And Im saying those people are morons and will end up divorced and miss out on the best time of their lives.
edit: and I like your made-up 1/15 statistic. nice touch.
Maybe I should have mentioned I made it was a guess.
I think the divorce rate in America is so high, that regardless of when you meet you spouse, the 50% divorce applies. I don't think there is a substantial difference in the rate of divorce for people who meet their spouse during high school.
What are those people missing out on? Sure they might be "tied down", but that doesn't mean you can't go out and have fun with the guys/girls.
And Jason, you're probably right. It was more common back in the day to get married to your high school sweetie. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen nowadays, just not as often.
The song doesn't make your hands clap,
The hand claps make the song
one of my least favourite things about this thread is how it always makes that terrible linkin park single from like 2000-2001 stuck in my head when i read the thread title
I've never had a nagging girlfriend. And I don't even think that girls, in common, nag as much as ppl say. Well sure there are those who complain about every fucking thing and they're annoying. But you don't have to date a girl like that. Take one of those who don't nag, there's a lot of them(atleast here in Finland, töttöröröö!) and you don't have to come and post uncool things 'bout your girlfriend in TW forums(A lil sarcasm included).
Regency> not in for dd lol
Regency> would rather eat some cock ;<
Totally agree. Me and my boyfriend (8 months today! ) were best friends for two years before we started dating. We like hung out all the time, went to movies and stuff together (just as friends),talked all the time and just did basic best friend stuff like I would with a girl minus the sleepovers and chick flicks. But yea, everyone predicts that we'll get married and stuff because we have more depth to our relationship then just lust and love - because all of our love was built on our friendship.
Just my two cents, and I don't want to start a thread about how I don't know what love is and etc etc so if you disagree with me keep it too yourself.
Panda is totally right. Abby and I were friends before we started dating( hey we've been together for 8 months too! ), she and I weren't friends for anywhere nearly as long as Panda and her guy, but quality of time together can make up for quantity( not saying that Panda's time with her guy meant less over a longer period ). Abby and I just, fortunately and unfortunately had all our deep friend moments stacked pretty much one on top of another. She was there for the time when my ex girlfriend completely ripped my heart into pieces, I was there for her for her ex friend/bf( he would always play with her about if they were actually "together" or not ) and so, what brought us so close is that she didn't have to be there for me as much as she was because we had only know each other a few months, but she treated me like she had known me all her life. During that time she fell in love with me and after what happened with my ex and how Abby treated me, I fell for her, and we've had some problems with her being scared of being hurt again and me as well, but that's months in the past and we've never been stronger.
Now the only problem we have is she just had back surgery as of yesterday and 'm scared that she's alright, doctors tell me the surgery went great, but she's in so much pain, but I guess that's normal for the next week or so...
"There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?" .Halo.
Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.
(ph)>12 is just right
In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
1:Chao <ER>> at all
1:Mantra-Slider> chao
1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
Chao <ER> - hero
Get an overseas girl who will think you're their god, sun, and provider rather than the general guy: "take out the fucking trash already".
What women overseas have:
Mothering skills
Cooking skills
House cleaning skills
You can have more than 1
Pretty exotic, definately a plus, she probably has bisexual friends
1 word, buttbuddies, if you choose to.
Marriage is nothing more than your consent that she gets half your stuff, even if she cheats, lies, and divorces you first.
Wrote about the top shit first before I got sidetracked about marriage.
They're uptight prudes. End of story. Why are so many of them waiting for the white knight in shining armor to break their virginity? Also I've met many who wait to get married before having sex? WHAT? WHY? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?
Why the hell is USA's general "age of consent" at age 18? Why?
Unless you get a worldclass slut, the chances of you convincing her to be only a buttbuddy is nil. I've tried, and the only girls I've been able to turn that way are all immigrants.
If you want a GF, sex is part of the equation, if she keeps that dime between her knees up, change/drop her, begging her for a little touchy feely, a spoon, or even a bj is too much hassle from one of those "I'm not a slut".
Oh don't go for one of those Young Life (or something akin to that) girls. From what I've understood its a club that preaches about abstinance, I don't know how many of my friends got blue balled from those world class whores.