Ok so I just happened to go to this arena ?go CundorIsHot one time while I was reading the forums. Got lots of comments from people just popping in and leaving, so I decided to do it again and log the shit. Better post it before I get too much stuff.
EXPERIMENT: What happens when you go to an arena like CundorIsHot and log what people who enter the arena say?
s0ul> agreed
Azhran> all lies :*
No Reps> lies
teH DevLeR> lol thanks (Cundor must mean "you" in some language, I'm sure. -Jeansi)
CraZyGirl> ..
Tiznotic> i know
valandil> Opus - LIFE IS LIFE. Yea sucks to be Cundor huh.
Khanos> reported
B.RabbiT> dumbass
Meninblue> are u female?
Rodge_Rabb> damn, i was expecting the hotness himself
CrAzY_69> i knew that
Wintermute> Cundor so hot.
Zerzera <ZH>> laugh
SHADOWmose> lies
dead elf70> so are y'all like a squad or somthing
B.RabbiT> Are you black?
Red Insani> i come into these rooms thinking there won't be any whiny newbs
Kings> LIES
Launch> he is?
silenus> lmao
Nige> really
Zhou_Boy> eek!
FFLeader> LOL
Draconex> newbed
Mr. Peanut> im gonna go harass some people
Mr. Peanut> cya later
Mimic> hey
Mimic> cundor=girl? :P
Jeansi> no
Mimic> U - girl
Mr. Peanut> ez
Mr. Peanut> ello
Jeansi> wassup
Voice: Mr. Peanuts
Mr. Peanut> nm
Mr. Peanut> u?
Jeansi> not much
Jeansi> just chatting on msn and saw someone entered
Mr. Peanut> heh
Mr. Peanut> im gonna do some forum whoring
DOTSY> boo
Uridium> u ever spoken to cundor on the phone?
Uridium> u want to?
Uridium> he is from belgium
Uridium> 00 32 8956xxxx*censored* (how the hell am I supposed to know if it's the real one -Jeansi. edit: I asked. It's his number all right)
Mr. Peanut> whats the code for belgium?
s4j3n> hello
Mr. Peanut> s4j3n, ur a girl arent you?
s4j3n> no
Mr. Peanut> oh, my bad.
Wintermute> size doesn't matter
Wintermute> .
Wintermute> .
Wintermute> if you're a lesbian
l2aNgE> hey
l2aNgE> whos cunder?
cundor> havez i invited you to my chat yet?
cundor> chat=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (it was a funny word though - Jeansi)
FFLeader> no he isn't
Brilliance> He is
Brilliance> Raw
FFLeader> prove it
Brilliance> Check his picture out
(argues for a while until Brilliance convinces FFLeader: -Jeansi)
FFLeader> where's this sexy hoe?
FFLeader> LOL cundor
FFLeader> The CURLS!
Khanos> blja cundor takoj dolbajeb eto pizdec (<-- russian I presume? -Jeansi)
Khanos> eto slovami ne opisat' :P
(he kept on babbling for another 15 minutes with B.Rabbit. In russian.)
Jeansi> what are all of you doing in here :/
B.RabbiT> Dreaming of cundor
other things to note:
1. dead elf700 played in a jav and was wondering if it's possible to TK himself. Alone. After 30 minutes of testing he decided it was impossible. I think it was cundor under disguise trying to find out what this experiment was about. I mean cundor sounded really worried at one point and went offline just a minute before this guy turned up.
2. I went offline for over 6 hours and when I came back there were still 12 people in the arena CundorIsHot. I asked, and came to the conclusion no one had the faintest idea of who Cundor is.
ps. Yea his super-hot.
EXPERIMENT: What happens when you go to an arena like CundorIsHot and log what people who enter the arena say?
s0ul> agreed

Azhran> all lies :*
No Reps> lies
teH DevLeR> lol thanks (Cundor must mean "you" in some language, I'm sure. -Jeansi)
CraZyGirl> ..
Tiznotic> i know
valandil> Opus - LIFE IS LIFE. Yea sucks to be Cundor huh.
Khanos> reported
B.RabbiT> dumbass
Meninblue> are u female?
Rodge_Rabb> damn, i was expecting the hotness himself
CrAzY_69> i knew that
Wintermute> Cundor so hot.
Zerzera <ZH>> laugh
SHADOWmose> lies
dead elf70> so are y'all like a squad or somthing
B.RabbiT> Are you black?
Red Insani> i come into these rooms thinking there won't be any whiny newbs
Kings> LIES
Launch> he is?
silenus> lmao
Nige> really
Zhou_Boy> eek!
FFLeader> LOL
Draconex> newbed
Mr. Peanut> im gonna go harass some people
Mr. Peanut> cya later

Mimic> hey
Mimic> cundor=girl? :P
Jeansi> no
Mimic> U - girl
Mr. Peanut> ez
Mr. Peanut> ello
Jeansi> wassup
Voice: Mr. Peanuts
Mr. Peanut> nm
Mr. Peanut> u?
Jeansi> not much
Jeansi> just chatting on msn and saw someone entered
Mr. Peanut> heh
Mr. Peanut> im gonna do some forum whoring
DOTSY> boo
Uridium> u ever spoken to cundor on the phone?
Uridium> u want to?
Uridium> he is from belgium
Uridium> 00 32 8956xxxx*censored* (how the hell am I supposed to know if it's the real one -Jeansi. edit: I asked. It's his number all right)
Mr. Peanut> whats the code for belgium?
s4j3n> hello
Mr. Peanut> s4j3n, ur a girl arent you?
s4j3n> no
Mr. Peanut> oh, my bad.
Wintermute> size doesn't matter
Wintermute> .
Wintermute> .
Wintermute> if you're a lesbian
l2aNgE> hey
l2aNgE> whos cunder?
cundor> havez i invited you to my chat yet?
cundor> chat=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (it was a funny word though - Jeansi)
FFLeader> no he isn't
Brilliance> He is
Brilliance> Raw
FFLeader> prove it
Brilliance> Check his picture out
(argues for a while until Brilliance convinces FFLeader: -Jeansi)
FFLeader> where's this sexy hoe?
FFLeader> LOL cundor
FFLeader> The CURLS!
Khanos> blja cundor takoj dolbajeb eto pizdec (<-- russian I presume? -Jeansi)
Khanos> eto slovami ne opisat' :P
(he kept on babbling for another 15 minutes with B.Rabbit. In russian.)
Jeansi> what are all of you doing in here :/
B.RabbiT> Dreaming of cundor
other things to note:
1. dead elf700 played in a jav and was wondering if it's possible to TK himself. Alone. After 30 minutes of testing he decided it was impossible. I think it was cundor under disguise trying to find out what this experiment was about. I mean cundor sounded really worried at one point and went offline just a minute before this guy turned up.
2. I went offline for over 6 hours and when I came back there were still 12 people in the arena CundorIsHot. I asked, and came to the conclusion no one had the faintest idea of who Cundor is.
ps. Yea his super-hot.