I'm over my "Bored in period 5" phase, so those of you who saw my useless and annoying past posts, its over. I'm done with it. Sorry :P
This is just a little reminder thingy for anyone who wonders where I am for the next month or so.
Starting August 10th, I'll be offline from continuum because I'm going to the Air Force. I'll be in Basic Training for a month and a half. Then I'll go directly to technical school after that. I don't think I'll have internet during either of these times, and even if I do, I doubt I will be playing Continuum because I would rather not have distractions from my studying. I may not see any of you for months...possibly forever. I've been playing about 2 years now and got around 2000 hours total with afk hours. Those numbers are very small to most of you out there. hehe. Those hours went by fast because I had so much fun :P I've had a lot of fun playing and a lot of good times....A lot of challenging players that kept me coming back for more....I owe a lot to the many people I play and talk with in Pub and on my squad. I'm in elim only sometimes but hardly talk...because its not always a friendly place. I'm going to miss you all and I hope your still around when I come back
I might be playing some the days before I leave so I'll say my goodbyes and things... :P
Goodbye Continuum....
and um.... :|
This is just a little reminder thingy for anyone who wonders where I am for the next month or so.
Starting August 10th, I'll be offline from continuum because I'm going to the Air Force. I'll be in Basic Training for a month and a half. Then I'll go directly to technical school after that. I don't think I'll have internet during either of these times, and even if I do, I doubt I will be playing Continuum because I would rather not have distractions from my studying. I may not see any of you for months...possibly forever. I've been playing about 2 years now and got around 2000 hours total with afk hours. Those numbers are very small to most of you out there. hehe. Those hours went by fast because I had so much fun :P I've had a lot of fun playing and a lot of good times....A lot of challenging players that kept me coming back for more....I owe a lot to the many people I play and talk with in Pub and on my squad. I'm in elim only sometimes but hardly talk...because its not always a friendly place. I'm going to miss you all and I hope your still around when I come back
Goodbye Continuum....
and um.... :|