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Howard Stern

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  • #16
    That was something to get all the religious people to rally behind, so I kind of agree. - Gallileo's racist thread

    "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


    • #17
      I also find this quote kind of funny.

      "upon being named the FCC chairman by President Bush in 2001, Powell complained to reporters, "There's a lot of garbage on television. There are a lot of things children shouldn't see." But he stressed, "I don't know that I want the government as my nanny."

      Mr 12 inch wonder


      • #18
        In semi-related media news--anyone catch the Daily Show segment that pointed out that our current President's staff sent a lot of fake "news segments" to local TV affiliates all over the country about the Medicare/Medicaid bill? Unbelievable that shit like that flies while a bare nipple causes people to pick up their pitchforks and torches.

        In the words of David Cross: "Dirty, DIRTY NIPPLE!"
        Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


        • #19
          Yeah, I heard about that, but that's a real gray area. they weren't really supposed to be news stories, they were just press releases, but they filmed/edited them in such a way that they looked like news stories. the news stations apparently were supposed to talk about it, and use clips of the footage or show it in full, but with an explanation of what it was. Some stations just played the whole thing as if it was a news story, and I guess CNN was one of them.
 - Gallileo's racist thread

          "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


          • #20
            Yeah, I heard about that. Those little political infomercials are pretty standard (Clinton and Bush I both had them) it's just that this time the news agencies treated them like they were legit stories. American media sucks.
            Mr 12 inch wonder


            • #21
              Originally posted by THE ENFORCER
              ummm since radio programs are accessible by everyone (including children) i think the government has every right to decide what goes on air or what doesnt as long as they provide a framework
              i mean if there was a radio station that played porn noises would you protect that under freedom of speech for little children can hear it?
              Sigh.. Personal Responsibility has just gone completely f'in out the window. There are only about 17 billion ways to edit what it is children can see or hear. The responsibility lies with the parents, not my government to decide. My government is supposed to represent the citizenry, not decide what we can see or hear, and when we can see or hear it. It is that simple. I have one Mom already that I had to grow up with, I don't need a governmental parent with the rights to arrest me and hold me for god knows how long without even telling anyone they have me.
              And in response to your porn radio: Yes I would. If that radio station can play "porno noises" and make money doing it from advertisers, rock on. If parents don't want their children to listen to it, lock out that station, or punish them for listening to it. Tadaa. Government Censorship is evil, and among the reasons my country even exists. But you're not American, enforcer, so I know that it might not rate as important to you, even though it should.
              "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

              Reinstate Me.


              • #22
                I've never cared about politics the way that I do right now, and once george bush is out of office, maybe I can go back to not caring, but I think it's extremely important for the future of our country that we remove him in this coming election.
       - Gallileo's racist thread

                "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                • #23
                  I think it's kind of ridiculous that Janet Jackson's nipple caused so much uproar during a Super Bowl that aired Cialis commercials that say "if you have an erection for longer than four hours, seek medical attention". There weren't any ads like that on TV when I was a kid, but I remember not understanding what Rogaine was and asking my parents. Children already know what a breast is, and I really can't imagine any kids that would be irreperably scarred by seeing one, but I don't think it's neccessarily appropriate for parents to be forced to have a discussion about what an erection is just because of a Cialis commercial. I mean, seriously, the guy comes up behind his wife and covers her eyes up and drags her off camera at the end of the commercial. How blatant is it that he's poking her with a stiffy? And a breast being on TV for a tenth of a second is a huge deal just because Janet Jackson isn't a pharmaceutical company that gives huge donations to Republicans? Give me a fucking break.
                  5:gen> man
                  5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by bloodzombie
                    You're missing some major points here.

                    The FCC has discretion to fine people for indecency... They don't, however, have any guidelines for what is indecent, so essentially, they can just make it up. According to the consititution, the only things not allowed to be broadcast on the radio are the seven dirty words (the really bad ones, you can figure it out).

                    Howard stern has been a supporter of Bush and his war efforts ever since 9/11. a little while ago, howard decided that he didn't like anything else about bush, so he was going to support kerry in this election. a few days later Clear Channel removed howard from all of their stations (6 cities, 3 of which were major areas in swing states). Clear channel also fired another of their DJ's who was also anti-bush (keep in mind that no fines were imposed against howard at this time, clear channel just said that they wanted to clean up their act). They've got a guy named elliott in the morning who HAS fines pending from the FCC, but he hasn't been fired. elliott apparently isn't anti-bush.

                    Bush signed a law earlier in his term allowing large corporations to buy more radio stations. Clear channel gives a lot of money to bush's campaign.

                    Now they're working on a law where they can fine the artists directly, where previously they could only fine the stations for things that they let out onto their airwaves. so picture this... a broadcaster says the words "anal sex" in a context that the FCC finds offensive.. this broadcaster is on 50 stations nation-wide.. they want to be able to fine him PER STATION that it went out on, with a cap of 3 million dollars per day.

                    imagine that.. they can decide at any moment that something you said was indecent, and fine you 3 million dollars... and the president appoints the head of the FCC... (Bush appointed Colin Powell's son). There's something wrong here.

                    Also, they plan on going after cable tv and satelite radio next.

                    This isn't a howard stern issue... a lot of people just don't like howard so they say "who cares?"... if you live in the US, and you're not part of the fundamental religious right wing, you should care.
                    Thank you bz for being more intelligent than Enforcer in recognizing how idiotic the current state of the FCC is right now. And enforcer take ur right wing conservative tight wad views and shove them most kids now adays are talking about anal sex by the time they are 8 give up trying to pretend what they hear in school is much tamer than what they hear on tv or the radio


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by bloodzombie
                      I've never cared about politics the way that I do right now, and once george bush is out of office, maybe I can go back to not caring, but I think it's extremely important for the future of our country that we remove him in this coming election.
                      Didnt see this post till last one BZ ur right man i pretty much didnt care what was going on but now Bush is completely throwing away freedoms we have been insured since 1776 all in the name of protecting us. Id rather be dead and free then repressed like some other unmentionable countries and alive

                      GET BUSH OUT AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      • #26
                        It's crazy.. Our freedoms are slowly being taken away from us under the guise of safety, and morality. Don't get me wrong, I concider myself a moral person, any I really don't want to see and hear some of the things that are out there. But just because I may not like it, doesn't mean that people shouldn't be able to be free to say what they want. This is America, we are supposed to be free. Sadly though, more and more this is not the case. I hear some blaming it on republicans, and in other areas I hear democrats being blamed.

                        The truth of the matter is, they are both on the same side! Both sides are striving for control, not just in polotics, but over you and me, and unless there is a BIG outcry from the people, they will eventually have complete control. Which means, you won't be able to do, see, or hear anything that the government doesn't want you to. (hmm.. sounds like communism?)
                        The unfortunate thing is, I believe most people don't even realize this is happening, either that, are to apathetic to do anything about it.

                        Not sure how true this is (as he likes to exagerate), but was listening to Mancow the other day, and he had said that, they are planning on eventually fineing the everyday person as well, say if you speak out against the Government, talk about Jesus in a public place, or other such things that they concider to be hate crimes. (btw, I first became aware of this type of thinking when Clinton was in office, so again, it's NOT just republicans, but democrats too.) Our current government has become just as bad, if not worse, than the gov. that our founding fathers fought to get away from.

                        It's these little things, they can pull you under.

                        Live your life filled with joy and thunder.

                        Yeah, yeah we were altogether

                        lost in our little lives.


                        • #27
                          I think the quote we're looking for is:
                          Originally posted by Thomas Jefferson
                          Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.
                          "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                          Reinstate Me.


                          • #28
                            Thanks.. was gonna edit and put that in, but you got it covered.

                            It's these little things, they can pull you under.

                            Live your life filled with joy and thunder.

                            Yeah, yeah we were altogether

                            lost in our little lives.


                            • #29
                              Maybe bush should start distributing soma.
                     - Gallileo's racist thread

                              "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                              • #30

