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The coolest RPG ever

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  • #16
    Xenogears and StarOcean 2 the only two games that I have beat more then once.

    4:Mootland <ER>> <- Mom of the year
    4:Mootland <ER>> Hear ma baby
    4:Mootland <ER>> Breast feeding time?
    4:dll> YES
    4:Mootland <ER>> Ok, take a suck
    4:dll> u produce the best milk ^_^
    4:Mootland <ER>> Hey, no teeth!
    4:Mootland <ER>> ffs
    4:dll> your nippies are red :P
    4:Mootland <ER>> yes :\


    • #17
      I 3rd xenogears, forgot about it but must be my favorite.


      • #18
        1. FFVII
        2. FFX
        3. FFVIII


        • #19
          Breath of fire I, II, III, IV, V
          Final fantasy X (Blitzball owns)
          Chrono trigger
          secret of mana 1 and 2


          • #20
            Originally posted by Ethena
            I concur.
            Quite possibly the best game ever.
            :confused: Are human fat?


            • #21
              fflxxxvii Is Teh Best Rpg Evar

              Originally posted by Richard Creager
              7th Saga
              Ogre Battle
              Soul Blazer
              Illusion of Gaia
              Tales of Phantasia
              (All snes, bitches)

              The only good squaresoft games:
              Chrono Trigger
              Final Fantasy 6
              Front Mission
              Thank you for showing all these newb kiddies what's what.
              Jacklyn> i'm not here right now, leave ur phone number address and directions to your house, where you keep your money and what time youre not home and i will get Right back to you


              • #22
                Golden sun
                Golden sun 2: the lost age

                Baldurs gate


                • #23
                  Terranigma was pie and the gameplay slowly became boring. If i wanted to play a game like that, I'd play Zelda, thats a classic.

                  And yea, seiken densetsu 3 is the equivalent of the USA Secret of Mana 2
                  Failure teaches success.


                  • #24
                    Shining Force I and II on the Genesis (Megadrive for you Euros) are also awesome. Anyone ever played them?


                    • #25
                      Hahah, yeah, those were pretty fun. There was a bit of a strategy element in those, too.. or at least there seemed to be.
                      Jacklyn> i'm not here right now, leave ur phone number address and directions to your house, where you keep your money and what time youre not home and i will get Right back to you


                      • #26
                        -Chrono Trigger
                        -Final Fantasy 7
                        -Illusion of Gaia

                        My personal favorites that are the more newer type of rpg's are..

                        -Kingdom Hearts
                        -Vampire the Masquerade
                        -knights of the Old Rebuplic
                        -Golden Sun

                        and if you havnt played Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga for the GBA you have to go out and buy it. I love it to death.


                        • #27
                          Golden sun
                          Final F10 and 10-2
                          and my all time favorite forever and always! I can't believe no one else mentioned it
                          SUPER MARIO RPG(SNES) OMG the best game ever made I've beat it 7 times.. I should play it one more time its been a few years..^^;;
                          carpe diem


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Ekko
                            SUPER MARIO RPG(SNES) OMG the best game ever made I've beat it 7 times.. I should play it one more time its been a few years..^^;;
                            OMG! That's the best game ever. I can't find anybody that is selling it so I'm stuck with SS
                            this is a dated signature

                            FREE GHB, PH


                            • #29
                              HA HA!
                              I own Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars!!
                              It's all mine!!

                              (It's not really allthat great, It was better when I was younger.)
                              Merf. <_<


                              • #30
                                FFII and Secret of Mana and believe me I've played ever single SNES RPG that was released in the US (that wasn't insanely obscure). Haven't played any of the new fangled RPGs though.
                                Last edited by Sleepy Weasel; 03-10-2004, 01:57 AM.

