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Asian stereotype

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  • #31
    i've never met a chinese person taller than 5ft, with fully open eyes and normal teeth.... but i might be thinking of the japs, oh well all the same...

    (lol no offence)
    egg fwyyyyyy rwwwwyyyyyce


    • #32
      I completely agree, Bioture.
      I hate Asian Pride, especially when it borders on the point of racism.

      I always see Asian people wearing shits that say "Asian Pride", or something that indicates they are proud of their culture.
      I'm white. You know what would happen if I wore "White Pride", or "White Power" t-shirt? I'd be branded as a racist hick. So what is the difference between me, and the metaphorical asian guy next door? Nothing.

      I always see entries for the word Flip at, and they will say something along the lines of
      "The best, most beautiful, and intelligent race of people ever".
      No offense, but thats pushing it a lot. I mean, Philipine people have as much ugly people as good looking people.

      I find it easy to stereotype non-white races.
      Let me explain, with white people, you have all kinds of different groups. You have the "punk rockers", "skaters", "preppies", and the list goes on and on, down to "Goth", "trekkie", etc.
      For some reason, with other races, they kind of stick together and merge into one stereotype. (Let me use the asians at my school as an example)
      I'm not just saying this because I only have a few asian people at my school, who automatically cling to one another in a sea of "whities", I'm saying this because my school is easily 50% Asian, and they are all i nthe same group.
      The males are "Ravers/Basketball players" (Not one or the other, both at the same time), and the females are all in Vocal Jazz or Choir, and love to sing and listen to rap.
      I mean, how can you guys scoff and be angered when you are stereotyped, when you guys literally fit INTO that stereotype. Therefore, its not a stereotype, its an observation.

      Another stupid thing is the big push on getting good grades. I mean, what does it take to get good grades, especially in highschool? A memory and an attention span?
      I know lots of people (non-race-specific) who get good grades, but they are still dumb as hell, logic-wise, but they act superior to you because they get higher marks.
      "Congratulations, you get better marks than me. You are still mentally unfit to be sociable, witty, humourous, and make intelligent comments based on your own perception, rather than what a textbook told you".


      Follow ups:
      In romeo must die, Aaliyah and Jet Li had an implied love romance. Didn't they kiss at the end?

      New-gen Japanese people are really tall. The reason for this, is that Japanese people are, traditionally, primarily vegetarian (They eat fish, obviously).
      So a lot of the younger japanese people who grow up in North American society, and don't care about tradition, eat meat, and grow up to be really tall.
      This is why Yao Ming is so tall.
      (Not: If Yao Ming isn't actually Japanese, that will make me look really stupid. But, there is still a lot of pretty tall younger Japanese guys now.)
      What? Image signatures aren't allowed? This is an outrage!


      Wintermute-> What, is your ping measured in days?


      • #33
        Actually, they didn't. All romance was implied in the commercials and the title. The most romantic Jet Li got was when he looked at a photo of his deceased brother.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Wintermute-
          I'm white. You know what would happen if I wore "White Pride", or "White Power" t-shirt? I'd be branded as a racist hick. So what is the difference between me, and the metaphorical asian guy next door? Nothing.
          i think the analogy would be more appropriate if you moved to japan, and wore a white pride t-shirt. i don't think they'd see you as being racist, but i've never lived in japan, so w/e.

          and yao ming is chinese, as well as a freak of nature. if it was common for people to be that tall anywhere, the NBA would have a farm league there.


          • #35
            You're Asian-North American (the Oriental kind or South East Asian you prefer) if you can watch the Joy Luck Club and find the brilliance in the movie

            Seriously though, most of the car ricers that I know of weren't even born in North America, they were born in Hong Kong or Taiwan. If they aren't asian I don't know what is. But yes there are stereotypes, and obviously not every asian person is the same (me included). The important thing is to be proud of your heritage and culture but still proud of where you live now and enjoy yourself!

            Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

            My anime blog:


            • #36
              this is out of topic, but meh:

              if you are from Hong Kong, or was born from HK or your parents are from HK or w/e, take this quiz... quit funny


              you can find so many stereotypes in it, but heck, they are so true tho

              EDIT: -btw, i hate ricers, doesnt matter what race they are. all look, no power is stupid
              Last edited by Nethila; 05-05-2004, 10:23 PM.
              1 + 1 = 1


              • #37
                How to look Irish:

                Have flaming red hair!!
                Merf. <_<


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Bioture
                  So fuck the asian stereotypes. I drive a chrysler concord, wear wifebeaters, and keep my hair looking like bruce lee's. And props to the rest of you who understand what I'm sayin when I say ricers are fucking annoying, and the asians who think theyre badass has never come close to kicking anyone's ass outside of a video game. and fuck the asian bitches that think theyre hot shit all the time - you're the reason for words such as "asianphile" cuz you dumb ass bitches can't seem to understand there is more to life than looking like a tramp to catch someone else's eye.
                  I fucking love this rant, bioture. (especially the part i bolded and underlined). you've become my #2 favorite asian (behind kim)


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
                    and yao ming is chinese, as well as a freak of nature. if it was common for people to be that tall anywhere, the NBA would have a farm league there.
                    Yao's parents are both 6'6 or some shit. Basically what happened was, they decided that they was gonna get together and fuck to create a basketball player so they'd both be rich.
                    TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                    TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                    TelCat> i dont


                    • #40
                      If I cut bio, im the badass yakuza guy in the white suit, if I cut myself, im a sick white kid

                      Also I think that penis this is relative to height. If asians are shorter on average, then it would make sense. Personally I grew up on grade-A hormone feed USDA approved beef, so i'm the only 6'fter in my whole family, and my body is completly proportional

                      Besides people shouldn't bitch about how anoying the kind of people that use an internet alias like aZn_k3wl_k1d are. I have noticed, a good example being this thread, "humorous racism" is acceptable towards asians, but holy fuck if bioture really was black that thread would have been locked and people would be getting banned.

                      Let me explain, with white people, you have all kinds of different groups. You have the "punk rockers", "skaters", "preppies", and the list goes on and on, down to "Goth", "trekkie", etc.
                      It's precisely because if white people did group togther for being white, our arbitrary PC society would label that as racist. It probably would be cool except the KKK ruined it for you silly round eyes. Cliques are generally stupid, but the shallower the common thread is for grouping, the stupider it is. Perhaps the only thing worse that racial cliques are those kids who all hang out together becuase their parents bought them VW


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Epinephrine
                        You're Asian-North American (the Oriental kind or South East Asian you prefer) if you can watch the Joy Luck Club and find the brilliance in the movie

                        Read the book you chump-sucker. That and The Bonesetter's Daughter are fucking good. Big ups Amy Tan.
                        Mr 12 inch wonder


                        • #42
                          this is rice

                 - Gallileo's racist thread

                          "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                          • #43
                            haha bz


                            • #44
                              here are the best ricers:

                              1 + 1 = 1


                              • #45
                                Those are just funny though, the best ones are the ones that look like they actually think their car is cool
                       - Gallileo's racist thread

                                "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo

