Originally posted by castromarx
ahhahahha, what are you talking about? i don't even have a sense of humour, and it's funny that richard/triceratops are perhaps two of the most publicly vocal sarcastic, condascending and negative people in the game (at least on the forums). let's not forget PJ, Conc or Div. the Pallies image is one of bratty, sarcastic, nasty, yet likable bastards. They're mean and talk shit, but people still like them because they suck and they know it.
ahhahahha, what are you talking about? i don't even have a sense of humour, and it's funny that richard/triceratops are perhaps two of the most publicly vocal sarcastic, condascending and negative people in the game (at least on the forums). let's not forget PJ, Conc or Div. the Pallies image is one of bratty, sarcastic, nasty, yet likable bastards. They're mean and talk shit, but people still like them because they suck and they know it.
