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Lunar on crack

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  • #16
    Oh yeah.
    Leave Lunar alone.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Blanke
      No offence/offense (damn im dumb) to staff or anyone else, but is "J" really that offensive? i could've sworn the derogatory word for someone who is Jewish was "ky**".

      Jew can be racist if it's used in a derogatory way. Actually, let me correct that: It is racist if you use Jew in a derogatory manner. There might not seem to be much of a difference in my rewording but there is. The key difference there is that the word itself isn't racist. No words are, in fact, racist. Racism only lies in how the words are used. While the term "Jewish" is preferred instead of "Jew", there is nothing wrong with the word itself. What happens often is that people are arguing and insulting each other and someone calls the other a Jew. In that situation it's used as a way to insult someone and that is why it is racist, not because of the word itself.


      • #18
        Okay troll, i'll accept that, but what do you think of all this touchiness about racism then. Do you think people do overreact? And saying Jew is really not that offensive compared to ky**


        • #19
          Look up a couple of posts

          As for the difference between the J word and the K word? There isn't. Like I said before, it's not the word that is racist but how you use it. Someone can call someone else a "dumbass Ni****" and someone else can call him a "dumbass African American" and they are both being racist, even if one person is using a PC term.


          • #20
            i could've sworn the derogatory word for someone who is Jewish was "moneylender"


            • #21
              what the hell is ky** ?
              can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


              • #22
                Originally posted by Dim
                Dear Attention Seeker,

                Here on the internet we have a thing called email, The trench wars deans of staff even have their own email address! It is - How about you use the email instead of trying to get attention.

                Emailing can be fun too!
                thread killer

                Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Ezor
                  I saw the most absurd thing last night.

                  Some guy named Daunte Culpepper was running around pub blatantly ripping off Izor, spouting "ez" this and "newbed" that. He finally got out of control and let the infamous J-word slip, upon which he received a racism warning from Lunar Crescence. He then (correctly) pointed out that Jews are not a race, and suggested anti-Semitism be his crime rather than racism. This netted him a second warning, which didn't even contain the correction, but a mere threat.

                  I had mixed emotions at this point: I felt a sense of hatred for the ignorant staffer, but I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. Daunte made a fool of Lunar, so she threatened him with two warnings. gg.

                  How would you know what happened? Wouldn't they have done it in private messages. I bet you just created a new account and did that, then you'd post that newly created name here and see if you can get people to hate lunar. I'M SO SMART.

                  Leave Lunar alone.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Twerp
                    I bet you just created a new account and did that, then you'd post that newly created name here and see if you can get people to hate lunar. I'M SO SMART.
                    :clapping: yes, u are a genius.
                    thread killer

                    Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game


                    • #25
                      For the record:

                      You won't be automatically banned for saying the word Jew, every case is viewed in context. If you say: Random newbie#1> jew, hey you probably we will be banned. THERE'S NO REASON TO SAY IT, it can only cause one thing..offense. If you say: My great uncle is a jew and was alive during the war or something, you won't get banned.

                      Like TK said, don't throw empty words that have no meaning only to upset, theres no place nor need for racism. Go away if you feel the need to be racist, black people, white people, jews, muslims, christians, hindus anything, they're all here forever. Stop the hate,
                      EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
                      cool koen> :)
                      PRiMORDiAL> pfft
                      cool koen> not because of a bug
                      EvoLd> Lol
                      Treachery> meh
                      EvoLd> why then?
                      PubAceR> women in power dont last
                      EvoLd> LOl
                      toaster oven reviews


                      • #26
                        Twerp, I dunno if you're aware of the existence of the PrintScreen button on your keyboard, but believe it or not, it takes screenshots. Daunte took a screenshot and uploaded it, and forwarded me the URL. I laughed. Here's a cookie for being one hell of a conspiracy theorist though.
                        Originally posted by vubinspiran
                        I hate X very hard.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by IlyaZ
                          what the hell is ky** ?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Send
                            I thought whenever Lunar did that .**LOL** thing she was on crack
                            i think its supposed to be sexy

                            **ooohhhh yehhhh**
                            Last edited by Mystics; 10-28-2004, 08:14 PM.


                            • #29
                              Xena Warrior Princess> KYAAAAAA
                              Failure teaches success.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Ezor
                                Some guy named Daunte Culpepper was running around pub blatantly ripping off Izor, spouting "ez" this and "newbed" that.
                                ^ I thought this part was funny.


                                Ummm, to all you pub newbies, why do you think Izor is like the god of all things stupid? he didn't invent any of the bullshit you go on with, he just literally believes he's better than everyone and you other pub newbies think he is too.

                                Smarten up newbs!

