I had to reach everybody I knew in game and out of game so they dont think Selex has gone and died. Ive been planning to retire on July 25, 2004, for about a week. I planned to retire on the last game before playoffs, so I could play the last game (Twlb) for Spastic, but I sat in spec and was the "Cheerleader", didnt hurt me too much, guess they think I must have some PEP(?). If you missed the party that Hero tried to plan but had to leave, and no Hosts were available... But Voth found one and we played in Gatez2 for awhile. I dont know what else to say but BYE... Good luck in Trench Wars.

Edit: For anybody that says "You'll be back", I know I wont cause I will be with my girlfriend Nicole and I live in Alaska, Which offers me too much fun to handle so... Yea.

Edit: For anybody that says "You'll be back", I know I wont cause I will be with my girlfriend Nicole and I live in Alaska, Which offers me too much fun to handle so... Yea.