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Egg Drop

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Epinephrine
    The idea is a high viscosity fluid. Peanut butter certainly works. Motor oil works too, and so does jello made so that you put at little water in as you can (I've tried that too) if they require the egg to be somewhat clean

    I'm just surprised that motor oil would be thick egg doesn't sink in motor oil? - Gallileo's racist thread

    "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


    • #17
      I did this in high school, I remember we used newspaper and cottonballs in the middle then taped that green looking stuff on the outside of the box that you can press your finger in and it stays.. some people use it to put fake flowers in. Anyways, we dropped that from four floors up and it worked.


      • #18
        Originally posted by bloodzombie
        I'm just surprised that motor oil would be thick egg doesn't sink in motor oil?
        Nah it worked, but it was just so dirty that it was hard to tell if the egg broke or not without breaking the egg while taking it out of the motor oil hehe. That's why really thick jello is better

        I remember when we did this... they dropped it for real on a slant and our box rolled over (we thought it would be on flat land). The judge guy was all hyper started jumping up and down pointing at our box saying "DQ DQ DQ!!!" we were so sad.

        There was another time in shop class where we had to construct a thing using plastic straws and pins to drop the egg... we were the only group that worked. Constructed a giant straw pyramid with the egg in the middle heh. Too bad we never get to do anything remotely as fun in university... maybe in engineering but then again maybe not.

        Last edited by Epinephrine; 05-15-2004, 01:13 AM.
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        • #19
          make a small basket, peanut butter. Then make an outer frame and put the eggbox in it, attaching it at each corner by a rubber band. It's like shock absorbers.

          internet de la jerome

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          • #20
            I go to an art college so when I got a similiar assignment, it had the twist that it had to look like futuristic packging for people who smuggle eggs (which are illegal in the future).
            materials: large dixy cup(a foam cup works better, but only if you have an adhesive that will stick to it), foam board, a styrofoam plate, carpet/packing foam, tape. and a paper egg carton

            Cut a pieces of of foamboard with a width equal to the height of the cup and length approximate to the circumfrence of the widest part of the cup, plus a little extra room.

            on one side, cut the foam board lengthwise at in regular intervals so it can wrap around the cup (imagine you are making a tank tread). Be carefull not to cut all the way through

            tape the ends of the foamboard together so it forms a tube which the cup fits inside. loosly line the inside with foam and put the cup inside. Obviously since the cup is tapped on the bottom you will need more foam there. Do not pack so much foam that it loose flexiblity. This forms the main part of it, if this is done right, the rest is jsut extra insurance.

            arrange the egg, cut carton piece, and remaining foam inside the cup as you see fit. Meaning, well.

            For the lid cut a circle of foam board and three dowel-like strips of of foam board to form prongs that will secure the lid to the body.


