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Unpleasant wake up

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  • Unpleasant wake up

    Ever woked up feeling a lots of pain in either one leg? I mean you wake up and notice a enourmous pain in you lower leg muscles, while the twist and bend.

    I have exprienced this many times.. this monrning it happend to me.. I lasted at least for 1+ min. I was such a pain that I rolled from my bed unto the floor and gave a scream. Then I suddenly lacked but came back again. Afterwards my leg feelt like some had kicked on it until the muscles were badly injured.

    Ever experienced this? :/

    The funniest thing about it that it happends so fast and take like for ever in your mind, since you are tired and don't really understand a thing... :/

    My friend told me if happends you should stand up on that feet and give all the weight to it.. then I would stop. Also it would dissepear if you start streching more then usuall.

    (don't mind my english.. :/)
    Endless space, endless exploration.

  • #2


    • #3
      We call them Charlie Horses. Ever since playing soccer and having 3 hr school practices I get them quite frequent. If I rehydrate myself I usually dont get them a lot.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Pan
        We call them Charlie Horses. ...
        Funny way of calling the muscle twitching.. For me it only happens sometimes.. (I'm not sure I said that already..)

        thanks kolar! I'lle just haft to check that out when I come home, if I would be in any help of comming pain sessions.
        Endless space, endless exploration.


        • #5
          uhm..warmup before exercising the leg? take some vitamins cause maybe ur muscles arent getting the goods..? what do i know
          I agree.


          • #6
            Originally posted by banzi fuq
            uhm..warmup before exercising the leg? take some vitamins cause maybe ur muscles arent getting the goods..? what do i know
            I usually do that + I take soya protein, and I even take magnesium, on pills that is.
            Endless space, endless exploration.


            • #7
              Could it be cramp? I once got cramp badly in bed.


              • #8
                when I was a kid I slept in a wrong position and the blood couldn't get to my left arm, I couldn't move it for an hour after I woke up and then if ached enormously for a while.
                5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
                5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
                5: Da1andonly> =((
                5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
                5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
                5: Epinephrine> oh shit


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jeansi
                  when I was a kid I slept in a wrong position and the blood couldn't get to my left arm, I couldn't move it for an hour after I woke up and then if ached enormously for a while.
                  You don't have those problems anymore - I hope - ?

                  Mr. peanuts:
                  There is a slight possibility that it's cramp.
                  Endless space, endless exploration.


                  • #10
                    There's a complete possiblity its cramp: it is cramp. You need to stretch off properly before and after exercise
                    Originally posted by Facetious
                    edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                    • #11
                      i used to have those cramps when i was kiddo

                      those cramps (pain) are normal when you are growing up so dont worry about it
                      Last edited by Zyclon; 08-17-2004, 10:25 AM.
                      FIRST you pillage, THEN you burn.


                      • #12
                        Cramp :up: which is a lack of blood getting to tht particular part of the body

                        Once i got it in my toe, so i squeezed it, and it went, but straight away it came bak again, so i squeezed it again, but then it came bak AGAIN, then i started to punch and squeeze my toe, did this 6 feking times >_< takes the piss.

                        I also got it in my quads on a log flume at Alton towers, there was nothing i could do :| Horrible, seeing as if i stood up or tried to move id have probably plumeted 70ft ...though it might have got rid of the cramp
                        Last edited by Golden Sun 1; 08-16-2004, 05:31 PM.

