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r you my dr. phil?

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  • r you my dr. phil?

    don't post up your sully ass joke comments on this, this is serious..

    I have a problem, she has a complex where she thinks she needs a guy in her life or shes not happy, shes on anti depressants, thinks shes ugly/fat ect., not ever going to have a decent relationship and although it doesn't matter, shes falling in love with me because I'm saying the things shes always wanted to hear... no not I love you or any of that shit, just good ol deep talk about relationships on a higher level, because I once was in her same spot, but instead of her seeing me telling her my old problems and how I had progressed through them to better days, she seems to be falling for me because of the mighty growing up from boy to man, is usually pretty sexy to a gal... I used to want to date her when I was younger, I now have absolutely no WANT to be in a relatioship with this woman..... because I can't burden myself with an overload of her emotion, the type that never loses its grip

    lil background on this girl
    I'm 21, I met her when I was 4
    she lives down the street
    both of us born on the same day

    now for the situation,

    this girls boyfriend broke it off with her this week apparently,last week I had her over, she called me up out of the blue said her man ditched her and she wanted to do something so I invited her over to smoke some weed with me an reminess on childhood days, but what I got was a shit load of sadness put up on my plate, of how he mistreats her, makes her feel bad, isn't what she wants in a relationship or a man, but claims she still loves him ( ffs you women are fools sometimes ) so I spent the whole night playing Dr. Phil before I grew tired and kicked her out.. I'm not rude, I had to work in the morning

    problem: this girls calling me more and more, wanting to do stuff more and more, saying shes lonely and saying she needs someone in her life, now maybe I'm being very fucking blind, or ignorant but am I right to say this girls going to be falling for me in the near future? if so... hows the best way for a guy to handle this situation? do I bee the shoulder she can cry on ... If I do, I'm sure it will lead to the bedroom, thats what I want to avoid... any suggestions how to ease this aqward situation back into a friends stance?

    I don't need this right now
    Last edited by sixtoo; 05-20-2004, 01:26 PM.
    what the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others - Confucius

  • #2
    She may just need a shoulder to cry on - It doesnt mean she will want a relationship later in life. It is a possibility, but not for certain...I was in this same situation...twice...only not was with online friends...and they dont seem to want anything more than to talk to me about their problems...


    • #3
      This may sound a little to blunt but what she needs (and may be looking for in you) is mental help... Try to find some for her? No that doesn't mean ship her off to a shrink - maybe you can find her some type of group... :/ This is hard.


      • #4
        She's just messed up over a breakup, and it's possible that you're right, she could just really want to feel loved right now and could turn to you for that. I think you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders and you see what's going on, so just be her friend for now. If there's any sign that she's feeling more than that, you need to cut that shit off before it starts. Just be honest with her. - Gallileo's racist thread

        "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


        • #5
          Yeah I suppose the only thing you can do is be honest and tell her the way you feel before she gets even further, if you leave it until the last minute, she'll be devastated if you ditch her when she tries to hook up with you.


          • #6
            Make sure you're there for her to cry on, but also make sure that she knows that you're just friends, and that's all you want to be. It'll be better for her to know that you just want to be friends, then to have you play along with it for awhile, because then not only will she be sad when you tell her, she'll feel like you don't care, all that stuff you said to her wasn't true, and she'll feel like you deceived her on purpose.

            (ph)>12 is just right

            In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
            1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
            1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
            1:Chao <ER>> at all
            1:Mantra-Slider> chao
            1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
            Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
            Chao <ER> - hero


            • #7
              thanks for all your inputs, those along with my own mind, I think I've come to the concluesion to be there for her, after all I've known her practically my whole life with exceptions of spells where I'm gone away... she seems alot like myself when it comes to everything, the way we see the world/ourselves in it... I'll attempt to lend her some wisdom and knowledge that has gotten me on by, while I give her my ear for her to vent her problems too..

              as for telling her I'm not interested in a relationship, you as well as I know, first loves are never forgotten... but yeah, I'll keep my distance

              Once again thanks for everyone of ya for taking some time to give a feller some outside advice :up:
              what the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others - Confucius


