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Random Lightning Strike

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  • Random Lightning Strike

    this is perfect for the Useless Crap Section.

    ah yes, usless crap.

    so anyways,
    it was a nice day today, blue skys, warm tempeture, a day just like any other perfect summerday, but unlike any other perfect day, this one very special day, contained a "Random Lightning Strike". earlier today, at, lets say, just a while ago, a bunch of clouds moved in. a tiny bit of rain sprinkled down, nothing unusual. then all of a sudden, there was a gigantic flash of white light. I was temporarily confused, where had this blinding flash come from? then it hit me, literally, the sound wave that is, and i realized it was a "Random Lightning Strike", the bass on this shock wave was unmatched, the boom nearly exploded my head, and i do believe it moved my house atleast 1 ft to the west. Judging by the delay between the flash and the boom, i would have estimated the "epicenter" point to be approximatly, less than 1 mile away, to the east. there are reports from certain family memebers, that they, at firts, believed this mysterious "Random Lightning Strike" to be an explosion of great magnitude, desregaurdjng what severe aftermath may result from one such as she believed it to be. but after a brief peroid during the post-"R.L.S." period, we had confirmed this confusing event to be a "Random Lighning Strike".

    LOL, Im so retarded

    btw: this really did just happen, and the clouds are cleared out now too.
    Like, there was this ninja who got
    ticked off at some people who kept
    talking while he was trying to rock
    out on his guitar, so the ninja totally
    flipped out and sang at them till
    they all exploded!!! (true story.)

  • #2
    Your house is about to fall down
    Originally posted by Facetious
    edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


    • #3
      ^ What she said.


      • #4
        ^What those women said


        • #5

          it was really creepy when it happened.
          Like, there was this ninja who got
          ticked off at some people who kept
          talking while he was trying to rock
          out on his guitar, so the ninja totally
          flipped out and sang at them till
          they all exploded!!! (true story.)

