..So I took part in an arguement. And won! (I think)
Sertifi> dont lame
Cranium> akkak
Sertifi> :P
dim> I dont
dim> I kill
dim> if u suck
dim> not my prob
PLASTER> gtfo new
wishy16> Whine
Sertifi> Lol
blang> kam :/
Toxie> GJ
kung-lao> shit noob
dim> thjere is no such thing as laming
blang> ffs
Archives> dont call me a noob
blang> dont spawn
Cranium> HA
Sertifi> There is ur new
Cranium> newbed
wishy16> omg
Razor199> omg
Bjarte> lol
wishy16> lol
Razor199> lol
jake13jake> haha
dim> ity's just a nebwies way of explaining their poorness
Archives> errr
Toxie> laggot
Next elimination match is starting. Type ?go baseelim to play
Sertifi> Oh but u're in evo every1 there are nmoobs
jake13jake> ewwww
Sacs is out. 5 wins 10 losses
Sacs> lol
Cranium> bla
Cranium> idiots
wishy16> uhh
wishy16> eat
jake13jake> ow
dim> if you knew anything about anything, you'd know that im only here as a friend squad really, I dont play much as a squad, im an individual
Archives> ooops
Bjarte> gold
Archives> ooops
Cranium> tirck gtgo
jake13jake> lol
Archives> ooops
Razor199> omfg
wishy16> LOL STRAY
dim> how many 'newbies' do you know with 3 letter names?
Toxie> HIT
Archives is out. 11 wins 10 losses
wishy16> LOL
wishy16> DIE
Archives> hehe
Sertifi> pretty many
PLASTER> this is so new
wishy16> ns
wishy16> plaster your kne
Bjarte> gold
jake13jake> ewww
jake13jake> lameness
dim> dont lie mate.
wishy16> PLASTER is new
Sertifi> ROFL NOOB
PLASTER> gtfo k?
Ayden> Sertifi STOP CRYING! If I was sugar and spice and everything nice, do you think i'd be called Ms.LAME ??
Supafly280 is out. 2 wins 10 losses
KrAzY!> lol
dim> you do know how to spell Certify right?
wishy16> PLASTER
wishy16> Whos a neg?
Sertifi> My name doesnt mean certify newb
Another round of conquer! ?go tanks to play! -Beasty <ER>
wishy16> 4-7, nice record
dim> Thats the pronounciations on.
dim> Son*
KickAshMan> lol
Sertifi> sit kid
jake13jake> wow
Toxie> heh
blang> oops
Razor199> omfg
wishy16 is out. 9 wins 10 losses
wishy16> Wpooooto
Razor199> STOP IT
Razor199> !
Razor199> !
dim> Is that the best you can do./
Toxie> gj tk
Razor199> lol..
jake13jake> lol
dim> Go on, hide behind your computer.
Bjarte is out. 10 wins 10 losses
Sertifi> LOL
Cranium> <3 pop ups
Bjarte> gg
Trickers is out. 7 wins 10 losses
Poem> wtf
dim> Funny arne't I?
Cranium> ..
Sertifi> Yea
A Laggot is out. 9 wins 10 losses
dim is out. 8 wins 10 losses
Ayden is out. 8 wins 10 losses
dim> indeed.
Haven't done that for a while, but hate people like that. Really gets on my tits, sad thing is 75% of the SS population is like that.
You're welcome in advance for me boring you
Sertifi> dont lame
Cranium> akkak
Sertifi> :P
dim> I dont
dim> I kill
dim> if u suck
dim> not my prob
PLASTER> gtfo new
wishy16> Whine
Sertifi> Lol
blang> kam :/
Toxie> GJ
kung-lao> shit noob
dim> thjere is no such thing as laming
blang> ffs
Archives> dont call me a noob
blang> dont spawn
Cranium> HA
Sertifi> There is ur new
Cranium> newbed
wishy16> omg
Razor199> omg
Bjarte> lol
wishy16> lol
Razor199> lol
jake13jake> haha
dim> ity's just a nebwies way of explaining their poorness
Archives> errr
Toxie> laggot
Next elimination match is starting. Type ?go baseelim to play
Sertifi> Oh but u're in evo every1 there are nmoobs
jake13jake> ewwww
Sacs is out. 5 wins 10 losses
Sacs> lol
Cranium> bla
Cranium> idiots
wishy16> uhh
wishy16> eat
jake13jake> ow
dim> if you knew anything about anything, you'd know that im only here as a friend squad really, I dont play much as a squad, im an individual
Archives> ooops
Bjarte> gold
Archives> ooops
Cranium> tirck gtgo
jake13jake> lol
Archives> ooops
Razor199> omfg
wishy16> LOL STRAY
dim> how many 'newbies' do you know with 3 letter names?
Toxie> HIT
Archives is out. 11 wins 10 losses
wishy16> LOL
wishy16> DIE
Archives> hehe
Sertifi> pretty many
PLASTER> this is so new
wishy16> ns
wishy16> plaster your kne
Bjarte> gold
jake13jake> ewww
jake13jake> lameness
dim> dont lie mate.
wishy16> PLASTER is new
Sertifi> ROFL NOOB
PLASTER> gtfo k?
Ayden> Sertifi STOP CRYING! If I was sugar and spice and everything nice, do you think i'd be called Ms.LAME ??
Supafly280 is out. 2 wins 10 losses
KrAzY!> lol
dim> you do know how to spell Certify right?
wishy16> PLASTER
wishy16> Whos a neg?
Sertifi> My name doesnt mean certify newb

Another round of conquer! ?go tanks to play! -Beasty <ER>
wishy16> 4-7, nice record
dim> Thats the pronounciations on.
dim> Son*
KickAshMan> lol
Sertifi> sit kid
jake13jake> wow
Toxie> heh
blang> oops
Razor199> omfg
wishy16 is out. 9 wins 10 losses
wishy16> Wpooooto
Razor199> STOP IT
Razor199> !
Razor199> !
dim> Is that the best you can do./
Toxie> gj tk
Razor199> lol..
jake13jake> lol
dim> Go on, hide behind your computer.
Bjarte is out. 10 wins 10 losses
Sertifi> LOL
Cranium> <3 pop ups
Bjarte> gg
Trickers is out. 7 wins 10 losses
Poem> wtf
dim> Funny arne't I?
Cranium> ..
Sertifi> Yea
A Laggot is out. 9 wins 10 losses
dim is out. 8 wins 10 losses
Ayden is out. 8 wins 10 losses
dim> indeed.
Haven't done that for a while, but hate people like that. Really gets on my tits, sad thing is 75% of the SS population is like that.
You're welcome in advance for me boring you