, the entire playerbase trash talked me relentlessly... people wishing me death, editing irl photos of me, etc. It was fine, I gave it back 2x (Bombed can tell you a funny story about my revenge on Seph.) Within 6 months I had established myself as an elite player and soon had tryouts for the best squad in the zone (Exalt) with their long standing captain, Sentenel. He would haze new recruits by essentially trashing them in the most severe (but accurate) way. Constantly harassing and demeaning you. And only the players that accepted the trashing with grace, and improved, would make it to the squad. The tryouts were actually insanely effective- he would race recruits round a track vs. the fastest players on the squad... and so ended up with only players who were mechanically gifted and tough mentally. Much like TW in that era, there was a whole hierarchy of private squads, and to even play in the most competitive games against the best players, you had to be in the best squads.

                              Conversely, in today's TW, the worst and the best play together every night. We pit the Federers and Messis of the game against arthiritic obese randomers, and expect everyone to be happy about it. The worst players no longer have to prove their mettle to play in competitive matches. Yesterday I was reminded of the Sentenel's hazings when playing with a unique specimen named "StingingMetal". I noticed this fellow was constantly flying next to my ship posing a significant 2fer risk (as many sub-2000 players do.) I told him to stop doing this in the most milktoast way, and instead of following my instructions, he decided to deliberately hover my ship. Eventually I was forced to team kill this specimen and he ragequit with several deaths remaining... but not before spamming bluechat with a load of tears. I actually like MMR + TWDT but unfortunately it has fostered a culture of softness whereby legitimate hazing of shit play is seen as taboo.
                              Well world was different place in 2006 :P. Sentenal was indeed great with newbies, exalt used to be "recruitment" squad for trespass and i chose him specifically as he managed to pick talents out, later on they got much of old mutiny players and actually legit became top squad and won egfl in 2008. As for this issue, i think tw currently at least at euro evenings is at state that if u block the trolls, you will never get any games going as they sometimes are the key 1-2 ppl to get to 8. Then again i am sure quite a few people would play more, if it does not mean that they have to play with trolls.

