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Tribes: Vengeance

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  • Tribes: Vengeance

    I have been a real fan of tribes some time. At least when Tribes 2 came out, I was all excited about it, though I didn't have a connection. Still I though it was a awesome game, even playing versus bots and some times in LAN with my friend. Recently I've got real bored of tribes 2... But many months ago I got all excited when I found out tribes: Vengeance was comming.

    This is one game I'm going to buy.. I really like the new graphics and new features.. The coolest thing I think is the teamplay.. =)

    About 3 days ago they released a sp demo, I recommend you should check it out. I'm about to download it as soon as I get home! =)
    -> [LINK] <-

    Some images from in-game:

    The new ships + tanks etc looks real promising

    I wouldn't want that/those on my neck! ^^

    Move out soldiers! ^^;

    The offical site (that by the way is really awesomely made)
    Gamespot reviews + more
    Sierras own tribes site

    Oh yeah, and you can buy it soon too, here in Finland it is relased 22.10. I think I'lle just pre-order one home! =)
    Last edited by 1ight; 09-13-2004, 07:53 AM.
    Endless space, endless exploration.

  • #2
    I must admit the graphics are nice, but I just really hope the gameplay gets more people involved in this game since tribes 2 really have nearly as many players as the other FPSs were getting. But I am not going to buy it I am probaly going to be sticking to this and give WoW a shot for the mac.


    • #3
      Tribes was boring after a short while, the game is too easy to play.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Pan
        I must admit the graphics are nice, but I just really hope the gameplay gets more people involved in this game since tribes 2 really have nearly as many players as the other FPSs were getting. But I am not going to buy it I am probaly going to be sticking to this and give WoW a shot for the mac.
        I hope so too, but WoW is a pay to play game, right? I would play it too, but the idea of paying to play ain't a big turn on fo me. If I would have VISA or MasterCard, I surely would play, but since I don't, then I just haft to stick to the old fashion way. Since you don't need to pay to play Tribes: vengeance, right? You only haft buy it from a store, install, setup and play?

        Mr. Peanuts, well I also got bored of tribes (if I didn't mention in my recent post), but I'm hoping to get a new spark from Tribes: Vengeance, since I havn't been able to play online. So it might change my point of view. But I think I have the spark to play, now when everything is re-newed and that they added many new features to the game. (I seem to repeat myslef )
        Endless space, endless exploration.


        • #5
          I beta'd it, I loved it. My favorite is the little fighter ship, I'm an awesome dogfighter in that game, lol. But outside of that, I suck at it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dameon Angell
            I beta'd it, I loved it. My favorite is the little fighter ship, I'm an awesome dogfighter in that game, lol. But outside of that, I suck at it.
            I didn't have the chance to test sp since it wanned to dl it in 2 hours or something like that... with a 11kb/s.. Just playied some WolfET that by the way is awesome, IMO. So I will be able to test it today (T:V), I'm so excited.

            Do you mean beta as in testing a accually multiplayer game, or just sp?

            I really would like to test that lian/wire that you can use.. saw it on some video. Looks real awesome, I mean think of the ability to be a good cloaker. Thats why I play covert ops in WolfET, and going to play cloaker in T:V, since I like it (to infiltrate and cause mayhem!) Wow, major grammar misstakes.. I guess I got little bit carried away. But I'm sure I will play with diffrent sets.
            Last edited by 1ight; 09-14-2004, 03:13 AM.
            Endless space, endless exploration.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Facetious
              edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


              • #8
                It's a nice game, and I'm waiting for that to come to PC. Not very related link to thread's topice.. :/
                Endless space, endless exploration.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 1ight
                  Not very related link to thread's topice.. :/
                  Look at who wrote it and say you were genuinely surprised

                  Looks like a cool game except for one fact: It has one demension too much. A monitor shows 2d picutres, why even bother trying to show 3. It only fucks up the game even more.
                  5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
                  5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
                  5: Da1andonly> =((
                  5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
                  5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
                  5: Epinephrine> oh shit


                  • #10
                    Oi 1ight, my ET keeps buggering up.

                    on the Nexus server, it downloads some kind of .pk3 file then crashes with an error report prompt. zzzzzz


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jeansi
                      Look at who wrote it and say you were genuinely surprised

                      Looks like a cool game except for one fact: It has one demension too much. A monitor shows 2d picutres, why even bother trying to show 3. It only fucks up the game even more.
                      Accually it wasn't a surprise that Zeus posted that, and that it was offtopic.
                      I quess you don't like 3d games? I'm not really sure what to say, and I don't really think that it fucks up the game. But supposely you are being sarcastic or just serious.
                      Endless space, endless exploration.


                      • #12
                        Tribes 2 was really my first online FPS game I played and I loved it. The game allowed for a lot of changes by the community with mods (I played the Construction mod for a while, I loved doing big wars in there :P). Huston Vehicles was very popular back then with almost always 64 people and CTF to me never got boring. The only reason I left the game was because after the last big patch my computer started to have problems running it.

                        I'm definitely playing World of Warcraft when it goes gold. This game is awesome and with a lot of the content undone I.E, the stuff that brings and keeps people in Massive Online Games like housing, wide scale economics and other things... you'd still have a good ammount of people willing to pay for playing. Also about paying to play, the ammount of money to develop, produce and maintain a MOG is very costly and most of the time a return isn't seen by these companies for at least 5 years down the road... and sometimes never. They're paying to keep a world server or shard online (almost all of the time with these games not only one shard but many) and keep updated content for players to have fun with. All of this adds up to lots and lots of $$ so before you want to bash Blizzard for P2P read up on how Massive online games work first.

                        ^^^Where the Pallies are hiding heh
                        Last edited by Kolar; 09-14-2004, 09:11 AM.


                        • #13
                          I playied the sp version of Tribes: vengeance, and I was amazed over the improvements that hey have made. Even if I didn't get to see the game, I like it. The new graphics just spices up the gameplay. I'm !00% sure that this game I will buy.

                          As for WoW,
                          I really don't know much about it, but as I said i would play it if it wasn't a pay to play game I would play it. The reason I presume I said, no visa or that kind of stuff. And that you need some commitment to the game if you are to play. As for FFXI, I have heard that in hiigher levels you need more then 4 to 5 hours to get anything done, depening on luck finding a part or so. I really feel bad about me going all nuts about the game, reading several of hours guides how to be a good thief adn etc. And now when I don't indend to play, all goes in vain. (Since I have no Visa or what-so-ever) And on top of that the game costs here in Finland around 80 € thats about well umm 76-83 $, not only do I haft pay that, but also the time to play. Well the price for me would be around 12€, and that aint much a month. But still no VISA.. :P

                          So.. a MOG is fun, but it takes alot of your time and money.

                          This is what I like with Tribes: Vengeance, you don't haft to commit some sort of "relationship" with the game. You can play your 1-3 hours a day, and still be able to others things. I think the more you play MOG the more likely you will spend playing it, while you get more friends join a clan, and you are hooked.
                          Endless space, endless exploration.


                          • #14
                            Reviving another dead thread, ha!

                            Tribes: Vengeance 'm told is great, much better than Tribes2( the original was better than Tribes2 ). I downloaded the multiplayer demo( check 1ight ) but it doesn't want to install on my computer for some reason

                            I will be buying Tribes: Vengeance and smite you all, I was a base mod/shifter in Tribes, I am wicked deadly with the plasma gun, disc launcher/laser rifle combo, cloaking and plastique >D

                            And if you see me in an APC, run, very fast, and very far away.

                            "There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"

                            Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.


                            • #15
                              Boys and girls, today is the day we all been waiting for.

                              Yesterday I recieved a note from the postoffice here in Hanko, that my package has finally come. Today I went to the bank for money, then to the postoffice and checked out my little package. And guess what, I've just recieved my order that I made 15th september, pre-ordered.

                              In other words, I have Tribes:Vengeance! :P I'm so overjoyed, can't wait until I come home, know that I have the orginal version, and with ease install it and enjoy the world of tribes.. :d
                              Endless space, endless exploration.

